I was wondering...


Registered Member
i was wondering if it is possible to learn telekinesis or as others call it Psykokinesis? if any one would like to direct me in that direction because i really want to learn this ability.plz if any one could help with this i would very much appreciate it.thanx.Just Email me at DarkMage36@prodigy.net this has always been my dream.thank you again.
Good News and Bad...

Well, if it were possible I would teach you, but it has to come naturally. Just keep squinting your li'l eyes and thinking as hard as you darn well can. Just don't concentrate on any pointy objects until you REALLY have mastery over the material, man.;)
i was wondering if it is possible to learn telekinesis or as others call it Psykokinesis?

Placing a paper bag on your head and screaming like a chicken while waving your arms up and down is as equivalent a description you'll ever need to learn something that is based entirely on fantasy.

this has always been my dream.

Wake up.

thank you again.

Anytime. :)
Darkmage, it's a shame to see you only met the wrong person here in the thread. Don't give up, he's wearing eye-shields. Once, mayhaps, over a long, long, time period, he may see "the light". I doubt it anyway.

Send a PM, it makes a difference and less irritation in the threads. It's all fucked up enough. Obviously people fail to look at how this Forum is called. It is not science. One way or another it seems to attrackt some people very much. They always come back here.

Must be something very, very good here in the Forum. ;)
One way or another it seems to attrackt some people very much. They always come back here.

Must be something very, very good here in the Forum.

We must make every attempt to help save others from getting lost in the world of ooga-booga before its too late.
The Q, Evangelical Skeptic, reaching the lost for critical thinking! Let's give him a round of applause!

*Throws flowers*

Banshee dear, you post your earth changes bull in earth science. Don't tell the Q not to post here.
yes and those who are lost lack the nessecary survival tool of pyrokenises,
the fact that our friend Darkmage here is asking our advice is a desperate call of help, not unlike the little boy in the bathroom, using the big boy urinal for the first time, and unfortunatley catches himself in the zipper.

help me daddy help help,
our poor friend needs our help,
so my good man i say
poke peoples eyes and then light them on fire cause they wont be able to see what your doing, so they might really think that your pyrokenetic

no seriously
Doesn't it feel good, to let your feelings out? :) :) I'm glad you all found a place to let your feelings out. :)

Have fun now... ;)

(Don't make a mistake, I never tell anyone not to post here. Everybody is welcome!
Umm, Banshee, who are you talking to? :D

*Groupies swarm the stage, cooing over the Q*
DarkMage, There are many posts about it here. I also sent some basic method and prooves there.
yeah zion,
he and i adnd cactus jack and lesion all live in the same place
he got us all started on this site.
And I was only kidding about the whole squinting thing. You really need to get some really thin wires to attach to things so it looks like your moving stuff. sorry.:(
really thin wires or the ability to change the gravitational constant of the object you choose to move...
yeah zion,
he and i adnd cactus jack and lesion all live in the same place
he got us all started on this site.

I suggest you all keep your conversations then on that same place also. You are not contributing to the original post of the thread-starter and way off topic.

Doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, keep your posts on topic please. Thank you...