If I were God,


Valued Senior Member
If I were God I would get bored, i would create a species that would entertain me.

start with 'If I were God"

(blame toltec)
If I were God I'd never command children, women, men, or animals to be killed. I would never require bloodshed (violence) to be a solution to "save" ones soul. Instead, chocolate and :m: for all who would receive. :cool:
If I were God I'd probably vanish in a puff of contradictory logic. ;)
If I were God I'd realise that anyone else with a human life was too. I suppose I could speculate about non-humans being God.

I wouldn't get all hypothetical about being a supernatural being either, because I would know that humans aren't supernatural in the slightest. So no creating or destroying the universe, ok?

And I would be very careful about not pissing off the aliens. . .
if i were god, i would simply do the big bang, and watch how the universe turns out. of course, secretly and totally unperceptive to anyone, i would make some changes..like...no unnecessary and completely useless suffering for .those that don't have a clue to why they suffer. or i would allow worshiping gods, but when religious fanatics go on start a rampage on "hedens" and "unbelievers" i would stop them...with no visible trail of me of course. i would also stop them from interfering with progress. ok, so i wouldn't actually just wait to see what would come out...fuck, i'd knew that already..IM GOD, dido. why the fuck make a universe if YOUR GOD. you know EVERYTHING before. EVERYTHING!!!!!
another reason i'm atheist...dose that make me not believing in my own existence? i am god...:confused:
If i were God and ppl started using me as an excuse to do bad things,i would make their nose grow like Pinocchio's...that way they would be able to see it was not me that had them do that..
i just watched a show called "toddlers and tiaras" (because there's nothing else on at 6am), and let me tell you something...

i would smite some motherfuckers like you wouldn't believe.
If I were God, I would go and see a shrink, because I'd have a terrible lack of self belief.
Oh man, if I was God...

Devils and demons everywhere, the dead rising from the grave like a zombie movie and lurching off in search of brains to eat, leviathan monsters stomping on Paris, cats and dogs getting it on together...

Your basic armegeddon stuff. Fire and brimstone, hellfire and damation. My Kingdom would be a thing to behold.

Maybe I'd "rapture" all the atheists to paradise first, though. Then I'd love to watch Christians and Muslims waving Bibles and Korans at me insanely, right before I boomed out like thunder "WRONG!!' and started turning them, very painfully, into giant spiders.

(On second thought, maybe it's a good thing that I'm not God. Like the Biblical Yahweh and the Islamic Allah, I suspect that I'm probably not emotionally right for the job.)
Ya know, as it was pointed out in "The Matrix I"- (to paraphrase) "at first we built a utopia, but people refused to believe in this world and it was a horrible failure".

So whereas I would normally say "If I was God I would make it Heaven on Earth" I know this is an impossibility- you can't make everyone everywhere happy all the time always- unless you were in some fantasyland and I don't think man was made to live in a fantasyland.

If I were God, I would probably do what He is currently doing: planting the seeds and watching the crops grow. Then harvesting the soul to add to the continuum upon death.
"People don't believe in God so much as they choose not to believe in nothing."
Jeff Bridges, Fearless (1993)
if i were god, id stop the mind games and just be open with my exsistence. Whats up with the whole faith bullshit? I guess i just dont have gods ego
if i were god, id stop the mind games and just be open with my exsistence. Whats up with the whole faith bullshit? I guess i just dont have gods ego

faith is trust in something you know. you can have faith in a person. you can have faith in the weather. you can have faith that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.

ps...you know you'd be smiting some motherfuckers just like i would. ;)

HEY! that's a great idea for a punk rock song! SMITE! SMITE! SMITE! :eek:
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Faith is a myth made up to sidestep the issue and provide an excuse for the sheep such that they could be controlled by the priests and kings.

If truly there were a god he would be open and transparent as Anarcho Union suggests. There would be no need for mythology, it would all be right there.
Faith is a myth made up to sidestep the issue and provide an excuse for the sheep such that they could be controlled by the priests and kings.

If truly there were a god he would be open and transparent as Anarcho Union suggests. There would be no need for mythology, it would all be right there.

god is open and transparent. the problem is that people look for religion instead.