If I said God really does exist...

What would you think?

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Not much. Would you also reason why god exist or would you only state it like you did in the title?
Yeah, I would say that because I had reasoned it out in my head.
If you have an appropriately high level of intelligence and you give it enough thought then you will eventually figure out that you are wrong.

Whenever I hear someone say that they think there is a god I feel a little sorry for them, because I know they were victims of something I consider abuse. Its a sort of mild abuse in most cases, but then there are the rather vocal number of folks who think god exists who have been done obvious damage by it. Folks who murder doctors, or shun other people based on the belief and whatnot. These people are the proof of how harmful it can be.
I would ask you lots of questions and if you still believe then good for you i'd hope it makes you happy, it wouldnt change my beliefs though.
Q25 said:
If I said God really does exist...

which god?
how do you know?
what does god look like?

1 ONe god
2 His creations the unverse animals tht didnt come by it self
3 god has no shape no size no soul (he is not human)
Imam Ali as has said(i know u dont care but think): what ever u think abt god will be your knowledge which god has created with limits.

tht means whatever we think of god we will be thinking with our limited brains
In other words, it's silly, vain, and fruitless for us to pretend we have even a shallow understanding of "God."
Ergo, religion and all theistic thought should be abandoned.

By the way, Hussein, you really need to work on your typing... or your English.
Al Hussein,

1 ONe god

2 His creations the unverse animals tht didnt come by it self
We know – it’s called evolution. No gods are needed.

3 god has no shape no size no soul (he is not human)
And if you were to describe something that didn’t exist you would also say it has no size, no shape, no soul, no substance, and is invisible. Do you see the rather strong and overwhelming correlation between things that do not exist and gods?

tht means whatever we think of god we will be thinking with our limited brains
Well almost right. To be more accurate – how we define a god is only limited by the power of our imagination since there are no facts to say otherwise.


Oh come on. Are there still people tha believe in the evolution theory??
Which theory do you mean? There are many theories that try to explain evolutionary processes.

But evolution itself is fact, it has occurred, there can be no doubt.

Bruce Wayne said:
Oh come on. Are there still people tha believe in the evolution theory??

Yeah, Kat! Everybody knows it was a talking snake in a tree. Grow up.

Josh :D
Q25 said:
If I said God really does exist...
which god?
how do you know?
what does god look like?

I think the following story is a good illustration. (No abuse to Buddism here)

Buddha was seated among his disciples one morning when a man approached the gathering. "Does God exist," he asked. "Yes, God exists," Buddha answered. After lunch, another man appeared. "Does God exist?" he asked. "No, God does not exist," Buddha answered. Late in the day, a third man asked Buddha the same question, and Buddha's response was: "You must decide for yourself." "Master, this is absurd," said one of the disciples. "How can you give three different answers to the same question?" "Because they were different persons," answered the Enlightened One. "And each person approaches God in his own way: some with certainty, some with denial and some with doubt."

Thus, the answer depends on personal experience I guess.. For me, I would say yes
JustARide said:
Yeah, Kat! Everybody knows it was a talking snake in a tree. Grow up.

Josh :D

Funny guy... :p

Evolution is a myth, not because it "contradicts" creation. Because it doesn't have to. It is a myth because all the efforts that have been made to substantiate it failed to. I have remarked though that some atheist friends of mine still cling to it. But since they are reasonable (and Brilliant) they never say it is a fact. They just say consider the possibility. I think it would be more logical to suppose Devolution, Because of the diseases and failures that crept into the gene pool over the many years.
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