I might've seen my first UFO.


Registered Senior Member
...And we saw it from our backyard- 10/3/01 in Lake Elsinore, CA.

I'm pretty sure this was a UFO that my girlfriend and I saw. We were in our backyard (around 9:30pm), smoking a cigarette, when my girlfriend mentioned that she thought she saw a certain star move in the sky. We watched it for a few seconds and sure enough, it was slowly moving up before stopping. It kept on moving slowly, then stopping- sometimes it paced back and forth before stopping and other times, it flew in circles and zig-zags before stopping.

We watched this "slow moving star" for about 30 minutes until my girlfriend got tired of looking at it. I watched it for two more hours until I noticed that it wasn't moving as much, if not at all, so I gave up and went inside. An hour later, I go back outside to check out my UFO again. It wasn't moving for the 10 minutes I was out there but when a plane flew by, it moved a little faster than before to check out the plane! It didn't get all that close to the plane and the "star" slowly moved back to where it was orginally at before moving.

Tonight, I see the same star again and it was moving slowly once again. Only this time, I saw it move and stop twice and I didn't see it budge at all when I went outside to check it every other hour- even when a few plane flew by it pretty close.

I swear I wasn't hallucinating because my girlfriend saw the exact same thing I saw.
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I've probably seen two UFO's before, but its possible that they could be explained by something else.
1) When I was in sixth grade we had a monster snowstorm that knocked out the power. I'm used to, when I'm waking up in the middle of the night, seeing what time it is. It's reassuring. So anyway I was kinda scared, with the wind blowing against the outside walls of my room and the occasional LOUD snowplow driving by, when it all seemed to stop. I thought nothing of it, the snowplows were taking a break a break or something and the wind seemed to stop. I started to get tired when I thought that on the insides of my eyes I could see bright lights flashing. So I would open my eyes, and my room would be pitch black. This is where things start to get sketchy, but I think that I saw a few flashes of intense blue light shining in through my windows, maybe three or four times. I was terrified and I ran upstairs to my parents room, and around three hours later I fell asleep. Lucky for me because of the storm we had about three days off because of the storm, so it didn't disrupt my classwork if ya were wondering about it.
2)Maybe a few months or weeks later I woke up to hear my dog, jesse, softly growling at something outside my window. I got up to look outside, and after deciding that there was nothing there I began to turn when I noticed a bright, bright star probably the same general size as venus but relatively at least one and a half times brighter. I stared at it for awhile, it was moving in a straight line towards the horizon. I think it was moving about a third the speed of a jet flying at its normal cruising altitude. I went upstairs and got my dad and we watched it for about half an hour until the trees blocked our view and it disappeared.

Very cool. Not bad for a ninth grader eh?