I want to shoot a Bigot.


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
Okay, I'm joking I don't want to shoot anyone, but those original threads were quite funny and with the recent arguement about people not following the etiquette thats acceptable, I decided that I should post a thread titled "I want to shoot a Bigot".

So the question is, what should I shoot a bigot with???

Tranq's? Hamsters? the fertility statues created by the lesser known Mwhohala tribe of southern Emtillia in the north Anquellia mountains?

Perhaps just shoot the breeze?

Could go back to dropping safes and Grand piano's on people from a great height, although it is a little old fashioned and they rarely float out from underneath the impact flat and then re-inflate when they blow on their thumb.

Oh well.. What do you expect.. it's no more crazy than bigotry.
Why would you want to do that? There are a lot of brave people willing to speak up to what they really believe. Some maybe ignorant but some may have good points. I want to listen to what they have to say. If they are being retarded a lot of people here would clean their clocks.
I vote for gerbils launched at high speed from a grapeshot catapult. Squeak, squeak! :D
Originally posted by Lesion42
I vote for gerbils launched at high speed from a grapeshot catapult. Squeak, squeak! :D

I get the feeling I don't really get the actual joke, but I'm laughing anyway...:D
I don't think any of us get it, but here come the gerbils anyway!

*Squeak, squeak!* :D
The only thing you should ever shoot at a bigot is an anvil.

Brotherhood policy dictates the use of a Brotherhood Approved Anvil Canon. Loaded with either anvil-shot comprised of dozens of one pound jewelers anvils, or with a serious load of a single anvil of anywhere from 50-100 pounds. Simples cast iron is the material of choice, although some creative Brotherhood members have been known to mold an anvil out of anything from depleted uranium to feces (feces anvils can also be set on fire, but tend to disintegrate on compact).

Remember, before shooting an anvil at someone, obtain an anvil shooters license form your local Brotherhood representative.

May I respectively submit that you do not shoot the bigot. A much better punishment was known in early England. One that should be adopted by all correctional facilities across the civilised world. The beauty and simplicity of these devices are such that once people see them again they will be taken up in gusto. They are cheaper and easier to maintain than Gaols and have the added benefit of not requiring prison officers, parole and an ongoing cost to the tax payer. There would no longer be any debates in parliament on 'tagging' people of a criminal class to keep us safe as there simply would not be a criminal class. This deterrent alone woud force those low browed criminals into looking for effective employment, perhaps as operators of this wonderful device. Even our slightly wayward ex-colonies that have such a liberal attitude to incarceration and gun ownership will see the beauty of this remedial device. Of course people should own Guns but only those with the proper breeding and upbringing, not the peasant classes.

This correctional device of which I speak is of course the Medieaval Catapult.

Simply load the perpetrator into the 'seat' of the catapult and fire them off a large cliff. The distance traversed should reflect the severity of the punishment. Petty criminals should be fired no less than 200 yards. Felons convicted of burglary or assault, 400 yards. Murderers and others taking the lives of the innocent, 500 yards. Priests that stray from the teachings of the good Book, especially in regards to fiddling with the altar boys, a good clean mile.

I am, sir, your respected servant
Now and always
Mumble, mumble, mumble
Righteous of Surrey
Originally posted by Northwind
... some creative Brotherhood members have been known to mold an anvil out of anything from depleted uranium to feces (feces anvils can also be set on fire, but tend to disintegrate on compact).

Originally posted by Northwind
The only thing you should ever shoot at a bigot is an anvil.

Brotherhood policy dictates the use of a Brotherhood Approved Anvil Canon. Loaded with either anvil-shot comprised of dozens of one pound jewelers anvils, or with a serious load of a single anvil of anywhere from 50-100 pounds. Simples cast iron is the material of choice, although some creative Brotherhood members have been known to mold an anvil out of anything from depleted uranium to feces (feces anvils can also be set on fire, but tend to disintegrate on compact).

Remember, before shooting an anvil at someone, obtain an anvil shooters license form your local Brotherhood representative.

I've tried to find my representative, but am unable to find one. Can you send me a form so I might get my license? I've got a desperate desire to launch an anvil at the demons that Fox Mulder keeps on yakking about. :D