I want to have unholy demonic orgies!


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Ok, someone explain to me what they think is the cause of the whole puritanical christian hatred of sex. The whole damn thing. What's behind it?

As for me... Bring on the kinky demons! :p
aborted babies, abandoned children, sexual diseases, biblical and cultural teachings....
Originally posted by ilgwamh
aborted babies, abandoned children, sexual diseases, biblical and cultural teachings....
Are you telling me that those things ONLY happen in places devoid of the influence of puritanical christian morals?

You are trapped in the demon's web of lies and deceit. You must break free, or be trapped in bondage to them.

Repent while there is still time! Rebuke the demons, rebuke your foolish chatter of "demon pizza and the Spice Channel", rebuke the demons and they will flee!
lighten up foxy

nothing wrong with a little demonic bodage:p

they are surpose to be REALLY good at tieing you up:D
Don't forget your safe word, Adamski. :p

Did I stumble on a haven of BDSDM here on Sciforums?
Originally posted by Adam

Are you telling me that those things ONLY happen in places devoid of the influence of puritanical christian morals?

*Originally posted by Adam
Ok, someone explain to me what they think is the cause of the whole puritanical christian hatred of sex.

There is no Christian hatred of sex.
You're probably thinking of the Catholic guilt-trip thing.

*As for me... Bring on the kinky demons!*

You're going to find out why that's kind of a stupid thing to say.
I'll bet you didn't think that the kinky stuff might be done to you, instead of you doing it.

When you're in the depths of finding out why kinky is bad, remember the safe word is "Jesus."

17 Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.
(Psalms 107:17, KJV).

6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.
(Psalms 34:6, KJV).
Originally posted by FoxMulder

You are trapped in the demon's web of lies and deceit. You must break free, or be trapped in bondage to them.

Repent while there is still time! Rebuke the demons, rebuke your foolish chatter of "demon pizza and the Spice Channel", rebuke the demons and they will flee!

You actually have any quality posts or you just keep doing this stuff? You enjoy that? Hope not

This is how I understand xtian "logic". Sex was meant for one reason, to give new life. When the intentions are otherwise, it is considered toying with devices that give life, which is of equal sin to toying with the devices that take (kill) life. Hmmmmm, okay? :confused:
Re: well

*Originally posted by Nebula
This is how I understand xtian "logic". Sex was meant for one reason, to give new life. When the intentions are otherwise, it is considered toying with devices that give life, which is of equal sin to toying with the devices that take (kill) life. Hmmmmm, okay?

Let me get this straight, according to you people with two kids should have sex only twice in their entire life?

Get real.
There is no Christian hatred of sex.
You're probably thinking of the Catholic guilt-trip thing.

You make a bloody good apologist, Tony.


Umm, am I the only one slightly disturbed by this whole - er - topic? Adam, you're studying too much or somthing.

*Xev leaves to hide under her bed*
Re: Re: I want to have unholy demonic orgies!

Originally posted by tony1

I'll bet you didn't think that the kinky stuff might be done to you, instead of you doing it.

When you're in the depths of finding out why kinky is bad, remember the safe word is "Jesus."
1) Did I ever say I wanted to be the one doing instead of receiving?

2) The safe word is "jesus"? I plan to be saying "oh god!" quite a lot. :)
Originally posted by FoxMulder

You are trapped in the demon's web of lies and deceit. You must break free, or be trapped in bondage to them.

Repent while there is still time! Rebuke the demons, rebuke your foolish chatter of "demon pizza and the Spice Channel", rebuke the demons and they will flee!

I want to know what the hell your smoking. Almost every post Ive seen from this guy has been this crap. I really think you need to get your head out of your bible and stop inhaling the ink so much.

Onto the sex thing, the only sex I feel is bad is when its rape or mollestation. When 2 people are attracted to each other and they both consent to the act, man theres nothing like it. Talk about fireworks.
aborted babies, ....... , biblical and cultural teachings
in Exodus it is said that sons of god (angels) came down to earth and taught different skills and crafts. one of these skills taught by one of the angles was how to do an abortion from outside

(I will not discuss here what I think those "angels" were. it would be out of topic)
Sex was originally intended for one purpose. To populate the world. It is to be reserved as a love covenant between man and wife. Naturally the world in all its sin degraded it to something depraved and filthy. Seems sexual depravity includes a number of diseases.

That's a mature answer to a rather puerile post.

Re: Re: well

Let me get this straight, according to you people with two kids should have sex only twice in their entire life?

Get real.

ROFL! What an idiot.

I'm sure he meant that people with two kids, according to Christianity, should only have sex with reproduction IN MIND. This means that as long as the woman is having sex because she wants to conceive (or because she is trying), sex is OK, whether a child comes out of it or not.

However, considering Jesus' multiple orgies with his Disciples (see "The Gospel as told by the 'virgin' Mary", very interesting book actually proven to be written by Mary, not put in the Bible because it said some bad stuff about the Disciples), Xtians should not believe that orgies are a sin (also Mary tells us that Jesus died in Bretagne at the age of 76, a wizened gay man with 3 wives and 15 children, and that in fact Jesus was born from a relationship between her and Joseph, not from God, who she ceased to believe in after one of her sons was killed by the Romans)
No opinion on religious anti-sex attitudes. I will only say that I will never get how Catholic priests, for all their celibacy and utter lack of normal sexual experience, people who only know closeted sex masturbatioin and struggle, can bother to advise their lay on how to have sex the "proper way". Sometimes it does piss me off when they say that IVF is violating the god's barrier or other crap like that. It really does.

As for Foxmulder, guys remember the WNDWAA.

My humble opinion on sex. I do not favor sex before or out of marriage, it is a sign of lack of morality. But as long as it is between two consenting people who are married to each other, I say enjoy yourselves. It should not be treated as some strange holy cow or something. It should not be hushed up or hidden either. It is a natural part of life, and a means of expressing love as well as the way to creating your own naughty little imp. Gee, I wonder what my kid's gonna be like. Probably like me. *suddenly screams in horror and passes out*

Ahem, hm. I just think that sex should be enjoyable as long as the two of you are married. That's it.