I would you see it?


How would you see it? (2)

I reproduce Ezekiel’s famous words for the benefit of those who are not familiar with them:

Now it occurred in my thirtieth year, in the fourth month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire flashed, causing a brightness about it, and out of the midst of it gleamed something like a pale yellow metal.
Also out of the midst of it appeared four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of men.
And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was shaped like the sole of a calf s foot; and they sparkled like burnished brass.
And they had human hands under their four-sided wings. Their wings were joined together; and they did not turn when they went, they all went straightforward.
As for the appearance of their faces, they had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side: and they had the face of an ox on the left side: they also had the face of an eagle.
In amongst the living creatures glowed something like coals of fire or lamps, which moved up and down between the creatures: and the fire was bright, and from out of the fire flashed lightning.
And the living creatures ran and returned by flashes of lightning.
Now as I looked upon the living creatures, I saw four wheels upon the ground, one by each of the living creatures, with their four faces.
The appearance of the wheels and their composition was like the color of shiny amber: and all four wheels had one likeness: and their appearance and their composition was like a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
And when the living creatures went, the wheels went with them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
And the appearance of the sky upon the heads of the living creature was reflected as the color of the terrible crystal stretched over their heads above.
And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, like the din of an army. When they stood still, they lowered their wings.
And there was a voice from the crystal covering that was over their heads when they stood and had let down their wings.

EZEKIEL 1:1-25

Okay how would you describe the above encounter in mordern logic?
Lets go bible fans...
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"Ouch. My head hurts. What in the name of all things Holy was I drinking last night? I seem to remember sitting in the woods eating this really weird-looking purple flower.."
these days all that is left of original text of Bible, is the name "Bible" itself. Eizekel wrote this? I dont just doubt this. I deny this has anything to do with reality.
A close encounter of the U.F.O kind, while on drugs, perhaps? It must mean something really, really, deep and profound! :rolleyes:

What do you think it means, Vega?

Jeremiah 8:7-8
7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the LORD. 8 " 'How can you say, "We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?

The original scripture copyists were called scribes. Jeremiah taught that they used a lying pen and copied the scriptures falsely, so much so in fact, that they thought they had the Law of God when in fact they did not. Perhaps this explains a few things about why the Bible is such an unreliable source of truth on so many levels.

But if you further consider that Jeremiah was a prophet, then perhaps this was also a prophecy of what would happen to the entire Bible in the future as well. Prophecies often have dual applications, after all! This would, perhaps, make him the greatest prophet that has ever lived. But then again, this would also mean that we can't trust anything that Jeremiah says either. So if we just take the opposite of everything he says to be the truth then maybe it will all make sense some how!

I wonder if this even ties into how Jesus treated the scribes and Pharisees? He always seemed to be upset with them for some reason! Perhaps this is why! Hmmm...

Just Wondering?
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And the appearance of the sky upon the heads of the living creature was reflected as the color of the terrible crystal stretched over their heads above.

Translation: You could see the sky and the being operating the vehicle reflected in glass of the cockpit.

And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, like the din of an army.
translation; their engines roared during liftoff
When they stood still, they lowered their wings.
no translation required
And there was a voice from the crystal covering that was over their heads when they stood and had let down their wings.
They sent a message over loudspeakers from the cockpit.
No one in their right mind can deny that Ezekiel was clearly describing some kind of technological flying vehicle.
I reproduce Ezekiel’s famous words for the benefit of those who are not familiar with them:

M*W: Vega, I will attempt to describe my astro-theological interpretation of this verse. My report is not complete, however, as I would need some time to put some effort into its research. I will offer what immediate understanding that I have at this time.

Now it occurred in my "thirtieth year", in the "fourth month," as I was... by the river of Chebar, "the heavens were opened," and I saw "visions of God."

M*W: "thirtieth year, in the fourth month...," refers to astrological dating. Thirty years has astro-theological significance, the same as Jesus was purported to start his ministry at age 30. I can get you a specific reference for this at another time. The "fourth month," is also astrological. Depending on the calendar at the time this was written in Ezekiel would depend on which month it refers to. I personally think it refers to April and/or the Vernal Equinox and/or Passover/Easter, which are astro-theological the same event. In other words, his vision refers to the "sun" and/or "god."

And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire flashed, causing a brightness about it, and out of the midst of it gleamed something like a pale yellow metal.

M*W: Depending on where the person who had the visions was standing, and my guess would be in the East looking toward the West, out of the "north" came a "whirlwind," which could simply be interpreted as the dawn sky lightening up like "a fire," and/or "sun" coming up in the morning... and "gleamed something like a pale yellow metal."

I think this is an undeniable reference to the bright and shining sun... shining like "metal."

Also out of the midst of it appeared four living creatures.

M*W: I believe these four "creatures" to be astrological signs.

"...their appearance was the "likeness of men."

M*W: Again, a reference to four astrological signs who appeared in the ancient night skies to nomads who believed they were men from the skies.

And their feet were straight feet;

M*W: Their "feet" were "flat" means to me that the four "men" stood at the N-S-E-W positions and the invisible "cross" they made with their postures connected the four directions forming once again the Vernal Equinox or the "cross of god."

"...they sparkled like burnished brass."

M*W: Again, a reference to a "shiny metal" which is the way the "sun" appeared to them as they described what they saw.

As for the appearance of their faces, they had the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right side: and they had the face of an ox on the left side: they also had the face of an eagle.

M*W: Again, a reference to four of the signs of the zodiac. The "face of a man" could refer to "Aquarius" and/or "JtB." The "lion" of course refers to the "Sign of Leo." The "ox" can look much like a "bull" or the "Sign of Taurus."

Lions in ancient myth sometimes had "wings." I do not know at this time what the "eagle" represents. Winged creatures were prominent in Egyptian folklore.

amongst the living "creatures" (astrological signs) "glowed..." like "coals" of "fire" or "lamps", which "moved up and down between the creatures" (or signs): and the "fire was bright", and from out of the fire flashed lightning.

M*W: Obvious references to the "sun and/or god," the "constellations and/or zodiacal signs" and their "movements around the heavens and/or zodiac."

"I saw four wheels...," [/B]"The... wheels... their composition was like shiny amber:"

M*W: I don't fully understand the "wheels" reference, but I don't think it is a reference to UFOs. The "shiny amber" is a reference (and the color of) the "sun" and/or "god."

"...the appearance of the sky upon the heads of the creatures..." was "reflected" as the "color of the terrible crystal stretched over their heads above."

M*W: "...the appearance of the sky upon the heads of the creatures..." refers to the sun shining down on the "Signs of the Zodiac." The term "reflected" is another direct reference to the "sun" and/or to "god." "color of the "terrible crystal" stretched over their heads above." This refers again to a shiny substance shining down from overhead and/or the "sun."

"...the voice of the Almighty", again, refers to the "sun" and/or "god."

And... from the "crystal covering" again refers to the "sun" which shines over all our universe which ancient people believed was "god."

Let me know if you have any questions.
these days all that is left of original text of Bible, is the name "Bible" itself. Eizekel wrote this? I dont just doubt this. I deny this has anything to do with reality.

M*W: You're right on target!
OK, Med Wom,
If this is a text with a hidden astrological meaning what exactly is it saying once you have decoded it? What is the hiddden message?
OK, Med Wom, If this is a text with a hidden astrological meaning what exactly is it saying once you have decoded it? What is the hiddden message?

M*W: There is no hidden message at all. The message is obvious and clear. The bible is the story of the imaginary sky beings (planets, stars, constellations, comets, etc.), and how they were formed into men and creatures (complete with personalities and certain jobs to do). They were created from the imaginations of the ancient nomads who traveled in the cool of the night and rested by day in the heat. The god myth became a personification of the all-powerful creator sun (son-of-god). The sun rose in the morning, and this was seen as good or heaven. When evening came, and darkness fell upon the deep, this was a time of evil since god (the sun) had died (but only for the night) until he rose again in the morning.

There is no hidden message except for those who interpret the bible according to their specific relgions. That's where the message is hidden and must be believed by faith alone.
Well, then what is the Ezekiel passage saying. I see how one can read astrology into it, but what is it saying after one has read astrology into it?

Also, what is the etymology of Sun and son? Are these still homonyms in the original languages.
Why isn't this anything other than an imaginative fantasy?