
Registered Member
I used to belive that ET's were absolutely visiting our planet. But these days I'm not so sure. Mainly because of the physical obstacles of space travel. Now I know that we as a race probably don't know crap about the laws of physics. We are only in the very early birth of beginning to understand the universe and traveling through it. And I'm not saying that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, or even the galaxy, because that's just flat out retarded. I think the universe is teaming with intelligent life. But trekking across the universe is (from what we know) near impossible. I've seen a lot the footage of UFO's, and admit some of it is spectacular. What I need is proof. Tangible, undeniable proof. If aliens have been visiting us since 1947 or earlier, why haven't we seen more? Why isn't there more proof than just sightings? Roswell...? I don't know. I think it's been polluted with so much speculation, that even if we did find the truth, we wouldn't be able to distinguish it from rumor. Area 51...? If something ever did go on out there besides developing spyplanes and burning radioactive waste, the government has long since moved their secrets to a different location. I know it sounds like I can't make up my mind what to believe, but I just think we all need to look at this scientifically, methodically, not just spreading speculation and internet rumor. I'm not trying to start any fights, everyone has a right to their own opinion. But I'd love to hear some thoughts. Mulder's poster on his office wall just about sums it up... "I WANT TO BELIEVE"
I just need some proof.
At this point in time, I think abduction is the only way you would get the proof you so desperately desire. However, I really don't think you understand the implications of such an experience, so... Just be careful what you wish for!
I saw a flying disc when I was
younger.It was about four feet in diameter and about twenty feet away
from me.Also I heard it go over the roof of my house it made a loud buzzing sound.
Over the years, I had a few other experiences with craft I feel were not of earthly origin. I have nothing to gain by
telling you this. I do not have hard evidence only proof that there is a cover-up but this should be obvious to anyone that can think for themselves.
Everything about my experiences were
identical to other accounts and I had no previous knowledge of the UFO subject.
Hopefully the truth will come out soon
a lot of progress has been made but until then however we will have to hear that alien life cannot be coming here.
We are not alone
I am almost like you, except for that i have no doubts it really.

I do have a feeling that all of this is going to come down at the same time some point in time. I do believe we are pretty close to the day when we will all know whats happening around us.

Just that there are so many things about like movies, radioshows, pictures ( fake or real) crop-circles, abductions, books, news about it is the truth that i need that there are something that is going on that very few people can actually comprehend.

Earth is just a speck of dust in the void, and we haven't really had more than 70 years of technological development that have gotten us where we are today. The possibillity that the races out there are many millions of years old is fascinating, and that some may be visiting us is even more unimaginable. Think of what kind of technology they might have that enables them to do things we could never dream of in a 1000 years..
They might even have some new form of detection tech that makes it easier to find life out there.. And their spacetravel COULD be something even more insane.

As for tangible proof. It's hard really. If a picture is too clear, it's fake before it has even been tested. If it is blurred, then it's also fake..

Same goes for everything else in the media, but as mentioned. The best evidence out there are the crop-circles and abductees.. .See if you can get in touch with someone and talk to them face to face.. you'll soon discover that there are some grand things going on around us..

Just my 2 cents.
I forgot one thing though:

Rogue. There is really no one here that can change your mind about Aliens and such. You are the only one that have to believe, or dismiss for yourself. We can only tell you what we feel, and what our opinions and experiences are, but if you really want to believe. Then take control of it by purusing what you believe might be the truth ( Aliens, or No Aliens). We can only sit here and "guide" you, but not to tell you what to look for. Follow what you have made of it so far, and go from there.

In the end. You might have found an answer to it that is yours, and yours only :)

Hope that helped.

"It's always easier to ask questions than to give the answers. The Questions are almost always innocent, but the answer's are most often not".

Haakon T Haug ( aka H-kon)
The reason that there is no nuts and bolts proof is because we're dealing with spiritual entities. Half the crap that is going on is an illusion. The abduction occurs in the mind. Like astral projection. I mean think about it, if there are all of these abductions going on all the time, and it didn't occur in the mind, then why don't we all see approx. 20 million or so bodies floating around in the air every night? We are not dealing with biological entities. Please read the link under "please read". It explains a lot.

God loves you and so do I!
Oh yeah..that's it Lori! You are onto
something...hmmm wait... THAT DOESN'T
Implants and scars and shit... I know..
the abductees have done this to them
selves... I see the light! LOL
Thanx for all the input. I'm not saying that all this stuff isn't valid. I think my main point is, all there's all these idiots out there who supposedly "know the truth," shoving their beliefs and so called sightings so far down the rest of our throats that we can hardly breath long enough to take an unbiased look at all the phenomenon being reported. I respect the way organizations like MUFON are trying to investigate sightings and reports of UFOs, atleast somewhat unbiasedly. What I can't comprehend is why the hell would someone fake a sighting? Just for attention I guess. But do they even realize how much they've hurt the validity of UFOlogy? Maybe we need a real X-Files. But this is the government we're talking about here. We all now we can't trust any of them. I've seen strange things in the sky before, not much more than odd lights, but what it was I can't say. I guess to me it appears that everyone is too busy looking for aliens, rather that the truth, whatever it may be.
I believe that extraterrestrial intelligence exists. I also believe in the "abduction phenomenon". I believe that something is happening to these people. We need to find out what it is. Is it genuine? Is it supressed and distorted memories of sexual abuse? Is it just an attention-getting ploy? Is it all of these things or none?

If I may suggest, what we need to do is to define a method if investigation and make it standard so that everybody's data matches in terms of how it was acquired. We need investigators who can detach themselves from the situation not to the point of disbelief, but we have to avoid the ones who want so desperately to see aliens that they regard all stories as true to the letter. We need to focus the investigation, rather than have psychologists, hypnotists, and new-agers all traipsing off their own ways. Only with a concentrated effort can we hope to get the empirical evidence so badly needed. But on the flip side of the coin, if it turned out that all of these incidents had purely terrestrial origins, would the subjects themselves believe you?
The closest I've ever been to having any sort of an encounter was when i was out star gazing one day I noticed a nery fast object which looked very much like a satelite which you see nearly every night but as i observed it it proceded to excellerate then turn and finally slow down before it buzzed off in a 90 degree turn from where it stopped. I was absolutely awe struck and amazed. And so far that's all i've ever needed to believe that alien's exist. Besides the fact that their are trillions of planets out their out of which billions upon billions may have the ability to support life. How could they possibly nnot exist and how could a few species notr have the capability to reach over a very short amount of time