I won't say anything, but you should read this

I don't have an explanation, but I notice that the "scientific" analysis was undertaken by parapsychologists. What we have here is an unverifiable and untestable report that tests were carried out using scientific-sounding technology, but we don't know what the results were or if the people who carried out the analysis were qualified to use the equipment and to interpret the results correctly.

If there is an actual scientific paper about this case, it would be useful if a reference could be provided. The sources quoted are a) the Spanish Parapsychological Society and b) a BBC news report (which is unlinked).

Can we all get into this habit - if something is reported on a popularising website (particularly one with a pseudoscientific bent) - of doing a bit of extra research and finding credible backup to link to?

My feeling is that this is a total hoax perpertrated by an artist of some kind (like the neighbour's son mentioned in the report.)
Yep, second vote for what Silas said. My alarm bells sounded when I heard the investigator was a parapsychologist too.

Independant investigation is what's needed in these cases, and yes, some supporting evidence.
yes, that is true, but it is also true that in such cases *real* scientists don't come, becuse they regard such things as bollox a priori. which I might add isn't a very scientifical spirit
My impression was that possibly some real science was done here, but the actual results from those investigations are cunningly hidden - it implies that no explanation was forthcoming, but it's possible that they did explain it. For example, I find it hard to believe that a good chemist given materials of different colours (ie with image on and with no image) could not find a difference to show why one is darker than the other. The report states that no dyes or paints were found, but does not say what was found, you follow me?

Authorities did get involved, after all, and scientists don't have to come to investigate these things off their own bat - they can be commissioned to do so.