"i solved it!" screams the amatur theologist...


It ain't broke, don't fix it!
Registered Senior Member
I have a very stupid theory that just occured to me, after hearing a few tibits of thought from a number of sources...

Lets assume all our consciousness' are one, simply experiencing everything subjectively as a result of being placed into our naturally occuring bodies. Theoredically, we would share collective consciousness with not only everyone on the planet, but other worlds as well, some with more physical mental resource than ours, some with less. But we'd all be part of a single collective consciousness entity.

Would this entity qualify as god? Would our single sliver of this entity that takes residence in our minds be part of a super-being that decided to create the universe to give it something to do? Some place to conduct thought? Perhaps the universe is a new brain, so to speak, in which the super-entity created at the big bang to occur precisely like it had intended, each individual atom shot out at precisely the right velocity to form the universe EXACTLY as it has so that everything operates by laws and principles. This being made the unierse so as it unfolded, planets with organisms on them, some of them conscious. Self-aware beings would take up residence inside this "computer" of a universe, modifying and adjusting as we become more and more advanced. We, as members of the colelctive consciousness, obey our urges to explore, try new things, as a way of getting hold of more and more information to collectively process.

And in the end, eons from now, when humans are either freakishly well developed or long-ago extinct, perhaps every piece of influence as a result of every piece of data we've assesed will come together to form an answer to a inconsievably complex equation.

But in the short run, this entity may be what we refer to as God. Jesus may have been a result of the entity's precise calculation to help stimulate cooperation and coexistence with ourselves, so we may better develop technologically, spiritually, and mentally.

And i did begin to loose focus a bit on the middle of that thought, there may be inconsistencies. Any ideas why this might not be a decent rational for the existence of God? How about where JC comes in? I figured it makes sence that a pure soul should makes his presence known to give the rest of this world (maybe beings like jesus are on other worlds as well) a role model of the way to live life. thanks for your thoughts
Fleece away everything arrogant and egocentric that makes you think your slimy measly life has any cosmic value whatsoever and.

Your theory becomes shit.

But if you like to pretend you have a place in some divine circuitry, go right ahead.
If we are just parts of the whole entity then how can we be judged as being either bad or good? If our consciousness comes from god then we are just expressing "his" attributes and characteristics. If jesus is a coordinator or manager of the proper ways of thinking and behaving then he himself is critisizing the creator's not-so-likeable splintered thoughts found in us. And by the way everyone is so different, this giant cosmic entity's thoughts are not very organized.
Oneness...everything everywhere is all one. Our illusions create "other than". Our egos create individuality from the oneness that is.
all is interconnectedness and uniqunesses. no stone, for example, (on the beach) or leaf on a tree, etc is exactly the same

so i am seeing both/and. and that our minds--as indoctrinated via centuries of divisive religionism and then mechanstic science, seem to depend on either....or

Even Eastern beliefs fall into this trap ...for example Hinduism via Upanishads believes in a 'One' and a 'Many', whereby the former is supposed to be the goal all truly religious people been to pursue, and tha latter is put-down as lesser than, as 'Maya'/'illusion'

So i dont agree with all that, because i am seeeing this Experience as profoundly awesome, though there is sadness cause many belief systems incite an impoverishment and joylessness to living and dying which is making more and more people utterly miserable and devoid of meaning

so what would give meaning?

well look at what they say:

the divisive religionist (patriarchy) claims you are worthless pice of shit shot through with original sin. and bound for hell less you do abc

now, mechanistic science also claims you are a worthles piece of insignificant shit who is just gonna die and thats that. no meaning to it. just a bag o' chemicals you'll in a 'dead' environment

so you can see both paradgims condemn the invidual as being worthless

but ARe we
in this theory if a man such as christ or buddha was able to atune or "at one" (atonement) with the collective concious entity then they would be able to say something like 'i and the father are one' and it would be a metaphysical truth in metaphor.
§outh§tar, shut up. I come on here to share a thought i had, as stupid as it is even to ME, and you try to show me up like i'm fucking Hitler with an ideal for a plan that i WILL ENFORCE!!! I guess you just read the sarcastic, self-depreciating title and then decided to call me an egotist. Thanks for your valuble opinion....

thanks everyone else for being a little more reasonable, and yeah mario, that you phrase it that way, maybe we're not the collective embodiment of god. If i could edit my tattered theory i'd say perhaps we are the embodiment of both God, the good, and Satan, the bad. Jesus, Buddha, etc. would be those with a much more profound element of God, the rest of us are a mix... oh forget it! the whole thing's crap, no sence resurecting it....
1) It is a possibility as anything is.

I think it has the makings of an interesting conclusion to a fascinating scifi novella . . maybe?

2) That said, it does seem rather trite in that Eastern Philosophy may have given this a bit more time and hence already fleshed it out. But, that’s OK – if you do decide to make something out of it, be sure to not read Eastern Philosophy until after you’ve figured out exactly what it is you are saying (you may be the next big cult leader!)

3) Also, it is sort of narcissistic to think that we (ie: thinking rocks over our inanimate cousins) have any meaningful anything in the grand scheme of things. I find it far more likely that our presence in this particular universe is the inevitable result of infinite possibly.

1) It is a possibility as anything is. . . . ;)
Your line of thinking may be a most valid one, but keep in mind that your God may well be student No 137 in Universe 23 who would really rather be in the Pub with his mates, than having to complete his dammed thesis by writing up his observations of these silly little mammals. I may not have made this observation if I had not been in the Pub with my mates.
and you try to show me up like i'm fucking Hitler with an ideal for a plan that i WILL ENFORCE!!

A little evidence that any of this is true?

I only questioned the assumption that humans are of any value in the so-called 'cosmic order'. I only saw that you had provided no reason to assume so. Try not to read into things too much.