ideas on porn


Registered Senior Member
i just had quite a heated debate in another forum, (with a bunch of interlectually deprived males i might add) about the use of porn. This forum is a gaming forum, largley used by men, and quite a few have 'explicit' images of women as their avatars. Which you know, whatever. My argument was first of all, what was the purpose of these images. Then it was like, well, its not really appropriate when people visit the forum simply to ask about the game. They did not agree that their images were pornagraphic, and that they were beautfuil images of women. Fine they are that,k but they are aslo there to stimulate sexual desire, which is an element NOT appropriate for the forum, when people such as myself really dont want to be confronted with this everytime i post there. COnsequently i am not posting there anymore. My ideas of porn are varied. Its fine i spose, in the way it dosnt hurt anyone, but when it is used in situations like this... it just seems that it is something that dosnt need to be diplayed in a public forum of this kind...

what do u think?

i myself would be appaled at seeing a site like that. with all that filthy porn! yuck!
I wrote up some stuff for that forum. It's not brilliant, as I wrote off the top of my head and sort of in a hurry, but since the same thread is here I'll just paste it in.
Brilliant discussion...

A subject was raised for discussion. What I have read is three pages (by forum default view) of snide remarks about users and very little that actually approaches discussion of the subject.

Now, rather than simply make smart-arse comments about users, I shall discuss the subject.

Personally I find nothing wrong with the concept of looking at healthy human bodies. I prefer to look at female bodies because women are simply better looking to me. The gender matter is of course all about personal preference and therefore does not need to play a role in discussing the concept of publicly displayed nudity or nigh-nudity.

So, I find nothing wrong with viewing attractive women. However, I do find it rather pathetic to be mesmerised by a nipple or some pubic hair. If seeing such things displayed in public is really so incredibly important to you, if it makes you giggle or whatever, you probably simply don't have a sex life. There is a reason certain parts of the human body are often termed "private parts". It is becuse these parts are specifically involved in procreation, which generally occurs between only two people who are intimate with each other. There is a clear relationship betweem these physical pieces of flesh and human behaviour; in particular, there is a clear relationship between our "private parts" and privacy. Or do you all simply drop and shag on the floor of McDonalds after a cheeseburger?

There is a possible counter opinion which could be expressed as "It's pornography, the entire point is to display such attributes". That is akin to saying "Yes, the entire point of me sticking a knife in him was to kill him". It validates the action by giving a clear link from cause to effect, yet does not provide any substantial reason for the action. Thus, saying "That's the point of pornography" does not actually supply a reason. So we can move on from that too.

So, we have human behaviour which involves a clear link between privacy and our physical assets used for reproduction. And we have public displays of such assets. Clearly public displays are counter to human behaviour.

But what about private displays? Again, if you need a collection of Playboy magazines, you probably don't have a sex life. Real women are far superior.

Is there a moral problem with women being portrayed in such ways? Well, we live in a culture in which young people are not taught enough about sex. many things, they are told, are taboo. And those very magazines, containing material absolutely integral to the desires and development of young adults, have age restrictions on them to prevent them falling into the hands of those who could most benefit from them. The law encourages the practice of such materials instead falling into the hands of people who simply can't get a sex life, such as undisciplined grots with no self-control or drive or willpower, no way to force a better condition or life for themselves. Thus we associate such materials with less desirable people, further enforcing the taboo against such materials. With the idea that these materials are for the filthy losers of society, and the purchasing restrictions, and the lack of education about sex, and the common ideas that sex is to kept as far away from young adults as possible, we have a culture which tries to create a massive division between materials specifically related to sex and those who could most benefit from such materials. Good one society, ya dumb arse.

How could young adults benefit from such materials? Quite simply, they explain the sexual functions of the human body far better than most high school textbooks do. I know my own sexual education classes in high school were pathetic. Also, they provide a source of sexual relief for people full of hormones and new feelings. Again, however, such relief is accomplished in private. And again, due to the reasons outlined in the previous paragraph, even educational delving into such materials is generally done in private. So we have further association between human reproduction and privacy.

Enough of pornography and sexual organs. Now on to other matters.

Do you think your girlfriend appreciates it if you gawk at a picture of a nigh-naked model and exclaim "Wow! Look at those tits!" Might she feel a tad upset by you paying such attention to a piece of paper instead of her? Might she feel that you place such high value on two lumps of fatty tissue that you are willing to compliment another woman in front of her?

I guess what I am getting around to is that the human body is, quite often at least, a very beautiful thing. But there is a time and a place for everything. Public display of human reproductive assets is rather contrary to human behaviours. Appreciation of another person in a way such as that described in the previous paragraph is counter to a healthy relationship with a girlfriend or boyfriend.

One last matter: sensibilities of fellow members of a society. I assume you all know what a society is. It is people functioning together through consensus. Let me give you an example of how a society can fall apart and become a bunch of separate individuals. There are ten members of a society. One of those members does not like chocolate. The other nine, although not requiring chocolate cake for any reason but presonal preference, personal gratification of an urge, decide to introduce chocolate cake as a regular part of the diet. Member 10 leaves. The society now has 9 members. One day, although not required, and again only to attain personal gratification, eight members decide country and western music must be played constantly so everyone can hear it. Member 9 hates C&W music, and leaves. This could go on and on. Unnecessary steps taken for the personal gratification of members, everyone within that society forces to accept those steps or leave. But majority rules, right? You can maintain a majority-rules policy in a dwindling population and be happy in your democracy, but the population will still dwindle if that democracy is used to satisfy things not necessary to the population.

Well. Enough rambling. Enjoy.
I like porn but I can't stomach gay porn.

If it offends you they should delete it.
I agree with Adam.

There's a time and place for everything. I hate the misuse of freedom.
Originally posted by A4Ever
I agree with Adam.

There's a time and place for everything. I hate the misuse of freedom.

do u think i am restricting them of their freedom?

No. If you had actually prevented such displays, you would be restricting their freedom.

You have the right to leave. They will do what they will.

A4Ever: I hate statements like that. Sorry, I like you, but those sort of statements make me physically ill.
Xev ...
Men will be men. The avatars ar starting to get "wet t-shirt" hot. What kind of image are to trying to present?
do u think i am restricting them of their freedom?

No. I mean that it is their freedom to use whatever images they want if there is no rule against it. I don't think you could get away with it here on sciforums.

So I mean that it is their freedom and you really can't do anything about it. But that is the 'legal' way of looking at it, the only way that can be forced upon people.

The euhm.... (damn English :) ) 'thoughtful' way would be to use those images on a sexforum or keep them in a private collection, since on a forum you are dealing with very different people, different groups of ages, different sexes,... and I feel you have to keep certain standards of euhm.... dignity (?) and respect for others. .

BUT you can't and shouldn't do anything about it. It is freedom, halelujah! :)

Sorry, I like you, but those sort of statements make me physically ill.

You do? Hadn't noticed :) Remember a where you get your ethics thread or something...

Well, my personal idea is that you should know that those pictures are not apropriate, but I am a great fan of freedom (see my political compass scores, yiehaa! :)) and don't think they have to throw them out.

A heated debate about it must be possible, so I don't think Agent did anything wrong, but in the end freedom of expression prevails. So what if they post explicit pictures instead of writing under their names 'I am a sex starved sad person' *lol*

Maybe we could extend the thread to the question 'what is porn'? I always found that interesting. I remember a tv show about the subject. It was national tv, so everything was kept clean, but they showed to naked people on a white background (male and female) in a doggy style position. They were moving about a bit, but no private parts were shown. Back in the studio a pornstar was asked if this was porn. She said yes, I did not agree.

So what is porn?
Too much Pr0n will make you go blind......
(yes it's spelt in IRC jargon)

Simply put I'm not going to argue that looking at the aesthetical beauty of a scantily clad female can brighten one of the dullest days, But I will say that I would only like to share that moment with the female IRL (In real life) not from some picture.

Afterall it's very easy for people to Idolise beauty, and to be turned from any other that doesn't match the scale that has been adopted by those to sell their porn magazines or make people visit their sites.

This means that Male people might become polygamous, where they feel as if they should be surrounded by people that they have idolised in magazines, so they find themselves not 100% happy with one female figure.

(Thats sterotyping of people I know, not of myself lol)

I personally don't bother with porn, as I don't want to be put of that special someone when I find them :eek:
I think it's ironic that you have an avatar of a sex symbol on, though I suppose that's different from pron, and she could be more scantily clad etc etc.

I don't think you're restricting them of their freedom, if those pics are so important to them, they can look at bigger images on their own computers (I'm assuming). Though I suppose the same could be said to you (they're only small images - isn't there an option in user CP where you can turn the avs/sigs off?). It could also be argued that they're not physically hurting you, but I suppose the same could be said if they had an avatar of... I dunno, somthing sick or whatever. But; are the av's screenshots of games? (Cos then, if yu're gonna play the games/post on a forum associated with games that have nekkid (or near nekkid) wimmin in, then I;'d say it comes with the territory.

Hmm, not entirely sure where I'm going with this. Anyway, off on hols now, will see y'all in 2 weeks. :cool:
this topic is so very misleading.

but i really dont thnk there is anything wrong with it. i suppose it really dpeends and just how far they push the limits.... but if they're that bad... they should just crop the 'naughty' parts off for the 'nice' forums. ;)
'If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out.'

A games community usually has lots of younger subscribers.
Porn avatars shouldn't be allowed by the terms of use I right?

OK...let's look at your options.

-I certainly do not recommend plucking your eyes out at all...painful process, I bet.
-Add these people to your 'IGNORE' list. Most forum these days do have that option.
-There is also the option to 'Hide users avatars' but I think this option will hide ALL and not just the offending ones.
-You can also kindly send the poster a message to change it or post a subject on it to see how many people back you up in your opinions (which you have already done I think). Would the moderators be willing to delete these pics from the system if there was a complaint (or a few) about one? I think that is possible.

The option you chose of leaving the community is a very noble thing to do, but not entirely logical. If you complained in all ways possible and finally gave up in an attempt to show your disgust...they won. It sucks but it's true.

Go back and try all of the above...don't let them win.
Heh'...maybe a bunch of sciforum users could infiltrate their little camp and push the minority vote count up a little...I would be willing to subscribe just to stick up for ya!!

PS ...Helloooo Sciforum. My first post. WooHoooo!!!