I saw a funky flyin' thing!


Registered Member
A few days ago my mom and I were coming home and we saw some strange thing flying through the air very fast. It looked like a star only it was moving, It was't a shooting star because it was going too steady and it was too low, and it wasn't a plane because it was way too fast. My mom said that she thought she saw a red light or tint to it. But then it kinda disappeared. Any idea's?

I'm really not a shorty.
I saw a ufo like this one once. it is shaped like a five pointed star and appears to have red lights on the rim of the points on the back. Is this what you saw?
>I saw a ufo like this one once. it is shaped like a five pointed star and appears to have red lights on the rim of the points on the back. Is this what you saw?

Hey... now that you mention it It WAS shaped like a five pointed star and DOES appear to have red lights on the rim of the points on the back.


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
I have to agree with Boris on this one. The red tint could be attributed to atmospheric conditions.

Regarding Blacktubby's observations...so much for computers for the mentally handicapped...
>Regarding Blacktubby's observations...so much for computers for the mentally handicapped...


That's just mean. > :(


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
Blacktubby- I've seen your other posts. Most, but not all, are tinged with juvenile sarcasm similar to the post I responded to. Some of us are here to get answers, others are here to listen to new ideas on old arguments. Although a little humor can be appreciated, I think it's safe to say that nobody is here to get teased or made fun of.

I must admit, however, that I'm curious what the little symbol would be on top of a black teletubby's head. It's interesting imagery.

I've seen your other posts. Most, but not all, are tinged with juvenile sarcasm similar to the post I responded to. Some of us are here to get answers, others are here to listen to new ideas on old arguments. Although a little humor can be appreciated, I think it's safe to say that nobody is here to get teased or made fun of.

Nobody goes aywhere to get teased or made fun of. ;) And to be honest, I'm not trying to tease anyone, although I do make *some* fun of other's beliefs.

>I must admit, however, that I'm curious what the little symbol would be on top of a black teletubby's head. It's interesting imagery.

Hmm.. That's a good question…

(Sorry for getting off topic..)


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
You'll see them all the time deep in the redwood forest of northern ca. I'd see them up 'terwer creek' out of the klamath glen on the reservation. 3 bright red lights in triangular formation will be encompassed by a halo of light when it really wants to move. I would assume it uses vapor from the air to make a particle vacuum and warp through time/space. see my site.
Sorry I couldn't get on sooner. I only get access to the web about every two weeks. Anyway, as to Boris' idea, I kinda doubt it was a sattelite because it was going too fast. But I didn't see any definate shape, flashing red lights, or any halo of white light. I'm a bit of a sceptic to the whole alien spacecraft idea, but I was just looking for a reasonable, logical explanation. I personally saw no red light, but like I said, my mom thought it was possible she saw a minute hint of reddish light. Actually Boris, do satelites move very fast? Well, let me re-phrase that, do they appear to move very fast? It was faster than a plane, but there were no stars out so I don't see how it could have been a satellite. Anyway, thanks for the replies and I hope I get more!

I'm really not a shorty.

What do you mean "there were no stars out"? Was the sky covered with clouds (in which case, it couldn't have been a satellite)? Or was it still too bright to see stars (in which case, you could still see a low-orbit satellite reflecting the Sun, just as you can see the Moon in the middle of the day)?

Satellites of course all travel very fast. However, the low-orbit ones are the ones you can readily see with unaided eye when they reflect sunlight back to you. Because they are low-orbit, they do appear to move at quite a clip -- much faster than any (even supersonic) jet would seem to move at high altitude. If it was a satellite, then the reddish tint could be explained by water vapor or dust in the atmosphere.

Of course, if it really was a satellite, it would have been moving in a mostly straight (possibly somewhat curving) line at constant speed. It also would not be surprising if it disappeared midway across the sky, as it passed out of sunlight and into the Earth's shadow. Personally, I have seen many satellites to date -- and I wasn't even looking for them; you just sort of notice something moving up there...

I am; therefore I think.
Boris, sounds pretty much like what we saw. I was just stumpped because I didn't know a sattelite could fly that low and that fast. So there we have it, a very logical explaination.

I'm really not a shorty.