Ice Hockey!


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Okay, this sport is mentioned everywhere. I want to play it. Ice rinks are rare in Australia, but we do have a few. I've never been on ice, but I tend to be able to do things like ski and and all that almost straight away.

Hockey is the greatest sport in the world. You're gonna love it, if you're tough enough to handle it. :D
Welcome Adam to the world of heaven!!!!!! Hockey is my savior!!!! ANY questions that you have about it, ASK ME!!!!

I have been skating since I was two and playing hockey since I was 4. When I was 6 I joined an organized league and made my first rep team when I was 9. I remember, I was a left winger and I went to the try outs as a left winger. The previous year almost every player from the rep team had moved up to AA and so it was all houseleaguers (lowest level of hockey in Canada) trying out for the rep team. No one wanted to play defence. So my coach called me up and said 'hey, we want you on the team. but uh, can you play defence?' I think I was too happy about making the team to say no, so I joined up! When I was 11 I left that team (North Toronto) to play for the Toronto Mighty Ducks. I played defence there at the rep level for a year and moved up to A and then two years ago moved up to AA. I'm like 6'1 and 189 lbs so I'm pretty much built to be the prototypical defenceman. Until about a yer ago though I was pretty slow so I played stay at home defence (which means just hanging back mostly and stopping hte other team from scoring, not scoring much yourself). Last year though I gained some speed and after playing TONS of outdoor hockey I got better at passing/deeking. Now I can carry with the best of them in my league (not braggin or anything!) and I'm an all-star in Toronto for my age/level. I also played Varsity for my school. I LVOE HOCKEY!!!!!!!

I would die in a split second to protect the game!!!!!!
Skating since I could walk, ringuette from 7-13, hockey from 13-present. Ringuette sucks. Fucking sexist bastards.

Yeah it is the greatest sport on Earth!!! And the toughest. I'd give lacrosse (another one of my favs) that title except for the speed in hockey. Skating 20 miles per hour and running head first into a 220 lbs. monster hurts like a bitch. BUT HITTING IS FUN!!!!!!!!

My dad use to play college and back in his day he was a power forward. So basically, his goal was to hit and score. Last year when I went to get new equipment we decided shoulder pads cost too much money and my dad goes 'hmmmm, let's go home'. When we get to our basement he pulls out these old shoulder pads he use to use in college. Basically, they're pieces of cardboard (not literally, but about as protective as them) with felt around them. A HITTER'S DREAM! All my teammates when I got to practice first that year look at me and go 'what the fuck are those? you'll get killed!' And I do! But hitting with them on is AMAZING. I don't know what it is, but hitting with basically no shoulder pads on feels like you're transfering the weight direclty from your body to another persons with no filter in between!!!
Originally posted by Tyler

Yeah it is the greatest sport on Earth!!! And the toughest. I'd give lacrosse (another one of my favs) that title except for the speed in hockey. Skating 20 miles per hour and running head first into a 220 lbs. monster hurts like a bitch. BUT HITTING IS FUN!!!!!!!!

My dad use to play college and back in his day he was a power forward. So basically, his goal was to hit and score. Last year when I went to get new equipment we decided shoulder pads cost too much money and my dad goes 'hmmmm, let's go home'. When we get to our basement he pulls out these old shoulder pads he use to use in college. Basically, they're pieces of cardboard (not literally, but about as protective as them) with felt around them. A HITTER'S DREAM! All my teammates when I got to practice first that year look at me and go 'what the fuck are those? you'll get killed!' And I do! But hitting with them on is AMAZING. I don't know what it is, but hitting with basically no shoulder pads on feels like you're transfering the weight direclty from your body to another persons with no filter in between!!!

Don't talk to me about hitting. It enrages me. Girls are not allowed to hit. We would surely shatter into a million little pieces. :rolleyes:

We play fucking rugby, but there isn't a female hockey league in the world that allows bodychecking. It's bullshit.

I know what you mean about the no shoulder pads, it's a great feeling. I do that in soccer a lot, as a keeper.
"Don't talk to me about hitting. It enrages me. Girls are not allowed to hit. We would surely shatter into a million little pieces."

No fucking kidding, eh. For those of you who don't know, in women's hockey you can only hit along the boards. No open ice, or full-out hits. It's bullshit, complete bullshit. For one, it makes girls do more pussy-ass cheap stick work because they can't do anything open ice. And for two, there's no logic in it after about hte age of 14. I think hitting should be banned until 14 for girls, then give them free range. Boys, 12.

Okay, so our girls hockey team this year got in a bit of a problem. One of our lead players (varsity team) gets hit from behind into the boards. Now, in men's hockey (real hockey) that is a game suspension. After this the player who hit her takes a punch at her. That makes it either a roughing call (2 minutes), an unsportsmanlike (4 minutes and a 5 minute suspension) or on the VERY outside, a fighting major (5 minute penalty). So basically, what she would have gotten in a men's game was a game and a 2 minute penalty to her team. Know what she got? She got kicked out of the league for the rest of the season and playoffs. The guys (all the guys go see the girl's games, and vice versa usually) in the stands were almost laughing the incident was so ridiculous.
Originally posted by Tyler
"Don't talk to me about hitting. It enrages me. Girls are not allowed to hit. We would surely shatter into a million little pieces."

No fucking kidding, eh. For those of you who don't know, in women's hockey you can only hit along the boards. No open ice, or full-out hits. It's bullshit, complete bullshit. For one, it makes girls do more pussy-ass cheap stick work because they can't do anything open ice. And for two, there's no logic in it after about hte age of 14. I think hitting should be banned until 14 for girls, then give them free range. Boys, 12.

Okay, so our girls hockey team this year got in a bit of a problem. One of our lead players (varsity team) gets hit from behind into the boards. Now, in men's hockey (real hockey) that is a game suspension. After this the player who hit her takes a punch at her. That makes it either a roughing call (2 minutes), an unsportsmanlike (4 minutes and a 5 minute suspension) or on the VERY outside, a fighting major (5 minute penalty). So basically, what she would have gotten in a men's game was a game and a 2 minute penalty to her team. Know what she got? She got kicked out of the league for the rest of the season and playoffs. The guys (all the guys go see the girl's games, and vice versa usually) in the stands were almost laughing the incident was so ridiculous.

Yep, I got kicked out of a league for "fighting" we wear full visors, so I was basically punching this frog WITH MY GLOVE ON on against her HELMET. I was clearly provoked, but I won the fight, so I got kicked out.

It's fucking ridiculous. In my RUGBY league, we play with the exact same rules as the guys, but for hockey, no, girls can't handle real hockey. :rolleyes:

Not being able to hit changes the entire game.

But anyway. I'll stop whining. Hockey RULES!! I'm a defenceman too. I was center for a while, and I don't know why anyone would want to be forward, because from what I've experienced, as a forward you just get beaten on all game, and as a defenceman you just beat on the forwards all game! Now I don't know about you, but I've always perferred to be the one doing the beating. :D