If God is love and forgiving...


Registered Member
The sole reason why I and people don't believe in God is because there's no evidence. If I die, and go to Hell just for not believing in Jesus, and watch Christians entering the Heaven, it would be an evidence that is good enough to prove that God exists. And I'm sure I would come to believe that God and Jesus exist.

So, if I decide to believe in God in Hell, what would the loving and all-forgiving God do to me? Would He save me from Hell? He won't or He can't (because someone said going to Hell is one's decision, meaning God cannot prevent it)? If he won't, He's not loving and all-forgiving God, if He can't, He is not almighty.

Yeah, I'm very inferior to God, but if I had designed the Universe for humans (as Christians believe), I could have designed it a whole lot better way. Why create both Heaven and Hell? Isn't it better to create just one Heaven and send all the people there and feel the joy and happiness? I'm sure everybody will become good in Heaven. See the human world, the reason people become evil is mostly because they're under a bad circumstance. Who would steal when there are plenty of food? And better yet, if we live on the world just for 100 years and live in Heaven or Hell for eternity, isn't it better to skip the world and let people be born in Heaven directly? You say the Original sin, ah, just forget it. Stealing some apples, big deal. Why is God so narrow-minded? Why can't he just forgive it without any conditions? I would forgive my child without any conditions if he ate some cookies that I told him not to eat. Why can't God?

The whole concept of the Original sin is ridiculous. God said if men eat those apples, they would know good and evil, then that means men didn't know what's good and what's bad before eating the apples. And why is it a bad thing, if they were too stupid to know what bad means, and didn't hurt anyone except maybe themselves. And didn't God know they are going to eat them? When the serpent started talking to the woman, where was God? Didn't God know that? Why didn't he stop the serpent, to test human so that He can damn the human race forever for that? Why did God place the apple tree at the first place? What kind of loving parent would place a poison in reach of his beloved baby and tell the stupid baby not to eat it lest you shall die? Hey, if you have young child, and somebody just placed a poisonous food around him telling him not to eat it, and left him alone for a while, then your child eventually ate it, serioulsy, who would you blame? If somebody can say "my child", come forward. Then I would never tell him not to believe in God.

The Original sin is, in my opinion, is just a tool to scare and restrict people. If the Original sin is a sin, please note that it was all started by God, thus God should take (the whole or at least partial) responsibility. The Genesis is just a folk tale, nothing different from the story about how Uranus and Gaia created the world. Both are impossible to be literally true , both have no evidence, and why should we believe Genesis as a fact and the Greek mythology as a story?

If the Christianity had the Greek mythology as the Old testament, they could have invented the original sin for 1)the use of stolen God's fire or 2)opening a box that God told the first woman not to open. Anything can be used for anything. Just open your eyes... you're not born sinners neither are your children.
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Life, the universe & everything do seem to be designed but not very well. It's as if someone had the power & some knowledge but not enough knowledge & no wisdom. Or it's all some twisted sicko game.
Of course, seeming is evidence enough only to look for more evidence, of which I can't find any.
The sole reason why I and people don't believe in God is because there's no evidence. If I die, and go to Hell just for not believing in Jesus, and watch Christians entering the Heaven, it would be an evidence that is good enough to prove that God exists. And I'm sure I would come to believe that God and Jesus exist.

So, if I decide to believe in God in Hell, what would the loving and all-forgiving God do to me? Would He save me from Hell? He won't or He can't (because someone said going to Hell is one's decision, meaning God cannot prevent it)? If he won't, He's not loving and all-forgiving God, if He can't, He is not almighty.

Yeah, I'm very inferior to God, but if I had designed the Universe for humans (as Christians believe), I could have designed it a whole lot better way. Why create both Heaven and Hell? Isn't it better to create just one Heaven and send all the people there and feel the joy and happiness? I'm sure everybody will become good in Heaven. See the human world, the reason people become evil is mostly because they're under a bad circumstance. Who would steal when there are plenty of food? And better yet, if we live on the world just for 100 years and live in Heaven or Hell for eternity, isn't it better to skip the world and let people be born in Heaven directly? You say the Original sin, ah, just forget it. Stealing some apples, big deal. Why is God so narrow-minded? Why can't he just forgive it without any conditions? I would forgive my child without any conditions if he ate some cookies that I told him not to eat. Why can't God?

The whole concept of the Original sin is ridiculous. God said if men eat those apples, they would know good and evil, then that means men didn't know what's good and what's bad before eating the apples. And why is it a bad thing, if they were too stupid to know what bad means, and didn't hurt anyone except maybe themselves. And didn't God know they are going to eat them? When the serpent started talking to the woman, where was God? Didn't God know that? Why didn't he stop the serpent, to test human so that He can damn the human race forever for that? Why did God place the apple tree at the first place? What kind of loving parent would place a poison in reach of his beloved baby and tell the stupid baby not to eat it lest you shall die? Hey, if you have young child, and somebody just placed a poisonous food around him telling him not to eat it, and left him alone for a while, then your child eventually ate it, serioulsy, who would you blame? If somebody can say "my child", come forward. Then I would never tell him not to believe in God.

The Original sin is, in my opinion, is just a tool to scare and restrict people. If the Original sin is a sin, please note that it was all started by God, thus God should take (the whole or at least partial) responsibility. The Genesis is just a folk tale, nothing different from the story about how Uranus and Gaia created the world. Both are impossible to be literally true , both have no evidence, and why should we believe Genesis as a fact and the Greek mythology as a story?

If the Christianity had the Greek mythology as the Old testament, they could have invented the original sin for 1)the use of stolen God's fire or 2)opening a box that God told the first woman not to open. Anything can be used for anything. Just open your eyes... you're not born sinners neither are your children.
its all just MYTHology designed (like you said) scare people into obedience


the more you read bible to learn about god the sooner you come to realize its all BS
Loving god,,,what a joke
God is love & forgiving?...... Is this why God made us, so He could forgive us? Think about it for a minute, why should God even be in a position to love & forgive? When God was by His lonesome and before He got the creative urge was He loving & forgiving? Only if He loved & forgave Himself, I guess.

Why the big furor over good and evil? Sounds like it was meant to be.