iam new here from Afghanistan

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How common is it to have an internet connection in Afganistan?
iam new here i wellcome you friends i hope you wellcome me
Welcome. We're happy to have you. As far as I know, you're our first member from your country.
Welcome. How common is it to have an internet connection in Afganistan?
Dywyddr looked it up and apparently service was recently greatly expanded.
this is a farce, you are not from Afghanistan.
* * * * NOTE FROM A MODERATOR * * * *

Draqon: This member's IPA is indeed in Afghanistan. Unless you have concrete evidence that this is a hoax, your personal insult is a violation of the rules. In this particular instance, since he is the first person from his country to join us, it is a horrible introduction to SciForums and casts the website and its entire membership in a bad light.

Please issue an apology immediately or the rule against personal insults will be enforced on your account.
Not that Fraggle needs my support, but I did an IP search as well though a system that I use, and it does come up as a Kabul, Afghanistan provider.

Princelove, welcome aboard! I do believe you are our first Afghani member. And don't let the rude and presumptuous members here turn you off. Draq likes to take a lot on himself and make rash statements.

I'd be interested in hearing about what's going on around you.

Hi princelove

Welcome to sciforums. Hope you have a good time here.
I hope Dragon didn't scare him away. It would be very interesting to "speak" with someone who lives in AFghanistan. WELCOME PRINCELOVE!
wow being banned for assuming he is not from Afghanistan...like seriously I have been bombarded with anti-russian quotes here and there, and other folks got away with it clean...

apologies to princelove since his IP has been proven to be from Afghanistan.
Actually, the artist formerly known as Prince is now known as Prince again, so technically he's now the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince (or TAFKATAFKAP for short).
wow being banned for assuming he is not from Afghanistan...like seriously I have been bombarded with anti-russian quotes here and there, and other folks got away with it clean...

apologies to princelove since his IP has been proven to be from Afghanistan.

You've also proven yourself to be an ass time and again...
wow being banned for assuming he is not from Afghanistan...like seriously I have been bombarded with anti-russian quotes here and there, and other folks got away with it clean...

apologies to princelove since his IP has been proven to be from Afghanistan.

The only thing is Draq, that you always seem to assume a new poster is somehow lying, or may be a sock puppet. You did the same thing to me more than a year ago.

Just saying - ease up - give people a chance! ;)

And welcome, princelove, it will indeed be interesting to talk to someone from Afghanistan...
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