IF God would exist, he would have more fun with individuals


The Anti-Cthulhu
Registered Senior Member
This might have been covered..
What do you think? Don't you think god would be more interested in seeing masses of individuals behaving selfishly and so create beauty in chaos? Rather than hordes of Animals worshipping him the same way? Unless God has a intelligence of a Christian..
This might have been covered..
What do you think? Don't you think god would be more interested in seeing masses of individuals behaving selfishly and so create beauty in chaos? Rather than hordes of Animals worshipping him the same way? Unless God has a intelligence of a Christian..

Ok First of all your looking at this from a human stand point.Your human so I can understand that ,but look at it this way ,Your God ,you just spent a ton of time and possibly energy to create the universe,create all the things on the earth,then create man,As God you are holy and sinless,what would you want your creations to do,things that you abhore,or glorify you for everything you did? you probely still will not understand this
Re: Re: IF God would exist, he would have more fun with individuals

Originally posted by snow
what would you want your creations to do,things that you abhore,or glorify you for everything you did?
I find the concept of a praise and glory seeking God to be very small and very, very human.
My god would have to have a bit more self-esteem.

The fact that he is not human.. He would be something above human.. So how come he would act like some lame Christian human expecting everything to be neat and tidy?
God deserves praise and glory. That's different than demanding it so you can look good in the eyes of your peers.

It is also evident God is a God of peace and order. He wants people to live in harmony, not chaos. How can justice prevail where there is chaos?

1 Corinthians 14
33For God is not the author of confusion but of peace...

2 Corinthians 13 (Amplified Bible)
11Finally, brethren, farewell (rejoice)! Be strengthened (perfected, completed, made what you ought to be); be encouraged and consoled and comforted; be of the same [agreeable] mind one with another; live in peace, and [then] the God of love [Who is the Source of affection, goodwill, love, and benevolence toward men] and the Author and Promoter of peace will be with you.

<font color="red">Moderator edit: post removed due to unnecessary obscenity</font>
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Censorship, bah.

Are you moderators aware that by editing such things you only succeed in creating an undue interest in what he might have said?
Yeah.. it looks pretty good too! :)
It's like &*£$&*£$&*£.. :)
I am not at all surprised.. After all its a religion forum
I do not think God wants you to worship him. He just wants you to do the right things (ie help one another etc). I think by doing that, you are 'worshipping' him. God does not want you to burn stuff nor offer sacrifices to him (ie animals etc).

Suppose you can create a dog for example. Would you want the dog to be a mass murderer or a dog that do the right things?

If God wants people to worship him, there will not have been so many religions. He would have appeared in the sky and shown himself to all and everyone on Earth will be worshipping him. The religious mess today will not have been.
I do not think God wants you to worship him. He just wants you to do the right things (ie help one another etc). I think by doing that, you are 'worshipping' him. God does not want you to burn stuff nor offer sacrifices to him (ie animals etc).
So you agree, at least the church is just a lie?
Suppose you can create a dog for example. Would you want the dog to be a mass murderer or a dog that do the right things?
Surely, a bunch of mass-murderer dogs wouldn't last very long.
But I would create an individualism. So some dogs would be mass-murderers, just so other dogs would live in fear. :) Then I could laugh out of the scared beings.

If God wants people to worship him, there will not have been so many religions. He would have appeared in the sky and shown himself to all and everyone on Earth will be worshipping him. The religious mess today will not have been.
But instead he wouldn't show himself at all. Why show himself with bullshit Jesus and etc.?
I think the question is what is meant by 'worship'. All sacrifices were replaced by Jesus who sacrificed Himself. But the followers of Jesus are expected to "sacrifice praise" to God. Worshipping means acknowledging God and praising (or thanking) Him for everything. The first sacrifice in the Bible was brought by Noah as thanks, after he was saved from the flood.

The next instance of sacrifice in the Bible was where God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son ("Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love"), and then replaced that sacrifice with a ram ("He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.") These were the precedents of the ritual of sacrifice, and which were fulfilled (given meaning) by the sacrifice of Jesus.

Exodus 23:25
Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,

Romans 3:25
God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement,[Or as the one who would turn aside his wrath, taking away sin] through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished–

Matthew 9:13
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'[Hosea 6:6] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Mark 12:33
To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."

Romans 12:1
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual[Or reasonable] act of worship.

You see the meaning becoming clear? God's law and orders had to be there for the mercy to have meaning. It is still that way.

The church is only a lie if they do not act as a church outside the building they use for worship; it means they don't know what they are doing. One part of finding the truth is exposing the lies. Such as killing people in the name of God.

Does that answer your question ndrs?
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