I read an interesting book


Registered Member
For anyone who wants to understand or read the best arguments for why christians believe Jesus rose again, read the book, The Case For Christ, by Lee Strobel (I believe that is how his last name is spelled). Cant hurt to check it out. Atleast read the Introduction. Remember, Jesus was actually alive, the only subject that is debated is whether or not he was God. It was a very absorbing and credible read, and it is, for the most part, fact based. Check it out.
Originally posted by Hippocampus
Remember, Jesus was actually alive, the only subject that is debated is whether or not he was God.

That's not true.
The subject of his existence has been a hot topic of debate for centuries!

Does this book assume his existence and stick to arguing the resurrection?
Originally posted by Hippocampus
For anyone who wants to understand or read the best arguments for why christians believe Jesus rose again
It's funny to me that you have to rally around a particular argument. It's god.. I mean, good to let other people argue for you.
Originally posted by Hippocampus

read the book, The Case For Christ, by Lee Strobel (I believe that is how his last name is spelled). Cant hurt to check it out.
I thought it incredibly telling that it has "questions for reflection or group study" at the end of each chapter. Can you understand why that is telling? Spoonfed theology - an ironic example of why religion is based on fallacy.

Here's the www.m-w.com entry for cult:
Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: 'k&lt
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
Date: 1617
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
Originally posted by Hippocampus

Atleast read the Introduction. Remember, Jesus was actually alive.
Actually, Cris introduced me to a theory advocating the idea that Jesus was in fact NOT alive - ever.
Originally posted by Hippocampus

the only subject that is debated is whether or not he was God
No, that is the subject debated between religions. Personally, I don't give two shits about Jesus. I love my wife and daughters. I respect my co-workers...

Jesus, if he lived... is now dead. If he lived, he did not die for you or me. He would have died because his body ceased to function due to trauma.
Originally posted by Hippocampus

It was a very absorbing and credible read
It is nothing more than cult propaganda.
Originally posted by Hippocampus

for the most part, fact based.
How can you verify that statement?
Originally posted by Hippocampus

Check it out.

argh. Okay, soon, I'll read the introduction and quote it, breaking down to you why it's cult propaganda.
Re: Re: I read an interesting book

Originally posted by wesmorris

wesmorris, this is a two-part comment. Firstly, regarding a previous discussion we had, you asked me why I "was compelled" to tell people what my beliefs were regarding my view of God, etc., etc. Although I think my answers were clear, I got to thinking about our conversation since then, and I wanted to also give you an another answer of why it is I feel compelled to tell others about my belief system. Mainly, it is not my particular belief system that I feel compelled to share with others, because one's perception of their creator, and their creation, is a very, very personal vision. Rather than trying to establish my perceptions of god and spirit and our existence, I am truly more compelled to spread the word that Xianity is a false religion, most definitely a cult, and everything Xians believe are lies taught by Saul/Paul, the true creator of Xianity, who was a shrewd businessman who saw that promoting a product like salvation could be a very profitable business venture. This is what I feel "compelled" to tell the Xians in the world.

Secondly, some theorists believe Jesus never lived but was a myth created by Saul/Paul. I am not clear on my belief of this. I tend to think Jesus existed and may have been a historical person, but there were several people named Jesus that were omitted from the Bible, and this has created confusion. I believe the RCC is responsible for hiding the truth, or it could have started to be concealed by Constantine in his version of Xianity.

I seriously doubt if Xians will ever realize their foolish beliefs. Of course, that is what they say about everyone else's beliefs. I only hope the truth comes out into the open in my lifetime. So many new theories are being uncovered about the lies that have been told in the Bible.

As for this forum being a scientific one, Xianity just doesn't fit in and the Xian members just repeat themselves needlessly. Science is based upon fact. The closest thing Xianity comes to is science fiction.
Paul was decapitated. If he was decieving people on purpose, don't you think that he would give up his beliefs.

M*W the point of this forum is to learn some things. No one is going to learn anything by just stating silly unbelievable "facts". The more outragous the claim is, the more evidence it needs.

So did you believe the book? Did you find the arguments convincing? Have the read the critique posted by Evilpoet? Does this alter your views?
I've read both "The Case for Christ" and "The Case for Faith". I'd have to agree with some of the criticisms pointed on in the review from infidels.org . One area I disagree with is the notion that Christians tampered with the Testimonium Flavianum but that is a whole "nother ballgame".

Being a member of Willow Creek probably prevented Strobel from going into any more detail on the opposing viewpoints or presenting more of the provocative ideas by authors who debate the authenticity of the historical Jesus. In defense though, Strobel does a decent job of highlighting some of the stronger arguments in favor of a historical Christ.

Wes Morris wrote:
Actually, Cris introduced me to a theory advocating the idea that Jesus was in fact NOT alive - ever.

If you ever decide you'd like to learn more about the historical Jesus, I have a book recommendation for you. "The Historical Figure of Jesus" by E. P. Sanders. This book is well balanced, pointing out inconsistencies in the new testament and not really coming across as either pro or con in terms of the religiousity of Christianity. I think it provides an excellent basis for the existence of the physical Jesus, one that is rather really overwhelming. Another plus is the author doesn't decide for you whether or not Jesus was the Son of God. Like it should always remain, it's a personal decision.
Re: Re: Re: I read an interesting book

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
As for this forum being a scientific one, Xianity just doesn't fit in and the Xian members just repeat themselves needlessly. Science is based upon fact. The closest thing Xianity comes to is science fiction.

This coming from a woman that said:

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I think we were visited by the an alien race who were the "Titans." Because the aliens already knew about anti-gravity and the space/tme continuum, they were able to build the pyramids with presicion tools like laser beams that hewn very large stones from a quarry, etc. With their knowledge of anti-gravity, they were able to build the pyramids with their space ship, possibly, by lifting the huge stones into place. Maybe, at that time, the Sahara wasn't there, but spacecraft landing there created a burnt spot on earth. For some reason, I think the aliens were partial to arid areas. Maybe this was because damper areas may have interfered with their anti-gravity abilities.

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