If Only We Were As Smart As Our Bombs


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Spc. Marc A. Anderson's family buried him March 11th of last year in Bushnell National Cemetery in Tampa - aged thirty. He was one of eight Americans killed during Operation Anaconda. As a civilian, he was “a born teacher” in a Florida magnet school. He was also paying off student loans of $45,000 and barely keeping afloat on his salary. He enlisted in 1999 because an army recruiter told him the military would pay off his student loans.

Jessica Lynch of Palestine, West Virginia, now 19, joined the army in 2001, not as a career but as a way station, her friends and family said, a path to the college education that her family could not otherwise afford and, ultimately, to a job as a kindergarten teacher.
“When students here get out of school,” said Rodney Watson, her high school softball coach, “it seems like there are two things they can do, which is either hang on the corner or go off to college or the military, and college takes money.”
Now that she has been wounded, captured by Iraqi forces, and freed after five days by American forces, it turns out that she will be able to afford college after all:
“This morning both West Virginia University and Marshall University, also in West Virginia, offered Private Lynch financial assistance to attend college and pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.

“We've read about her reason for joining the military,’ said David C. Hardesty Jr., the president of West Virginia University, ‘and along with her love for her country and her concern for the plight of the Iraqis, she wanted to better her life through a college education.”
My point here isn’t that Specialist Anderson and Private Lynch shouldn’t have joined the army. My point is that they shouldn’t have had to join the army to become or to remain teachers. The “education president” and the presidents before him and both political parties and both houses of congress should not have bequeathed us a country where the schools are starved and the Pentagon is stuffed like a Strasbourg goose.

And the blame is not with our leaders, but with ourselves: we are the ones who let them get away with such an astonishing distortion of our true national interests. Military officers get free medical care, free professional training, free graduate study, housing allowances, free room and board if single, government-subsidized PXes, retirement after twenty years, and free burial at the end of it all. If we can’t even make it possible for a young person to become a teacher without going into crushing debt, we should come right out and admit that we don’t give a damn about our schools — not really, not in any useful sense.

If we think a nation with our geography and our wealth needs armies more than it needs schools — and on the evidence, we seem to think exactly that — then we are paranoid fools.

:m: Peace
Well we've mostly got the republican party to blame for that (I don't consider myself a democrat so don't think this is purely a partisan comment). The republican ticket for as long as I've been around anyway, has been A car in every garage, a chickin in every pot, and an enemy around every corner. War has been their tool to economic success, and to gaining more power over the nation (That is undenyable at least with the current administration), and frankly it should stop. Unfortunately it seems to be a fairly popular conservative view that a few years in the millitary is all you need to get yourself straightend out and ready for life in the real world.
If Only We Were As Smart As Our Bombs

speak for yourself. i have higher aspirations


The US carried out a dress rehearsal to test the weapons a few days before the actual raids on Iraq. The 66 bombs launched by US navy aircraft achieved 100% success. In action, they chalked up an 80% failure rate.


In the Gulf War, despite the claims about precision missiles, 70 percent of U. S. bombs missed their targets and only 7 percent of the munitions used were so-called smart bombs..........

