I need help/advice/information!!!!!

SilverShadow Fox

Registered Member
Okay, so I'm not experiencing anything personally, so it's kind of hard to explain, but my boyfriend is having these horrible night mares, and it's been going on for a while. He's the marine/soldier type so he doesn't like to admit pain, or if something bothers him, he'd rather just either deal with it himself, or avoid it. Well he has this...emotional door, if you will, that he refuses to "open," saying it's a side of him that he doesn't or can't let out. But in these dreams, he gets shot, wakes up and feels the explicit pain there...but recently he told me he had this nightmare and his dad woke him up and he was bleeding from his nose and eyes. Now I know how unlikely this is, but I also know that he doesn't really lie to me. If he doesn't want me to know something, he just doesn't tell me. It's kind of how our trust thing works, anyway, I do know that the possibility that he's blowing smoke up my ass is there, but i was wondering if it was possible, and if so, how do you stop it. Before this he talked to a councilor about it, and the councilor said that if he didn't find out what happened, there was the slight possibility of the dreams killing him.
I do know that if you have a night terror bad enough that it is possible that you have a heart attack...honestly, I'd rather not have that happen.
Can anyone help me??
If he is fairly young I doubt he will die.
Has he served in a war or seen real action? YOu say he is a soldier type, but was he an active soldier.
No, he's just eighteen, but his father and his older brother....um...trained him hard. He's been trained to fight brutally since he was 5. Has he been in a war? No. Has he seen action? Tons. He's had more than enough experience with death already despite of not being in a war. When...i'm not entirely sure if it was when he was in rotc or boot camp or one of the other many different things he was in, but one of his cadets died in front of him, another has died, and one of his old friends was beaten, raped and shot. *shrug* decide for yourself.
So he is probably suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

You can get info on that here.


One thing you should know is that if he has PTSD then he will avoid situations that remind him of his trauma. Even intimacy or strong positive emotions - such as romantic love or being open and intimate - may feel actually dangerous to him. So him being closed down may well be a part of it.

Hopefully he will want to deal with this. By the way. PTSD does not mean he is mentally ill. It is a natural response to overwhelming terrifying situations. But it is also serious, if he has it.

He may not want to deal with it or he may deal with it with self medication - alcohol or drugs.

So it's not your responsibility to 'fix' him. but you do need to take care of yourself. make sure you are getting what you need and not getting things you do not need. Know what I mean?

Being trained to fight brutally from when you are five sounds pretty messed up to me. Like there are serious family problems also.
LMAO!!! serious family problems doesn't even begin to cover it. Yeah, his family is screwed up, and it's very likely that he has PTSD. I know what it is...but does that cause night terrors?

And can night terrors actually stress you out so much that you litterally end up bleeding? I have heard that some people have literally cried tears of blood, but...while your sleeping? I don't know...
I call bs, youre fishing for woowoos.

In the event you're being honest, some christians may suggest a excorsism.

Not me, just tell him to eat a grapefruit everyday, give the murderous thoughts a rest now and then and maybe do some pray'n.

Good luck.
0.o Fishing for woowoos? Please. I merely want to know if it's possible. If it is, how to deal. You think it isn't, fine, I thank you for your opinion, call me a liar, and we'll have issues.
I am christian, though not heavily so, and don't believe in that shit. If it is possible for possession (which I seriously doubt), the only person who can "excorsize" it, would be yourself.
Yeah, his family is screwed up, and it's very likely that he has PTSD. I know what it is...but does that cause night terrors?

I am no expert in this area, but I know that traumatic events can cause night terrors. Alot of Vietnam vets suffered from it after the war.
I am christian, though not heavily so, and don't believe in that shit. If it is possible for possession (which I seriously doubt), the only person who can "excorsize" it, would be yourself.

Sure, he could do a little reading and get baptized perhaps. I'm not if sure the family physician treats dream induced bleeding of the eyes and mouth. Nothing to lose.

lol I'm not laughing at you, but telling him that getting baptized would do anything would be an apsolutely hilarious conversation....

As for the physician...I doubt it. I think it's more psychological than that...but thanks.
LMAO!!! serious family problems doesn't even begin to cover it. Yeah, his family is screwed up, and it's very likely that he has PTSD. I know what it is...but does that cause night terrors?

And can night terrors actually stress you out so much that you litterally end up bleeding? I have heard that some people have literally cried tears of blood, but...while your sleeping? I don't know...
I don't think the bleeding issue is one we really need to figure out. He needs counseling. And yes, PTSD can cause night terrors. It is a pretty common symptom. Basically when they relax the feelings can come crashing in. Any relaxing can do this. But then excitement or intense feelings can also set off flashbacks or terror.

And if he has been systematically abused, which sounds possible from your description, he may be very resistant and this all might take a long time. Not that you should tell him this. But you should know.
Yeah, I know, he does get distant with me at times, and I have no issue slapping him over the head for it. But...and honestly I never thought that I would be like this, for some reason, I love him, and I deal with it. We're close...or fairly close at least. Professional counseling he's had, for now, I'm the one who does most of it now. >.< lol but thank you
Yeah, I know, he does get distant with me at times, and I have no issue slapping him over the head for it. But...and honestly I never thought that I would be like this, for some reason, I love him, and I deal with it. We're close...or fairly close at least. Professional counseling he's had, for now, I'm the one who does most of it now. >.< lol but thank you
Sure. But if you are doing the counseling, you have taken on a huge task. Might just work out peachy for you guys. On the other hand it might be an imbalance, with you being girlfriend and caretaker/therapist and him being boyfriend.
Sure. But if you are doing the counseling, you have taken on a huge task. Might just work out peachy for you guys. On the other hand it might be an imbalance, with you being girlfriend and caretaker/therapist and him being boyfriend.

I know, but it's in my personality. I'm actually quite used to it, and a lot of the time find enjoyment out of it. But I have issues of my own...:D not nearly as bad of course, and he makes me smile and laugh and happy...so...for me? Fair trade.
lol I'm not laughing at you, but telling him that getting baptized would do anything would be an apsolutely hilarious conversation....

As for the physician...I doubt it. I think it's more psychological than that...but thanks.

It makes me think of the vets comming back that are feeling like their being raked over the coals for doing their job.Or they can't tell how their service is helping anything.

A lot of people have a strong sense of duty and it can be a long journey looking for justice and honor in this world.

It can be found, I think.
It makes me think of the vets comming back that are feeling like their being raked over the coals for doing their job.Or they can't tell how their service is helping anything.

A lot of people have a strong sense of duty and it can be a long journey looking for justice and honor in this world.

It can be found, I think.

I think that it will take more than one person to find it...I just need to convince him that he doesn't need to go on the search alone.