I know it is not fair monkey!


Apparently monkeys can distinguish between what is fair and what isn't. Some were trained to receive rewards. It pissed them off if another monkey got a greater award for the same job. So much in fact that they would even throw away their lesser award.
thats intresting maybe they can feal the same array of emotions people do but we can't see how they express it.
Some resemblance may be there in mentality, being animals--as we are also classified under animals.:) We use some animals for test purpose because of some similarity.
some people are so against animal testing i can't understand why they don't complain of the advances they bring.
Humens are animals! we have all the same emotions animals have hate, love, envy, sadness, anger, ect were just really smart animals with thumbs and advanced language.
I’m not against war so people die there seems to always be more what a shame and a few less people would only help things. War is perfectly natural there has always been war there will always be war. War brings technological advances concentrates the efforts of the people inspires great literature. Please correct me if I’m wrong but people can't truly value peace without experiencing war.
i think coluber is right here and has touched on a major philosophical point:

That there is no good without evil (and vice versa) but that doesnt really come under this heading does it?
but its they same argument that is used for animal testing. It’s true that animal testing isn't fair it’s bad its evil etc. but it's necessary for research and scientific advancement. I forgot what this thread is about for a while sorry.
Well, next time a monkey throws away his lesser prize, tell him 'Life isn't fair. That's your first step to becoming human.' ;)