If God made man in his image, what does that say about God?


Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
Well if God made man as scripture says, what does that say about God? What does that say about the creator of all things?

Why would God create a faliable creature in need of redemption? Is God flawed or is he/she just playing around?

Contrary to Einstien, is God just playing a little dice?
If a creator god exists, and is responsible in some way for creating life on earth and humanity.... He's a deadbeat dad, and an Incestuous Pedophile, so he has the same failures as all of us... In essence, we're his greatest creation, we would have to be at least as flawed as him.
theists have a hard time with their fantasies not being true, therefore they forego the most sound hypothesis or at least the more realistic in favor of the best wish possible.

if there was a creator of life and the universe, then the only conclusion is that it would also be flawed.

the universe is certainly interesting because it's so larger than us as well as we haven't figured it all out yet but that really doesn't mean that it necessarily symbolizes an intelligent creator if there was one. they try to cite the laws of the universe. so? it is what it is and does what it does because of what it is. it can be complicated but that doesn't mean it's intelligent. intelligent compared to what? it may be that it would take more intelligence to figure out what is even less intelligent, simply because it isn't or is more chaotic.

think of this type example. humans are at the top of the food chain here but we all know there are people that are utterly despicable and even very stupid. we know that there are ant hives that are more worthy of respect than that.

there is this assumption among most people that something they can't control or seems to have more power than they is somehow inherently intelligent or literally better. maybe it has nothing to do with that.
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The conclusion that God does not exist, is certianly a vaild one. But if God does exist, and if the scriptures are indeed words of truth, what does that say about God himself?
It says that He is the worst role-model ever, and should be abandoned and ignored just the same as if He never existed.
theists have a hard time with their fantasies not being true, therefore they forego the most sound hypothesis or at least the more realistic in favor of the best wish possible.

This is exactly right. In their eyes, they would argue free will and that we are after all the created, and as such, imperfect. Why? Because the scriptures say so, and they believe the words to be the living words of their god.

There's actually no "hard time" about it. It is simple fact to them because they believe the word to be true.

You know what it is going to take for them? Not you or I telling them this wisdom, no. God is going to one day let them down one by one, then they'll see that they were believing a myth. You can bank on it. Not all of them, and not all at once, but their god will fail as he's failed every person I know. Some still cling to the hope though, like my wife. Thankfully, she's had me, with sound reasoning, to keep her from going insane when god failed her last time. I can't believe how far I have come. I'm shocked that I was actually a devoted Christian, through the thick and thin. I think back to the times I studied and taught to other Christian students in my class about application of scripture to their lives. I spoke with god often, met with everyone I could, studied whenever I had the chance. I lived and breathed by the grace of god and loved him, so I believed. I woke up over the course of about 5 years of time and realized that nothing I did really mattered. God is not really listening or watching because he didn't exist. It was either that, or he was cruel. I was wasting my time.

My point is that it is just not possible to convince the theist. It takes a lot of time for life to happen, then they will wake up and be open to hearing the voice of reason. At the same time, the theist cannot offer anything aside from a threat to the atheist to believe. Something has got to give, we are all wasting time when we could be working together to make this world better. Wake up theists! We need your help!
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This is exactly right. In their eyes, they would argue free will and that we are after all the created, and as such, imperfect. Why? Because the scriptures say so, and they believe the words to be the living words of their god.

There's actually no "hard time" about it. It is simple fact to them because they believe the word to be true.

You know what it is going to take for them? Not you or I telling them this wisdom, no. God is going to one day let them down one by one, then they'll see that they were believing a myth. You can bank on it. Not all of them, and not all at once, but their god will fail as he's failed every person I know. Some still cling to the hope though, like my wife. Thankfully, she's had me, with sound reasoning, to keep her from going insane when god failed her last time. I can't believe how far I have come. I'm shocked that I was actually a devoted Christian, through the thick and thin. I think back to the times I studied and taught to other Christian students in my class about application of scripture to their lives. I spoke with god often, met with everyone I could, studied whenever I had the chance. I lived and breathed by the grace of god and loved him, so I believed. I woke up over the course of about 5 years of time and realized that nothing I did really mattered. God is not really listening or watching because he didn't exist. It was either that, or he was cruel. I was wasting my time.

My point is that it is just not possible to convince the theist. It takes a lot of time for life to happen, then they will wake up and be open to hearing the voice of reason. At the same time, the theist cannot offer anything aside from a threat to the atheist to believe. Something has got to give, we are all wasting time when we could be working together to make this world better. Wake up theists! We need your help!

Just pointing out that xtians would say the same thing about you...

I find it humorous how both sides talk about the other the same exact way.
Just pointing out that xtians would say the same thing about you...

I find it humorous how both sides talk about the other the same exact way.

You are right, but the problem I have is theists preach death to the nonbeliever. Not necessarily by their hands, and not necessarily a physical death, but a spiritual death..or eternal death. We atheists don't preach death to the theist, but acceptance instead. We are always making parlay, and are forced to offer some freedoms to believe, but we do so gladly as long as the belief does no immediate damage. There's something wrong with this picture if the gods are supposed to be benevolent.
Contrary to Einstien, is God just playing a little dice?

I think if got put us here for his entertainment (kinda like an antfarm) he is one sick minded being I mean who would want to watch children mistreated people killed women raped. Especially if you had the power to stop it. I mean to me that speaks volumes. God could of snuffed hitler at birth but let him grow up and slaughter Jews all the while knowing it was going to happen. Good move god! Where do I sign up to join your army of love?
Well if God made man as scripture says, what does that say about God? What does that say about the creator of all things?

Why would God create a faliable creature in need of redemption? Is God flawed or is he/she just playing around?

Contrary to Einstien, is God just playing a little dice?

if god made man in his image it means many things - namely that man has desire born out free will and that accepting god as human like in appearance is not anthropomorphic.

Of course there are issues unique to god that one wouldn't expect to be invested in man - such as omnipotence (we can hardly be attributed with vast cosmic powers), infallibility (we hardly be credited with a position of lordship over the domain) or being in need of redemption (having come to this material existence as a consequence of misuse of free will, its clear what we are in need of).

In short the similarities are in quality, not quantity