I need some advise...


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Well, I need some advise from different people, rather then my family...my step-mother is a christian, and so is my dad. But I was wondering, is there such thing as being over religious? Like my step mom (her name is Guylah) she, in my opinion, goes a tad bit over board with religion. Like when I was younger, me and my bros where into Pokemon, and my step mom says,"You've got to quit that stuff, it's evil and satanic" and blah blah blah.
And even right now, she tells us all these TV shows that are "evil" she says tellitubies have saitanic symbols on their heads (personally, I think the Tellitubies are gay, but that's my opinion) she also says that with any show that has any magic in it what-so ever;and tons of other stuff like that! We can bearly do anything over there b/c it's all evil and all that...and, of caorse, my dad agrees with her on everything, afriad to stand up to her in any way shape of form...

So, I'd like some advise; is that just being a little bit over-religious? :bugeye: :confused:
Ya, I'd say that's taking it a little far. Some people use religion as vindication instead of salvation. I personally don't believe in religion at all, but it's a personal choice. It's ok for your mom to believe Poke-mon is evil (albeit insane) but she shouldn't enforce that belief on others... Make up your own mind.
Uuhhh, what century was she born? 1600's, 1700's maybe???

Pokemon evil?? What about Seame Street ??

Seriously, you sound pretty young so i'll be easy. Your mom is probably on the extreme side and if your not careful you'll be just like her when you grow up. The older you become the more you realize God is much bigger than religion and alot of things that religion says is bad, God probably doesn't care about.

Wacth your pokemon in peace, you won't go to hell.
I've generally found that people's preoccupation with children's diversions are not based on the attributes of the game/character/whatever, rather what gets to them is their ability to captivate their audience in a way that they don't understand.

Pokemon are so benign that they can't share that many satanic attributes: they are limited to saying one word, are usually knee high and bear resemblance to stuffed animals. IMO, she does seem alittle OTT.

This will make you laugh your ass off.
even as a fairly right wing religious person, I think shes going a bit far with pokemon! my bro used to watch it everyday and all I see are cute characters and the occasional good moral lesson! Yes ppl can go overboard in what they condem and such because of their religion, but I dont know if that counts as being overly religious......
Telletubbies gay?
(i just had to post that, sorry lol)
Pokemon? Demonic? LOL now thats a good one. Its as demonic as telletubbies is violent. Pokemon has moral lessons contained in the show and the games. It depicts a battle of the protagonist (good) vs opponents who then become his friends later on.
Yeah...that's sounds right...that;s kind of what my mom has been saying (my mom hates my step-mom; she thinks she's a wacked control-freak) Oh...she thinks Seasame Street is evil, b/c of one episode where they were talking about some kids that have 2 dad's/moms (gay aprents, in other words)
Thanks everyone!!! That helps...
Start listening to black metal. She'll shut up about Pokemon.

Havohej's "Dethrone the Son of God" is a good starting point.
Originally posted by mqnania
Well, I need some advise from different people, rather then my family...my step-mother is a christian, and so is my dad.
You will be 15th soon and at this age it is normal to start making use of judgment and to question the exact ways of things. However, I will advice you to be cautious even though
your mother is a little extremist with religion. At times, that extremism can be a cover-up for ignorance. But she is your (sort of) mother and the closest to your flesh and blood, it is important that you abstain from maintaining a collision path from which neither you, nor your mother will benefit from it.

My suggestion is that you devote time and dedication at learning, learning from anything and everything and take an approach of dialogue with your mother (as difficult as it is), instead of simply making it a simple matter or right or wrong.

Don’t pretend that you know better, but ask her wisdom at explaining things for you. As an example, the era of dinosaurs. Why doesn’t the bible dedicate time to explain that, at least in Genesis it should have had dedicated a couple of paragraphs, and there are so many things that the bible doesn’t cover, that modern men must find a convenient interpretation in line with religious teachings. Another example, if Jesus resuscitated Lazarus by the hand of God, does it mean that a doctor nowadays that brings a dead to life is another Jesus?

Because parents do not mean harm to their kinds and kids are the most precious thing to parents I recommend you not to revolt against their methods, take their good teaching and do not judged them by their mistakes. You may have to miss one or two episodes of TV, Movies, etc. But those media shows are only there for entertainment and are not ever going to help you to become a great human being.
But those media shows are only there for entertainment and are not ever going to help you to become a great human being.

Yeah, and neither is being force to believe something just because someone else does. Maintain your own belief, don't ever let anyone tell you what you must or must not believe. You can love your parents and family as much as you want, it doesn't mean you have to agree with everything they say.
mania, if I might add something. My advice is, respect her rules in her own house - just don't watch television at her house if you can help it.

When people try very hard to find Satan in everything, they are usually scared of something. You find it a lot in older people who see many things they haven't grown up and don't understand. In their case "over-religious" is the same as "under-religious".

I had the same experience while I was browsing through a collection of Magic the Gathering-cards. They said, how can someone call himself a Christian and play with the devil's toys? I was so surprised that I didn't say anything, but it got me thinking. I have played cards, and Magic is more fun than bridge, but I guess the content offends some people - and I can understand that.

Paul said he would eat meat, but if in the presence of people who did not have the same strength of convictions he had, he would for their sake abstain from it. The principle is, if someone has a weak faith - don't tempt them.

If your own relationship with God does not suffer from doing something, then go ahead and do it when they're not around. Just be careful not to become a hypocrite! Keep your conscience clear.