If God was a human today,what would be his/her profile?


Burnin' hours, season days
Registered Senior Member
I was born Catholic, now somewhat lapsed, but nonetheless have an empathy for other denominations and often see the similarity in the everyday practices in other religous followers and their God.

I was wondering out aloud, what if if there was a whole modern type bible story, which actually started 2000 years later, what would your God look like today? where would this human being live, work and hang out and what sport would he/she play, clothes worn, books read, friends kept and what would he/she drive and would this special being have a need for a website and use Sf? :)
I'd think that humanity has evoloved enough to see that there is no God as you would come to believe. It is only a myth that people are told to believe in. I would think it might be better just to believe in yourself instead of a fictional supernatural invisible being watching over everything, don't you?:shrug:
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Haven't you heard? God is again on earth as a human.

Behold the savior!

What a joke. All politicans are telling us only they can help us while they screw us as much as they can!:mad:
I'd think that humanity has evoloved enough to see that there is no God as you would come to believe. It is only a myth that people are told to believe in. I would think it might be better just to believe in yourself instead of a fictional supernatural invisible being watching over everything, don't you?:shrug:

I was talikng about your God, which in your case is you. But, if this facititious character which has polarised the masses over the past two thousand years, was reincarnated in today's terms, what would his/her profile be?
Obama is sure a pretty good one, but does this being need to be a politician? ;)
I was talikng about your God, which in your case is you. But, if this facititious character which has polarised the masses over the past two thousand years, was reincarnated in today's terms, what would his/her profile be?
Obama is sure a pretty good one, but does this being need to be a politician? ;)

I really don't think that if there was such an entity as a so called God that it would manifest itself as a lowly politican that only lies, cheats and steals in order to get what it wants.:mad:
Well, Jesus was a bit hit and miss.
The big fella is sending down his daughter, Maude, she's a librarian, a virgin, likes cats and abbhors violence. So far she's keeping a low profile, you know, keeping her head down, keeping to herself, small circle of friends, walks to work, she's quite plain and a bit shy.
Daddy's secretly fuming, he wants a bit more from his perefect progeny but she thinks he's a bully and should do his own dirty work; God knows( shit, shit, shit, sorry Daddy, freudian slip), he fucked things over royally with previous attempts and she can't for the life of her work out why in God's name ( shit, I'm sure I'll burn in hell!) he invented aitheists, what possible good did that little idea come to?

So anyway, look out for her, if she plucks up the courage, she's gonna set things right, but by Jesus, it's a big job.
lol! Spud Emperor, I'll keep an eye out for Maude, at least she might make me read more...
So Maude puts down her book on climate change and sets forth to Times Square where she vies for the attention of the over indulgent, overtaxed and overfed masses. She buys advertsising space form Cocoa Cola-Amatil and informs the underimpressed about the virtues of being good to each other in these lean times. No one bats an eyelid and they all continue on their way. Maude complains to big daddy who advises her to keep her chin up. She goes to the mattresses and sets upon designing a computer viris the world has never seen. For three days the world is besieged by boredom, as there is no electronic communication. People are forced to converse manually. Family relationships and friendships are repaired as people see and hear first hand what each other was saying. The FBI identify her as their most wanted. She is caught. The DA washes his hands of her and silicon valley beys for her blood. She is tried and sentenced to live in San Quentin, which is later commuted to twenty years in Club Med where she eventually dies of skin cancer. She is posthumuously awarded the nobel peace prize.