I saw an AURA!

No you didn't.

Have you ever noticed that when you look at a source of colored light for a while (the brighter the better effect), then look away, close your eyes or turn off the light, you will see that shape still hovering there in its opposite color?

Try it.
Look at a small colored light, like a christmas bulb, for example (not blinking) in an otherwise dark room for a few minutes keeping your head and eyes as still as you can.
Then turn off the light.
You will see the shape of the bulb in its opposite (or complimentary) color (complimentary pairs are: red/green, blue/orange, yellow/purple) floating in front of your eyes at the point where the bulb was.

This is not an Aura.
It is not magic.

It is a simple biomechanical response of your eyes.
If you are staring at a brightly colored stationary object for a while (like a red book) the shape in its complimentary color is there, when you slighly move your eyes or head, the complimentary shape moves with you, but the real stationary object obviously does not.
This creates the effect of a surrounding glow.
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Yes I did :) !
As you describe it, if the object is red, then the glow would also be red, right? But it was light-green.

You can, in the early stages of learning to see auras, cause an after image that is still seen when you look away. This is caused by staring too hard, and for too long, resulting in colour depletion of the rods and cones in the eyes. With practise, much less effort is needed and no after images are seen, only the aura.
The way the aura builds up is totally unlike the way an after image appears. If, while an aura is building up, you shift focus slightly, or blink, it disappears instantly. An after image does not.
As I decribed it, if the object is red, the glow would be green.
Read again:
You will see the shape of the bulb in its opposite (or complimentary) color (complimentary pairs are: red/green, blue/orange, yellow/purple) floating in front of your eyes at the point where the bulb was.

If it were green, the glow would be red.
Yellow object - Purple glow.
Purple obkect - Yellow glow.
Blue object - Orange glow.
Orange object - Blue glow.
This is hillarious.


What you saw is called an after-image. What happens is that after staring at a color (or multiple ones) for so long, the cones in your eye for that color get "tired", and then you see more of the opposite color. Think like a TV, you reduce the reds on the color adjustment, what do you see? Green.

Here, take a look at this picture below. Now stare at the center of the picture, the white dot, for a good 30 seconds or so. Then look away onto a white sheet of paper. The afterimage is the American flag, in it's natural colors. Notice the greens have become red.

poor bratok. sadly you were mistaken. I doubt a book has any aura. If you really want to see a real one, grab a person a put her/him in front of a really white wall. Concentrate on the person's image and you will see a colored light or i dunno- ummm like an outline. I heard that if it is green that means that the person is really energetic and so on. I also heard that if it multicolored that means the person is enlightened. cool.
Odd how these auras are never captured on film, .... why should the eye, which is a simple single lens camera, be able to detect such, whereas far more sensitive equipment can't,.....

Is it because it is merely a persistence of vision effect, and new agers like to dress it up as something cosmic?

The sad truth is, these people make sweeping assumptions about how things work, and then when reality doesn't meet up with their assumptions, they make grandiose explanations for the discrepancy, rather than revisiting the initial hypothesis.

To believe in auras, according to that web page, you must first accept chakras, 'cosmic energy' and all manner of things.

Occams razor applies here I think folks.
Originally posted by phlogistician
Odd how these auras are never captured on film, .... why should the eye, which is a simple single lens camera, be able to detect such, whereas far more sensitive equipment can't,.....

Occams razor applies here I think folks.

Oh maaaaan (shakes his hands like a wild eyed hippie) you cant tell me a camera is more spiritual than an eye... maaaaan! Take your science and go build bridges and send stuff to the moon and cure the sick and stuff, us spiriualists are going to be busy stairing at people in front of white walls to see thier auras!
Like totally SpyMoose. anyway people the wall has to be completely white. i know many white walls are pretty dirty but they are out there.
grazzhoppa, you are correct. as far as I know only living things can have auras even insects. And yeah it is all in one's mind. Everything is.