I think I was " SCANNED"...


Registered Member
I am not sure if this is the appropriate place but I had a very wierd experience yesterday (October 25, 1999) am about 5:30... and I am not sure where to turn to see if anyone else has had this experience.
I do not sleep well and I was lying in bed awake when suddenly I had the sensation that I was slowly being stood on my head or that my bedroom wall was going backward with my headboard and me attached...
no noise nothing sliding just a feeling of blood rushing to my head... then I start to go numb I can't move but my eyes are open Can see over the top of comforter the top of my window it is glowing red and green like
Christams lights in a fog... then things go sort of gray then clear away as they clear away I get feeling beginning to return and i look towards the window again ... to the left of the window I see something go up throught ceiling as easily as if the ceiling were nothing more thatn fog. The object is light colored and resembles an old style surveillance camera or sort of like that device that the dentist uses to put by your cheek to take the xrays..... I jumped up and ran to the window and looked out nothing.... There was what appearrred to be a plane some miles distant... but all was quiet

2 hours later as I was recounting this story to a frined my right arm was still numb above the elbow...
I just want to know if anyone else has had a similiar experience... My frineds tell me it was something I ate or drank... but I know I was awake.
So, numbstruck... what did you eat or drink that day? If it happens again, go to the doctor, seriously. A feeling of blood rushing to the head, visual disturbances and numbness of the extremities is nothing to be taken lightly. These symptoms should be checked out by a qualified physician.
I had nothing unusual ( at least as what we eat) vension steak, potatoes, gravy, peas.... I am healthy person with no health problems. I mainly attribute my not sleeping well to my son's noisy pet rooster who has a poor sense time. He will crow anytime from 1:30 on.

I am serious about this...

I am serious also... If it happens again, see a physician, please.

Hey, what is it with roosters these days? There is one at our neighbor's farm that also has no sense of time! Can be annoying, that's for sure!
I confess, I used to raise chickens. For some reason, a rooster will crow in the middle of the night when the weather is about to change. This sounds like an old-wives' tale, but for 12 years now the roosters kept by my neighbors haven't missed a change.

numbstruck-I agree. See a doctor.
Once long ago (25 years) I was driving home late one night after a night out with a cousin and my best friend. I was near my friend's home when I was suddenly blinded by the brightest light I have ever seen in my life. Then it was if a black curtain dropped in front of my eyes. I was driving at the time and was so shocked I must have hit the brakes very hard. I don't know how long it was before I was aware of what was going on around me. When I did become aware of what was happening my friend and my cousin were in the floor of my car demanding to know what I was doing. They had seen nothing. The car was sitting still in the middle of the street, still running. I have never been able to explain this experience and over the years have given up trying. Still, the experience is just as real today as ever. Maybe someday I will understand what happened and maybe I never will. I do know that even without two witnesses, I could never be convinced that it didn't happen. I just no longer feel the need to understand. In my case I was instantly alert and felt no physical residual effects.

As to your experience, I agree with the others that the long-term numbness or light-headedness may be cause for concern. My aunt was recently hospitalized with a major stroke. The doctors say that she had probably had perhaps a hundred small strokes in the last year and didn't recognize the symptoms. It certainly can't hurt to make sure there is no physical problems just as a preventive measure. If there is none, then you will have more evidence to aid in understanding your experience.

Do you by any chance get migraines? The symptoms you described almost sound like what happens just before a migraine strikes.