I think I am somehow different from other people


If evolutionary theory is really true then why am I so different from others?

I'm 29 and other males my age and older never have nausea and vomiting yet I get nausea and vomiting quite a lot, especially in the morning when I wake up.

Other people are never so tired and fatigued all the time like I am. Yet contrary to other people I feel very fatigued most of the time.

Other people are not so sensitive to pain after an injury like I am. Yet contrary to other males my age, I am very sensitive to pain even after a very small injury. A small injury hurts me much more than other males my age and older.

What could be the reason for all of this, assuming evolution is true?
I don't know what the reason is that you feel the way you do but it probably doesn't have much to do with evolution per se. On the other hand evolution is all about genetic variation. If we looked at a distribution of males your age showing sensitivity to pain we would get a bell curve. It appears that you are in the 'tail' of that curve. So while that sucks, your predicament doesn't go against evolution it actually supports evolution because it shows a variation in the population. I am assuming that you do not have a medical condition such as CFS.
I am sorry for your situation and hope it improves.
If evolutionary theory is really true then why am I so different from others? I'm 29 and other males my age and older never have nausea and vomiting yet I get nausea and vomiting quite a lot, especially in the morning when I wake up. Other people are never so tired and fatigued all the time like I am. Yet contrary to other people I feel very fatigued most of the time. Other people are not so sensitive to pain after an injury like I am. Yet contrary to other males my age, I am very sensitive to pain even after a very small injury. A small injury hurts me much more than other males my age and older. What could be the reason for all of this, assuming evolution is true?
Geeze, I hope you've asked your doctor for help! Surely you don't expect a bunch of laymen on an internet discussion board to give you any useful advice? We've got physicists, chemists, mathematicians, poets, linguists and musicians here, but no physicians. And if we had one, I can state with 100% accuracy that his advice would be: "Make an appointment with your own doctor immediately!"

If this is as serious as it sounds, you need serious help. You're not going to get that on the internet.

And by the way, for the life of me I cannot understand why you think that evolution may have anything to do with this. Is it because other members of your family have the same problem?
If you're getting nausea and vomiting regularly, you ought to consult a doctor and get it checked out.
If evolutionary theory is really true then why am I so different from others?

I'm 29 and other males my age and older never have nausea and vomiting yet I get nausea and vomiting quite a lot, especially in the morning when I wake up.

Other people are never so tired and fatigued all the time like I am. Yet contrary to other people I feel very fatigued most of the time.

Other people are not so sensitive to pain after an injury like I am. Yet contrary to other males my age, I am very sensitive to pain even after a very small injury. A small injury hurts me much more than other males my age and older.

What could be the reason for all of this, assuming evolution is true?
I don't quite understand why you think this proves or disproves evolution... Or what your condition has to do with evolution.

What you need to do, and as quickly as possible, is to see a doctor and describe these symptoms to them and ask for them to do blood tests, etc..
What you need to do, and as quickly as possible, is to see a doctor and describe these symptoms to them and ask for them to do blood tests, etc..

I don't have enough money right now to go and see a doctor.

Another problem is that my doctor doesn't take me seriously at all and she never gives me any medications or anything.

My doctor doesn't care about me at all so there is no point going to her.
Go and see a different doctor. And if you are experiencing those symptoms, go to the emergency room and get yourself checked out.
I don't have enough money right now to go and see a doctor.
No insurance? What kind of job do you work at?
Another problem is that my doctor doesn't take me seriously at all and she never gives me any medications or anything.
Wow, that is a gigantic red flag to me. The only time a doctor doesn't take a patient seriously is when she believes that the patient isn't being serious with her. Have your friends, co-workers and/or family members observed your symptoms?

You need to give us a little more information before we can give you any advice. Specifically, describe some of these symptoms, and explain how they affect your life. If you don't feel comfortable writing here where every member of SciForums can read them, then if you want, you can send me a private message. I'm 71, happily married (for the 3rd time--I'm getting good at this :)), have a good job, and have never been arrested.

By the way... you haven't told us how old you are. That makes an ENORMOUS difference in how to approach a problem like yours.
My doctor doesn't care about me at all so there is no point going to her.
Another red flag. Once again, the only reason a doctor would stop caring about you is that she is certain that you are not being honest with her. In other words, perhaps she thinks that working with you is a complete waste of her limited time, which she could give to another patient. It sounds like you and she are not communicating very well, if at all. Why do you think that might be happening?