i need religion buffs


The JuRtLy
Registered Senior Member
because i don't want to really say yet why i'm asking, ill just ask you all to please answer what you know..

If anyone knows, what is the reason for the apocalypse? what would be going on during the apocalypse?
This is a good question. The obvious answer is that it is mentioned in Christian mythology, but the origin of the word is Greek (APOKALYPSIS) and means lifting the veil, implying that some secret knowledge is revealed.

This becomes central in Christian mythology because prophets and angels are apocalyptic in that they bring "revelation" to cult followers through dreams (by prophets) and alleged visitations (by angels). Most of these dreams and visitations have to do with the future.

There were some 17 Jewish apocalypses in the Old Testament, two of them being found in 1 Enoch and 4 Ezra. The former deals with the Maccabean Revolt and the latter is alleged to refer to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE.

The most familiar apocalypse, however, is that found in The Book of Revelation of the New Testament. The author identifies himself as being named "John" and recounts 2 visions. The second of these visions is about the final rebellion by Satan at Megiddo, Israel in which he ultimately looses resulting in peace being restored to the world.

Interestingly enough, early Christians argued against canonizing the book since they thought it would be too easy to be misinterpreted and taken out of context. They were probably right. Martin Luther, the reformer, argued that the Book of Revelation isn't something that Jesus taught or knew, therefore its utter bollocks. He didn't say "bollocks," though.

Modern Christians allow themselves to be deluded by the impending "Apocalypse," which has now become a term that is synonymous with "the end of the world" and a very, very large percentage of Americans believe that Jesus will return in their lifetime and that Satan will really come back to battle on Earth. This delusion doesn't appear much different than the delusion Scientologists have about Lord Xenu and the "body Thetans."
The jury isn't in yet on the subject of life after death, which anthropologists can not answer. It's a matter of personal faith.

In the christian faith, nobody knows when the apocalypse will occur. The bible states this specifically, that no one knows the time. However there are biblical landmarks according to bible prophesy:

Item 1

The nation of Israel must be reborn first, and all the world will be against it.

Item 2

Ezekiel Chapter 38

1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
Magog Gen 10:2, Eze 39:6, Rev 20:8

3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
Gog Eze 39:1, Rev 20:8

The word derivations apply to eastern and western halves of former republic of USSR.

4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:

5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

Persia is a united Iraq and Iran. The implication is an arab alliance.

6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.

Gomer is associated with the European continent.

7 Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.

Item 3

An eastern army is mentioned that will cross the Euphrates with an army of 200 million to do battle at the valley of Armageddon.

12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Napoleon once visited the valley of armageddos and said it was the perfect spot for a battle of that magnitude.

It is surmised that only China is capable of assembling an army that size.

Item 4

Some form of a european alliance with 10 members is mentioned as a key player:

Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Item 5

There is more in the book of Daniel.
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we'll then, could it be said that the apocalypse isnt the end of the earth? instead the unveil of the ultimate secret?

and i'd like to know about the battle between hell and heaven... supposedly going on around us, but isn't there supposed to be a time where it just all erupts and becomes a huge massacre? or is that the apocalypse?
because i don't want to really say yet why i'm asking, ill just ask you all to please answer what you know..

If anyone knows, what is the reason for the apocalypse? what would be going on during the apocalypse?

this life is a program and just as any program has bugs, so does this life has bugs/viruses....ghosts/aliens and etc...Well apocalypse is a reset function, sort of like defragmentation of windows system.
we'll then, could it be said that the apocalypse isnt the end of the earth? instead the unveil of the ultimate secret?

and i'd like to know about the battle between hell and heaven... supposedly going on around us, but isn't there supposed to be a time where it just all erupts and becomes a huge massacre? or is that the apocalypse?

Well if I gave you a full expose' on the subject I would be dissed with flames. There is plenty of information available on the internet.
Nor are anthropologists trying to.

They are on this forum. Not only for themselves, but for everyone else as well. :bugeye:

As far as your other point goes:

The bible says not even Jesus knows the day and time for the end, only the Father in heaven. Your next question is how can He not know and still be God? Answer is we haven't seen God or do we know how He thinks.
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Perhaps you'd care to cite which anthropologists in "this forum" are attempting to answer the question of "life after death" and extend this citation to show how these alleged "anthropologists" are representative of anthropology as a discipline.

Clearly you were making a statement of hyperbole that had little basis in fact. Not that this is a surprise coming from someone who said on at least three different occasions that he was done with our fair forum.
Perhaps you'd care to cite which anthropologists in "this forum" are attempting to answer the question of "life after death" and extend this citation to show how these alleged "anthropologists" are representative of anthropology as a discipline.

Clearly you were making a statement of hyperbole that had little basis in fact. Not that this is a surprise coming from someone who said on at least three different occasions that he was done with our fair forum.

Why don't you just come out and say you don't want me here, period?

I don't have to quote anything. We ALL know how you feel about Christianity.

As far as fairness goes, the forum is fair in your opinion, and those that are likeminded with you. There is no freedom of speech here for a christian that wants to state what they honestly believe -- your rules forbid that.

Take my last thread for example -- it was cordial, well researched, well written, and had been peer reviewed. You had it conveniently deleted, and would not even respond to my PM.

It is clear that after taking a year's sabbitical, this still isn't long enough for you and your following. That's ok, I really don't expect hospitality here. :shrug:

OK then, have your one-sided view of the universe. It's your party. Have fun.
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Are you changing the subject from anthropology's alleged examination of "life after death" to my own personal opinion on christianity? That's one of your major failings in this forum, Woody. You come here and pretend to be interested in discussion and discourse, but you really want to proselytize your message of hatred for homosexuals.

Your precious "peer reviewed" thread (a few quote-mined citations do not imply peer review) wasn't deleted at all. It was moved to the appropriate forum.
Are you changing the subject from anthropology's alleged examination of "life after death" to my own personal opinion on christianity? That's one of your major failings in this forum, Woody. You come here and pretend to be interested in discussion and discourse, but you really want to proselytize your message of hatred for homosexuals.

I thought the message was rather loving. It seems if anyone wants to help a homosexual, he actually hates him:


"The reality today is that growing secularist intolerance threatens to redefine Judeo-Christian beliefs as 'prejudice, intolerance,' or worse, 'hatred.'"

If the new hate crime bill is passed, then it will be illegal for a christian to tell a homosexual he is a sinner. I bet you love that idea.

Your precious "peer reviewed" thread (a few quote-mined citations do not imply peer review) wasn't deleted at all. It was moved to the appropriate forum.

I put the article together on my web blog. It was well reviewed and discussed by all sides of the argument before I brought it here. I spent many hours putting it together, and I suppose you could understand how I would feel about that regardless of the content.

Where was it moved to?
If anyone knows, what is the reason for the apocalypse?

Information for the general reading public concerning the Glorification and Vindication of God/Christ...a reminder to all of the ultimate triumph of belief over unbelief, obedience over disobedience, and good over evil...in a word, Encouragement...i.e. an exhortation for believers to persevere during the final, closing acts of God's Redemption Drama.

what would be going on during the apocalypse?

For one thing, a whole lot of Rejoicing and Worship: And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever... And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy Blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;...Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
unfortunetely the thread turned to some fight about anthropologist and homosexuals, but i thank you for trying...

I guess i must ask the right question to get the right answer

If there is an apocalypse happening, would it have happened because a battle between heaven and hell has begun? or because god is finally pissed? or could the apocalypse (if it is just the unveiling) be god showing himself to us and letting us know hes there... meaning that the ultimate truth is that there is actually a god?
unfortunetely the thread turned to some fight about anthropologist and homosexuals, but i thank you for trying...

I guess i must ask the right question to get the right answer

If there is an apocalypse happening, would it have happened because a battle between heaven and hell has begun? or because god is finally pissed? or could the apocalypse (if it is just the unveiling) be god showing himself to us and letting us know hes there... meaning that the ultimate truth is that there is actually a god?

Well, if we're talking about the god in the Christian Bible, I would think that it would be god showing itself. I mean it says that "...every knee shall bow and tongue confess [in the end]"

But, of course, it also says that God does not like sin and will not be in the presence of it (kind of like us and roaches)...so he's got to put on his mask and start spraying his pesticide.
lmao i really should get to reading a bible...

one day i will tell you all why i ask and i will thank you publicly!! lol
lmao i really should get to reading a bible...

one day i will tell you all why i ask and i will thank you publicly!! lol

Sure thing. I used to be a Christian, I always was agnostic which eventually nullified my belief/brainwashing of a god.

But, if God was to unveil himself that would be cool and I would join it because I know what the promises are...but unfortunately for me, that would be too late. And that is supposed to be fair. :shrug:

Yah, I wish more people would study the Bible and theology so they could understand the concepts taught, regardless of if God exists or not...just so you can challenge yourself and others (especially the Christians).
Sure thing. I used to be a Christian, I always was agnostic which eventually nullified my belief/brainwashing of a god.

But, if God was to unveil himself that would be cool and I would join it because I know what the promises are... but unfortunately for me, that would be too late. And that is supposed to be fair. :shrug:

Yah, I wish more people would study the Bible and theology so they could understand the concepts taught, regardless of if God exists or not... just so you can challenge yourself and others (especially the Christians).
M*W: I'm impressed with your newly gained wisdom. You are right about studying the bible and theology after you are no longer brainwashed by what you're been programmed to believe. That is ever so more important to see it with open eyes and a clear mind.

There's really no point in teaching atheism or trying to convert people to it. That come's as a personal revelation. I've always said it is more important to study and teach the truth about christianity. Once a person learns the truth, wisdom follows, as in your case.
why dont you try. go ahead, where will you start without just disproving another belief
M*W: I don't care to try to teach atheism to anyone. Apparently, you did not understand my post. I have no intention of teaching atheism.

John, sometimes I wonder about you. You seem to have a problem understanding simple language.