I Swear... ...


Registered Senior Member
Swearing, cursing, etc....
How do you feel about swearing?
What do you think those words really mean?
How does swearing effect you?
Do you swear a lot or are you subjected to a lot of cursing?

In which situations would you consider swearing appropriate?

Would you feel as comfortable swearing at your doctor that your spouse?
If not, why not?

What could I say to you, and in what sitations?
How do you feel about swearing?

I feel no bad feelings towards it. I'm actually a bit annoyed by euphamisms for bad words, which I find funny.

What do you think those words really mean?

I'm not sure what ya mean.

How does swearing effect you?

It doesn't really affect me.

Do you swear a lot or are you subjected to a lot of cursing?

Fuck yes, and not a terrible ammount of cursing.

In which situations would you consider swearing appropriate?

It would be easier to ask me what situations I would consider inappropriate.

Would you feel as comfortable swearing at your doctor that your spouse?
If not, why not?

Wait . . . Are we talking about calling people bad names?

What could I say to you, and in what sitations?

Ya could pretty much say anything to me in any situation as long as ya weren't calling me or anyone else a bad name.
To me, swearing is only as bad as the context and feeling it is used in.

It mostly depends on the way I interpret the feelings of the person.

One of my professors swears nearly constantly, in a bit of a self-deprecating fashion (it is of course her form of humor). She never means it to be hurtful, and has even said that it just comes natural, and she tends to not notice it when she does swear.

I know that example is a bit vague, but I think you know what I mean. A word is only as bad as the intent behind it, in my opinion.
esp said:
Swearing, cursing, etc....
How do you feel about swearing?

Rather partial to it.

What do you think those words really mean?

Which ones? Swearing in general? They are linguistic, vocal, symbols associated with negative images and intentions.

How does swearing effect you?


Do you swear a lot or are you subjected to a lot of cursing?

6-8th grade: Swore like an angry trucker.

9-12th grade: Completely stopped.

Freshman year at college - present: Back to cursing but not at "angry man" levels.

In which situations would you consider swearing appropriate?

For me: Not which situation but with who. I swear in everyday talk with certain people and am more cautious and courteous with others.

Would you feel as comfortable swearing at your doctor that your spouse?
If not, why not?

No. A doctor is a secondary relationship. I see the guy once a year, no need to swear in conversations with him.

Spouse? Depends on my spouse. Some girls are cool with it, others have troubles with it.

What could I say to you, and in what sitations?

1.Oddly enough I express myself by swearing. Swearing could take your agrument to the next level.
2. Go here to find about the word ''Fuck" .
FUCK defined
3. It really doesn't.
4. I swear when ever swearing needs to be used.
5. When people are being a total bitch.
6. I don't swear at people I love or at people who can save my life.
Which ones? Swearing in general? They are linguistic, vocal, symbols associated with negative images and intentionsseargentlard

Let's start with the physical or gesticulative methods of expressing physical and psychological overflows, then...
Define those you know, what you understand them to mean and then where you believe them to be from...
Sorry for the inquisition..
esp said:

Let's start with the physical or gesticulative methods of expressing physical and psychological overflows, then...
Define those you know, what you understand them to mean and then where you believe them to be from...
Sorry for the inquisition..

Yeah, no. I am not doing that much fucking work for your curiosities.
..How laz...
Oh. I see!!

No, though;
You asked which... select just your favourite :)
Every second word that comes from my mouth is either fuck or some variation of it :)
I don't understand why people have a problem with swearing they are just words, if we could get everyone to swear all the time (including the kids) then the words lose their power.
I try not to but sometimes find myself saying swear words. Most of the time I try to be careful not to offend others by swearing. Just because I may say swear words doesn't make it right to swear around others who don't like to hear them. I try to respect others as well as try to use words that would fit better in expressing my emotions.
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I rarely swear. The impact of swearing is greatly enhanced by its occasional use.
My greatest bout of swearing was when I saw the Grand Canyon.. I swore continuously for twenty minutes. Fucking amazing......
esp said:
How do you feel about swearing?
It's just language. All these words that we now consider obscene will be considered polite in a hundred years. A hundred years ago it was considered vulgar to say "thigh." We now call women's mammaries "breasts" because "tits," which was originally "teats," had once been acceptable but had become vulgar.
What do you think those words really mean?
I'm not sure what you "really mean." They all have dictionary definitions, which I don't think is true in all languages. Every native speaker of Spanish I've asked has been stumped over the root meaning of "pendejo" and "chingazo," they're just insults. What they mean in context is anger. Most of us don't use those words, at least "in polite company," unless we want people to know we're really pissed off.
How does swearing effect you?
It lets me know that the speaker is angry. When I hear it in rap videos I realize that today's curse words are headed for oblivion, because they use them so much that their impact has been blunted. I can still be startled to hear swearing in a milieu where it's not expected, such as a business meeting or a gathering of middle-aged women. Children use it so much it's just all blah blah blah.
Do you swear a lot or are you subjected to a lot of cursing?
Yeah, living in L.A. in the 1960s as a teenager, I adopted a lot of off-color language. I'm more housebroken now, but I think nothing of peppering my speech with four-letter words if I'm among friends, men my own age, or people whom I've already heard swear. I don't overdo it in the sense that I know in which situations it's so inappropriate that it would damage my career or relationships. But I stay near the edge.
In which situations would you consider swearing appropriate?
Well, I just told you. Situations in which you won't be outraging anyone that you'll regret outraging. Situations in which you want to express extreme anger or frustration. Situations in which you want to demonstrate that you're as hip as the next dude.
Would you feel as comfortable swearing at your doctor that your spouse?
My wife and I swear at each other regularly and comfortably. I've never sworn at my doctor but if she ever gives me reason to you can be sure that I will. I'm certain that she can take it and would laugh it off.
What could I say to you, and in what situations?
Use the words when you need to make the impact. Don't use so many of them that I've gotten used to hearing them come out of their mouth so they've lost their impact. Don't dis my wife unless you're one of her peers and she's standing there to hear it.

You can curse at my country all you want, but don't ever, ever, ever, dis my dogs. That would be "fightin' words."
Swearing is a study in control.

A trend runs through a mass of people and those that align themselves with it are their words of right and good.
And those not, their words of wrong and evil.

"Fuck" was once an innocent term to desribe a pounding against something, now its an evil word that makes church ladies tremble.
"Bitch" was once censored on televison and radio as was "ass" (*nice phrase, as was ass*)

And now, both are common currency.
Its a word, as innocent as bullets are until they're 'handled'.
"Bitch" was once censored on televison and radio as was "ass" (*nice phrase, as was ass*)

Is "pussy" no longer a banned word? I was watching some Celebrity Poker and they had that kermit the frog lookin guy from Saturday Night Live and he started calling everyone "pussies" and then others were saying it too. I found that amusing. Glad too. Curse words are just words like any other. To ban them is so stupid. One can make more obscene and hurtful insults using regular words.

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