I was born 3 times

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Sorry, being "born of water and of the Spirit" doesn't really count. It's symbolic.

And if it didn't take with you on the second try, you must be doing something wrong.
On 12-23-2016 I was subjected to an open-heart operation.
I stayed in the hospital for 45 days.
On 12-23-2016 I was subjected to an open-heart operation.
I stayed in the hospital for 45 days.

it is "a open heart"
the A sound is not the same as an o sound and the sound of the A does not make the same sound as the A that preceeds it.
if it was apen heart then it would be "an apen..."
because the O sound is said as an OH sound you do not use the "an".

i hope it was a success.
Before the surgery I had a catheterization test.
I saw the monitor during the test.
i was told that science does not yet know how to re-build the wall of the artery where the plaque build up has stretched the wall.
this risk of rupture and quick death by bleeding is a primary issue.
though they know the basic process, they do not know exactly why plaque builds up in a certain spot.
they know the basic mechanics of what idealy needs to happen.
in theory some way to re-build the wall of the artery so it becomes flexible and strong again.
but, as i was told by a medical person, sometimes the artery can just give way at a spot that does not have plaque build up(where some type of cell break down happens and the wall of the artery is not stretchy and not strong enough, the data they have on both types of occurance seems to be increased in risk with things like bad diet effects and obesity etc... so its a big data sign of something thats not entirely understood yet).
thus being able to monitor the walls of the arterys and their real time strength would be key to starting to get better outcomes,

[[ i was speculating a few years back about some type of electrical scanner that could scan the electrical system of the cell walls, measure and show the electrical current between layers of skin etc... this i thought would be quite a massive break through because the dropping of the electrical connectivity probably is an easy sign of the loss in cell integrity]]

though the real risk when one of those arterys breaks is that unles you on the operating table when it happens. your not going to survive a majour break.

understanding how blood works and how skin grows is probably key to being able to unlock the ability to deliver solutions to theartery walls and combat the primary cause of premature death in the modern world.
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After the operation my state of health deteriorated a lot. I was in intensive care
for several days. I was intubated and I could not eat by mouth. I was on the verge of death.
I fed through a catheter connected to my stomach. I also urinated through
of a catheter.
I was born once. I assume I was born - I do not actually remember it, but they tell me i was.
it is "a open heart"
the A sound is not the same as an o sound and the sound of the A does not make the same sound as the A that preceeds it.
if it was apen heart then it would be "an apen..."
because the O sound is said as an OH sound you do not use the "an".
This is a job for Grammar Nazi!

I'm sorry to inform you, but you are quite wrong. "An open-heart operation" is correct.
I have a pacemaker.
When they removed the tubes from my mouth, they make me a tracheotomy.
I had hemodialysis three times a week. This is a procedure
very annoying. I was very cold.