If God Created the Universe, what created God?


Registered Senior Member
Ah yes, this simple, but meaningful question we used to hear in Sunday school. If you're a Christian, and you believe that God created everything in the universe, then what exactly is "God"?
Obviously, someone or something happened in which this "God" appeared. Personally, I don't believe in God and thus, this question doesn't apply to me. I just want to hear the answers that you people answer this with.

Think about it, if nothing was there, then how could something come out of nothing and then create everything as we know it. I suppose, "God" spawned from the Big Bang too? :D

I dont believe either on a biblical God BUT..

Man is limited as far as knowing everything just by the physics of this universe. Matter of fact, he has a hard time understanding himself. BUT the fact that he is limited as to knowing everything gives him hope of infinite possibilities. There's hope in ignorance and untill the last bit of kowledge is known I will have hope in an afterlife.

An agnostics opinion.
Or if we assume he has always existed then what was he doing before he created the universe? Was he bored, lonely, or what?

Perhaps he has created many universes in the hope of one time not making so many mistakes.
Question is how would something that is timeless percieve time (be it nothing at all or indeed God)? My thoughts are that time itself is prone to entrophy and is not an infinate mechanism which is a paradox in its self because it's accepted as the metronome to which everything is tied. Hehe just like in a good three piece band don't ya know, its actually the melodic bass player that keeps the time not the drummer at all, if you get my meaning. :)
I don't think anyone created the universe...

...it was simply created accidentally in natural processes.Why is it so hard to accept?
Re: I don't think anyone created the universe...

Originally posted by Gravage
...it was simply created accidentally in natural processes.Why is it so hard to accept?

It's hard to accept because of a couple reasons. One, we believe in cause and effect, for example, I'm here because of my parents. Two, we are such insignificant beings in comparison to the universe that we assume automatically there's something superior to us.
Re: Re: I don't think anyone created the universe...

Originally posted by Greco
It's hard to accept because of a couple reasons. One, we believe in cause and effect, for example, I'm here because of my parents. Two, we are such insignificant beings in comparison to the universe that we assume automatically there's something superior to us.

And yet,the natural processes are above us,above parents,above any being,it's simply depends on us how much we will be able to use energy in our benefit.
Gravage ...it was simply created accidentally in natural processes.Why is it so hard to accept?

Just like a christian saying God created the universe. Well what created God?

Just like an evolutionist saying the universe was created because of the big bang, or multiple big bangs. Where did the matter come from to cause a big bang?

Question is how would something that is timeless percieve time (be it nothing at all or indeed God)?

How can a mere human understand timelessness. We were born into time. We mark the days as we grow older and eventually die. To be outside of time, you could perceive the world from the beginning to the end because you are outside of time. I believe there is a dimension of timelessness.
Now this may just be a fallacy of the human condition but i find it very hard to imagine a dimension outside time. How could any being function without time, how could it think? One thought following another would in itself define some sort of time. And if this being doesn't think or live what's the point of worshipping it? If it can't think it can't care.

Originally posted by Quigly
Just like a christian saying God created the universe. Well what created God?

Just like an evolutionist saying the universe was created because of the big bang, or multiple big bangs. Where did the matter come from to cause a big bang?

I do agree,but natural processes are everywhere,there is no limit of nature.And I actually support big bang theory and evoultion.

How can a mere human understand timelessness. We were born into time. We mark the days as we grow older and eventually die. To be outside of time, you could perceive the world from the beginning to the end because you are outside of time. I believe there is a dimension of timelessness.

Sure that might be,I can also consider that,but still it doesn't mean you will be eternal.What if time doesn't exist at all,what if this was some human imagination.I truly wonder...
I hear this from many scientist, nubians, nuwabians, ufo cults, atheist, etc, maybe its not meants for you to know everything, if many knew what created God they would probably try to destroy HIM, thats just mans nature the gain of ultimate power, people seek for the wrong things in life, asking questions that minister more questions instead of seeking for edification of life, why worry yourself with something you'll never know and something that wont help you, i believe though there is a timeless deminsion, my bishop spoke once about the tunnel of time, where you translate from physical earth to afterlife, being heaven or hell, but there isnt any time factor there, this is my $ 0.02 pea ce in.
if many knew what created God they would probably try to destroy HIM

But God should know this, being omnipotant and all, shouldn't he? And since when could man destroy him? God is all powerful. He could destroy man if they tried such a thing, right? See, just more made-up bullshit to fit your argument.

How can a mere human understand timelessness. We were born into time. We mark the days as we grow older and eventually die. To be outside of time, you could perceive the world from the beginning to the end because you are outside of time. I believe there is a dimension of timelessness.

Time isnt' real, Quiggs. Time is just a means by which humans came up with to measure the days and such. Think about it, if you and a friend both sit around with your eyes closed for an hour, one of you will percieve that hour as being longer than the other one will. The hour may feel like 45 minutes to you, while it feels like an hour and a half to your friend.

The way you all speak of time is as some sort of sentinent being, some kind of blanket draped over all of existance, but you say that without any grounds to do so. If time were to exist, as you say it does, then time would be uniform, and strict. There would be no percieving of it in different ways, like there is no percieving of gravity in different ways. The gravitational pull "Feels" the same for everyone. Even the man who can bench press 300 lbs feels the same pull as the man who can't lift it.

He was probably created by a bunch of elderly druids in a Stonehenge type thingy in another universe.
Originally posted by Cris
Or if we assume he has always existed then what was he doing before he created the universe? Was he bored, lonely, or what?

Perhaps he has created many universes in the hope of one time not making so many mistakes.

That would be most likely,a multiverse where every possible combination of quantum events takes place,in fact the multiverse could exist without god,the multiverse idea kinda debunks the need for god.

Think of it this way:
there are universes with no planets,no stars,no life,some wont even bang,we obviously are in one that supports life otherwise wed not be here to talk about it,but theres plenty of universes where they in fact cant talk about it.

You dont need god in that way,why would you?

Im happier and more comfortable in the multiverse idea of quantum physics,even though by some its considered an unorthadox explanation of quantum physics.

Though it makes the need for god more unlikely,it makes more physical sense than god,god is physically impossible in a sense while theres NOTHING in the laws of physics which prevents there being a multiverse.
Originally posted by Sleep no more
I hear this from many scientist, nubians, nuwabians, ufo cults, atheist, etc, maybe its not meants for you to know everything, if many knew what created God they would probably try to destroy HIM, thats just mans nature the gain of ultimate power, people seek for the wrong things in life, asking questions that minister more questions instead of seeking for edification of life, why worry yourself with something you'll never know and something that wont help you, i believe though there is a timeless deminsion, my bishop spoke once about the tunnel of time, where you translate from physical earth to afterlife, being heaven or hell, but there isnt any time factor there, this is my $ 0.02 pea ce in.

Well,God is a state of mind,I have experienced something similar to that(but still it doesn't have anything to God at all).I really can't tell what it was,because I'd shame myself.
God could be like a circle or cycle, no begginning no ending. If you try to figure what created things and you go back as far as you can, I guess something would be created from nothing (unless its like a circle).
Originally posted by JDawg
But God should know this, being omnipotant and all, shouldn't he? And since when could man destroy him? God is all powerful. He could destroy man if they tried such a thing, right? See, just more made-up bullshit to fit your argument.

Time isnt' real, Quiggs. Time is just a means by which humans came up with to measure the days and such. Think about it, if you and a friend both sit around with your eyes closed for an hour, one of you will percieve that hour as being longer than the other one will. The hour may feel like 45 minutes to you, while it feels like an hour and a half to your friend.

The way you all speak of time is as some sort of sentinent being, some kind of blanket draped over all of existance, but you say that without any grounds to do so. If time were to exist, as you say it does, then time would be uniform, and strict. There would be no percieving of it in different ways, like there is no percieving of gravity in different ways. The gravitational pull "Feels" the same for everyone. Even the man who can bench press 300 lbs feels the same pull as the man who can't lift it.


Time is very real (IMO). Read any of the NUMBER of threads we have in the physics forum. If you ascribe to standard model of physics which at this time includes General Relativity, you must also ascribe to the idea that time is not just a human construct, but a part of space-TIME itself. It is a dimension that we travel through just as x,y,z are. Gravity and relativistic velocities can affect this dimension and lead to some weird results. Weird, but no less true.

If you try to figure what created things and you go back as far as you can, I guess something would be created from nothing (unless its like a circle).
I like the idea that we create ourselves in the future by initiating the big bang :D

Seriously though, at some point something must be eternal. I choose to take the simplest route and say it is the universe (that is the energy itself) which is eternal. Anything beyond that is worthless conjecture at this point.