If all memory of belief in gods were gone?

If somehow all memory of belief in gods & all references to gods in books, movies, etc were gone, would it start again?

What no prayers in Parliament, no 'In God we Trust' on a one dolllar nore, no religious wars!! GEEEESH, I think a number of cults would spring up, 'cause there's just too much narcissm around; somebody gonna invent some dogma and some succors are just gonna follow. But hey, imagine there's no religion, I wonder if we can ;)
What no prayers in Parliament, no 'In God we Trust' on a one dolllar nore, no religious wars!! GEEEESH, I think a number of cults would spring up, 'cause there's just too much narcissm around; somebody gonna invent some dogma and some succors are just gonna follow. But hey, imagine there's no religion, I wonder if we can ;)

Narcissism is 1 significant cause of belief in gods?
Can there be dogma without belief in gods?

I can imagine it.
Irrelevant. You said "they have no religions in China". Absolute statements are liable to trip one up.

Well that is true but does anyone know how many Church's are in China today practicing their beliefs about God? I was not thinking about a few missionaries spreading the word but actual bonifide Church's.
Well that is true but does anyone know how many Church's are in China today practicing their beliefs about God? I was not thinking about a few missionaries spreading the word but actual bonifide Church's.
A church isn't a building it is a congregation. Despite suppression by the state there are between 10 million (an old official census) and at least 40 million (a recent CIA estimate), or over 130 million (an internal Christian estimate).
If somehow all memory of belief in gods & all references to gods in books, movies, etc were gone, would it start again?


BG 4.8 To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.

Re-establishing religiosity when we make a grand mess of things is one of god's eternal duties
If somehow all memory of belief in gods & all references to gods in books, movies, etc were gone, would it start again?
Yes. As I've pointed out before, a religion is a collection of archetypes, instinctive motifs that nearly everyone is born with. An archetypal instinct may have been a survival trait in an era whose dangers we can't imagine, or it may simply be the random preset of a synapse that was passed down through a genetic bottleneck like Mitochondrial Eve.

Whatever the case, the same archetypes occur in almost all societies in almost all eras. That's why they're so powerful: They feel true. This makes those beliefs stronger than beliefs that result from learning, experience or reasoning.

Apparently not everyone is born with the God archetype because I certainly wasn't. My family had been atheists for a couple of generations and I never heard of religion until some kid told me about it in school. Even after the exhaustive proselytism I was subjected to in the benighted culture of the 1950s and the natural curiosity and rebellion of a teenager--I even had a Catholic girlfriend--I never found anything appealing in religion, much less something that resonated with my very "soul" and compelled me to believe.