if only it were this simple.....

The Devil Inside

if only.......
1. eternal (and i mean ETERNAL) happiness were based on whether i believed that a man died for the sake of my future wrongdoings....
2. god were a kindly old man, sitting on a throne.
3. i could spin in a circle, and say the name of my god 3 times really fast, i would go to heaven.

to know god, is to understand everything. but unfortunately, most people of the world have a concept of god that matches the three examples stated above.

the "humanization" of god is an atrocious insult to the idea of its existence. at no point, should you think of god as anything even remotely "human".

for example: the idea that my personal sins force god to turn his gaze from me is extremely egocentric. it gives me a measure of control over him. god is not changed by what we do. if i can make god angry with sin, then that means that i can conceivably control god in other ways. that denies the "omnipotence" from god, really.

for example: the idea that i can make god look away (or withdraw his presence, etc, etc) means that if god allows me to pursue a path of evil, if i wish, then i can draw further from him. the word "further" implies spiritual distance. by definition, it is evil to move away from god, if you are a monotheist.

now.....that also strips god of god's benevolence, to allow you to do something like that.

god is all. not just what you choose to see. :m:
The Devil Inside said:
if only.......
1. eternal (and i mean ETERNAL) happiness were based on whether i believed that a man died for the sake of my future wrongdoings....
2. god were a kindly old man, sitting on a throne.
3. i could spin in a circle, and say the name of my god 3 times really fast, i would go to heaven.

to know god, is to understand everything. but unfortunately, most people of the world have a concept of god that matches the three examples stated above.

the "humanization" of god is an atrocious insult to the idea of its existence. at no point, should you think of god as anything even remotely "human".

for example: the idea that my personal sins force god to turn his gaze from me is extremely egocentric. it gives me a measure of control over him. god is not changed by what we do. if i can make god angry with sin, then that means that i can conceivably control god in other ways. that denies the "omnipotence" from god, really.

for example: the idea that i can make god look away (or withdraw his presence, etc, etc) means that if god allows me to pursue a path of evil, if i wish, then i can draw further from him. the word "further" implies spiritual distance. by definition, it is evil to move away from god, if you are a monotheist.

now.....that also strips god of god's benevolence, to allow you to do something like that.

god is all. not just what you choose to see. :m:

Yes, millions of people believe it, that we can attain salvation by believing in the Saving Power of having murdered the Messiah, but in fact that doctrine originates with Paul and none of the Real Apostles believed it for a second. But the easy something-for-nothing quality of the doctrine has always given it great appeal, while powerful elites always enjoyed the prospect of being able to sin, rape, pillage and exploit all they liked after being given such unconditional Forgiveness. But, in time, the Catholic Church discerned that no thriving Civilization can be built upon doctrines so obviously permissive of Sin and Predatory Violence, and so Pauline Doctrine was largely destructured so that Religion could re-emphasize the necessity for practicing Righteousness. But the printing press and Protestantism resurrected Paul.

Regarding spinning three times and going to Heaven.... Dreams are very open doorways into the Spirit and if one knows some good Mantras or powerful Prayers, then, quickly going into Heaven, at least for a moment or two, is not really out of the question. I've been there, swirled up into Heaven after simply saying the "Hail Mary" in a dream.

You are correct about our actions not effecting God. However, our actions and behaviors DO effect the spiritual distance between ourselves and God. We can move closer or farther away from Mystical Union.

The question of God's benevolence is very much a mystery. It has been said that even if there is a God, but if that God were not Provident, that is, benevolent and active in His caring, then for all practical purposes, it would not matter whether there had been a God or not. A God that does not act might as well be no God at all.

But in rare instances, but not so rare that we do not have a long historic list, we know of Saints who have experienced a Benevolent and Providential God, as well as having distributed those Benefits.

This causes a problem in your severe depersonalization of God -- your deconstructing the Anthropomorphic Image of Divinity. The Problem with that de-humanizing God, is that God has always appeared to us, manifesting Himself in either His Saints, or in the Apparitions which have always taken on Anthropomorphic Appearances.
The Devil Inside said:
if only.......
1. eternal (and i mean ETERNAL) happiness were based on whether i believed that a man died for the sake of my future wrongdoings....
2. god were a kindly old man, sitting on a throne.
3. i could spin in a circle, and say the name of my god 3 times really fast, i would go to heaven.

to know god, is to understand everything. but unfortunately, most people of the mworld have a concept of god that matches the three examples stated above.

the "humanization" of god is an atrocious insult to the idea of its existence. at no point, should you think of god as anything even remotely "human".

i know what you mean...but. we are creatures who IMAGEine. pre-patriarchal pre-literate mythology was of course poetically image-filled, and associative
Like with poetry in comparison with prose, the former has many associations for any given word....so it is in pre-patriarchal mythology. for example Tree, Seperpent, Water, Bird, Mother, and so on

so fo you to assume that is is wrong not to give any human characterists to 'God'...are you meaning the same 'God' who waged a WAR on the image? which 'HE' did and 'his' representatives followed 'his law' on this crushing all of the pagan world

for example: the idea that my personal sins force god to turn his gaze from me is extremely egocentric. it gives me a measure of control over him. god is not changed by what we do. if i can make god angry with sin, then that means that i can conceivably control god in other ways. that denies the "omnipotence" from god, really.

for example: the idea that i can make god look away (or withdraw his presence, etc, etc) means that if god allows me to pursue a path of evil, if i wish, then i can draw further from him. the word "further" implies spiritual distance. by definition, it is evil to move away from god, if you are a monotheist.

now.....that also strips god of god's benevolence, to allow you to do something like that.

god is all. not just what you choose to see. :m:

in summary. i feel we are fooling ourselves if we pretend to NOT, or we CAN think of 'god' without image. for whatever we premise still lingers in our 'imageless' thoughts of 'him'
The Devil Inside said:
if only.......
1. eternal (and i mean ETERNAL) happiness were based on whether i believed that a man died for the sake of my future wrongdoings....
2. god were a kindly old man, sitting on a throne.
3. i could spin in a circle, and say the name of my god 3 times really fast, i would go to heaven.

to know god, is to understand everything. but unfortunately, most people of the world have a concept of god that matches the three examples stated above.

I know God, and in doing so, I understand that only He understands everything. And so I trust Him completely, and give Him my entire life...that is the best that I could possibly pray for...for myself and for the world.

the "humanization" of god is an atrocious insult to the idea of its existence. at no point, should you think of god as anything even remotely "human".

Yea, not even close...though that in no way hinders His communication with us. It's just that He constantly exceeds my expectations by a long shot....no matter how hard I try I just can not conceive of His power and His grace...He totally blows my mind...and in the best way possible.

for example: the idea that my personal sins force god to turn his gaze from me is extremely egocentric. it gives me a measure of control over him. god is not changed by what we do. if i can make god angry with sin, then that means that i can conceivably control god in other ways. that denies the "omnipotence" from god, really.

True...God is not the prude that many would make Him out to be...especially church people ironically enough. Nothing surprises or shocks God...He's seen it coming for infinity.

for example: the idea that i can make god look away (or withdraw his presence, etc, etc) means that if god allows me to pursue a path of evil, if i wish, then i can draw further from him. the word "further" implies spiritual distance. by definition, it is evil to move away from god, if you are a monotheist.

now.....that also strips god of god's benevolence, to allow you to do something like that.

No matter how far you run, He is still right there. No matter which way you turn, He is still right there. You can look in every other direction, and yet He is still standing right there in front of you. Look at Him and see.

god is all. not just what you choose to see. :m:

Thank God. Nice post.

God is Love,

The Devil Inside said:
you know god? wow. you must be VERY wise, to understand infinity.

Who said I understood infinity or was wise? I said that I knew God, not that I knew everything that He knows. In knowing Him I realize how much I do not know, but also in knowing Him I know the source of all truth and knowledge. Don't think I want to understand it all...why would I? After all, I'm not in charge of creation, He is. But since we're on the subject, something He said to me not too long ago has to do with our concept of infinity...He said to me "There is no time here." I'm assuming that He meant "where His is, or resides, or in the spiritual plane, or heaven, or the Kingdom"...I don't know...we were talking about something else really...and it just came up in the conversation.

Love ya,

i see.
i still stand by the idea that it is impossible to know god or relate to god.
i apologize for the word bending. :)
dont say you love me, please.....you dont even know me. :)

Like ya!!!
The Devil Inside
The Devil Inside said:
i see.
i still stand by the idea that it is impossible to know god or relate to god.
i apologize for the word bending. :)
dont say you love me, please.....you dont even know me. :)

Like ya!!!
The Devil Inside

so you think it 'impossible'? what, to the Judaic-Hebrew God or the god of Goddess' groves?
i notice you put small 'g'. that's quite remak-able, cause i personally feel the trouble beGAN when 'god' got big 'G'...when the 'son' tried to getone over Mama...so much so, he wanna kill her. which actually is what has happening and is happening on many levels.
For example, now, amongst the dominators and many consumers there is no deep reverance for Nature. no sense of its spiritual being. dont kow if you'd agree?

what would have been 'knowing god' in the Matirachal sphere of understanding would be directly EXPERINCING hir....DIRECTLY. hence hallucinogenic fruit. for the Fruit WAs the god, and god WAs Nature, WAs Goddess. and yo ARe god. so its all a continuum of ecstasy. don't you see?
what patriarchs do is first demonize the myth of the Goddess and son/lover..god, then it demonizes the actual Direct Experience, then it eventually phases out the very MEMORy of the real sacramant, replacing it with its 'placebo' version...example, the thin crappy wafer and wine--if yer lucky. then the poor soul is supposed to pretend that what they've eat is their god, Jesus. now that aint knowing, is it? would you agree?
The Devil Inside said:
i see.
i still stand by the idea that it is impossible to know god or relate to god.

Well, you're wrong, because I do. After all, why would God create a species that He could not relate to or know? Nothing is impossible with Him. He says that He made us in His image, and He came to earth in the form of a human being Himself 2000 years ago. And His spirit, the Holy Spirit, can indeed and does indeed communicate with ours all the time. He communicates with you, you just deny the source is all. Going through this miracle that I've been through in the past year, I have seen myself, but also other people, non-believers alike used by God to the point of my jaw dropping onto the floor...it's been amazing to watch. I've seen the "other side" at work in some as well...and it's been scary to watch. But suffice it to say that people really have no idea just how influenced they are by the spiritual realm.

i apologize for the word bending. :)

It's cool.

dont say you love me, please.....you dont even know me. :)

Like ya!!!
The Devil Inside

Ah, but I do love you...not in a romantic way...lol. I mean that in a "God like" way, as in "I love humanity". I do, as much as they piss me the f off sometimes...I just wish that everyone knew what I know about God. I want you to know Him too. You're wrong about not being able to know Him. I've had many conversations with Him, and He's awesome. He's taught me so many things, that have changed me and my life forever and for better. Give it a try.


i can understand why you think you know god, but you dont, in my eyes.
god is more than your "meat brain" and soul can ever know. ever.
any attempt to say otherwise diminishes from the idea of god.

btw....i dont use my shift key often. lol and you will never see me give god a gender. if i ever have, its a mistake (m)
the devil inside said:
god is more than your "meat brain" and soul can ever know. ever.
you tell lori she dont know you, and then call her a meat brain, a bit rude, especially from someone who took issue with another girl on another thread, for something so mediocre as stating a fact.
are you a girl hater, or do you feel empowered, well dont because they can give as good as they get and better sometimes. rude bastard.
The Devil Inside said:
for example: the idea that my personal sins force god to turn his gaze from me is extremely egocentric. it gives me a measure of control over him. god is not changed by what we do. if i can make god angry with sin, then that means that i can conceivably control god in other ways. that denies the "omnipotence" from god, really.

Wow, your paragraph is impressive. That's a pretty good contradiction
right there Devil Dawg.
The Devil Inside said:
you dont love me. you think you do, cuz you think you are supposed to. but you dont. its impossible without knowing who i am.

You're right...I just love your doggy style. :D

And Big D...I have a personal relationship with God. We've had conversations...He's taught me many things. A drop in the bucket compared to all of the knowledge that He posseses, but it's been everything that I've needed to know. He's changed me and my life for real and forever. And I'm not making this shit up...believe it or not.

