I mumble stuff in my sleep!


Registered Member
I was at my dads and i went to bed one night with a few things concerning me but otherwise fairly content with the day. I remeber waking up in the night and going to the bathroom. My dad told me jokingly about me while i was sleeping. He sound i was making weird noises in my sleep. I could'nt remeber a thing from this!

Why was i having such a nightmare, could it because i am still unconciously upset over seeing my dad with my stepmom?

And how come i couldnt remeber it?
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The usual causes for this are mental tension. Is there some issue or problem you are trying to sort out?...

.....and usually people don't even remember that they were jabbering in their sleep.
when im stressed i often wake up with long cuts and scrapes on my forearms particularly around my elbows. This could be from me flailig around in my sleep and scraping my arms against my bedside lamp... or astraly projecting psychic cultists who want to spontaniously create very minor wounds on my arms. im not sure which.
My parents tell me that I wake them up pretty regularly yelling stuff in my sleep. Mostly things like "Stop it!" and all of that. Im not too sure what it means or why it happens, but I never remember it or any dream that it would go with.....weird.
My best friend for the past 7 years has woken me up quite often talking quite clearly in her sleep. The last time we slept in the same bed I rolled over and was face to face with her....and she said "Isn't that interesting."

I'm pretty used to it though.
Im sure we are all psychicly compelled to spout the most hidden and ancient wisdom when we are asleep, pillows must be the hated technocracy's method for oppressing us, because they muffle this wisdom into sleepy mumbling and no one can become enlightened.

.... just trying to give this thread some validity in this forum.
Originally posted by DarkEyedBeauty
My best friend for the past 7 years has woken me up quite often talking quite clearly in her sleep. The last time we slept in the same bed I rolled over and was face to face with her....and she said "Isn't that interesting."

I'm pretty used to it though.

Hehe :D

I used to mumble crap a lot, and swear, when I were a lad.

Me mutha and fatha says, when I were knee high to a grasshopper, I apparently used to wake up and say 'I'm John Jones, I died in the war'.

Don't remember any of it though.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
Im sure we are all psychicly compelled to spout the most hidden and ancient wisdom when we are asleep, pillows must be the hated technocracy's method for oppressing us, because they muffle this wisdom into sleepy mumbling and no one can become enlightened.

.... just trying to give this thread some validity in this forum.

Are you kidding?
When I was younger, much younger, my parents and my sister on vacations to relatives' houses or during stays in hotels would refuse to sleep in the same bed as me. Why? I would claw them to shreds, kick them and punch them probably harder than I could have done had I been conscious. I don't think I do this anymore, but I still do mumble unintelligible nonsense probably every night. My sister speaks in her sleep as well, I recall one incident when she rolled over during a stay at a hotel and told me that "the best legos are the ones that come with gold."
No, no no--gold, like, little pieces of round plastic that the lego men could hold and put in treasure chests. I think that's what she meant.

Ahhh those were the days...
No, sorry. Actually legos are and always will be awesome. I haven't touched mine for years, they're downstairs, covered in cobwebs and dried spider corpses. I grew out of them, but I can still admire them, as well as my own ingenuity. All of mine were original creations. I had a look at them a few weeks ago, reminisced for a few minutes, saw how hard it was to build what I built. Aahhhhh...