If aliens were proved to exist (in)


Registered Senior Member
that werent neccesarily humanoid or vertebrate... how would that effect a creationists view of the universe?!

As said before ... apologies if this has already been asked
While you are at it, Why not ask about where Dinosaurs fit into the grand picture?
fair point... but i believe the "lame" or uninformed creatonist argument is that they were "faked"

btw i do not subscribe to that theory!
of course dinosaurs are fake... and we've never been to the moon. :rolleyes:

and while i am not a creationist.. i think in a last desperate attempt the "creationists" would consider it part of the master plan, come to worship them, and cause the fall of the human race as we know it.
I heard a creationist say, "In heaven, there are many DIFFERENT varieties of souls, from many different universes."

Heaven is a intergalactical space station. (not my belief)
Indeed indeed...the sun is faked...we've never been there...the Crab nebula is fake...we've never been there...

See how stupid it sounds?
I got your answer right here.:D

If aliens were to land in my front yard the first thing I would ask them is "Ever heard of Jesus? Or Buddha? Or Muhammad?" If they had heard of any of these people, then I would pick that one to believe in. It would be funny if they landed and turned out to be Mormons.

Okay, now it's my turn. Why is it that atheist always think that aliens might not have any religions?

*EDIT* Im sorry guys. I really didnt give a good answer, Im really sleepy. Forgive me?:)
If aliens were proved to exist (in) that werent neccesarily humanoid or vertebrate... how would that effect a creationists view of the universe?!

I have no idea. But I guess it would take our minds off Iraq for a while :D
Counselor, have you ever read Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer? It deals with exactly this scenario, very interesting book.
While you are at it, Why not ask about where Dinosaurs fit into the grand picture?

I once asked a preacher that same question when i was about 8 and he said "God planed for us to use there bodies for oil" and when i asked him of God wanted us to pollute the earth too and he didnt say anything
Originally posted by Xelios
Counselor, have you ever read Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer? It deals with exactly this scenario, very interesting book.
Good book, but so-so ending, I was not satisfied, though there was an intersesting idea of how 'god' uses extinctions
if Aliens landed tomorrow, plenty of creationist would just consult their bible and find a passage that could be some how intepreted to explain this.

probably something about them being godless demons. read revelations, it's very odd.
I dunno Randolfo, I kinda liked the ending. At least it outlined the purpose for us being here, even if the purpose was a little... stupid I guess would be the word. It was a good book though.