I invalidate the theory of relativity.


Registered Senior Member
I invalidate the theory of relativity.

According to the theory of relativity the time pauses when it reaches the speed of light.

The time bases on entropy in other words that the energy alters its density and the substance alters with time.

How could the time pause when a spaceship meets photons that come towards with a speed of light?

No way!

On the contrary, the entropy accelerates the more the spaceship meets photons coming towards.

The sun light makes the paint to peel off in other words it alters to a less dense substance.

How about when the ship meets photons while itself moves with a speed of light?

The time of the substance / the energy on the surface of a ship that moves with the speed of light has not been paused and that’s a fact!

It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that the time pauses when moving with the speed of light!

The faster the photon moves in realation to that object that it hits, the bigger the kinetc energy is.

If we think that the time of the ship slows down, then the photons comimg towards would hit the ship even with faster speed.
In relation to the time of the ship and therefore the computational kinetic energy of the photons would be even stronger ect.

This makes an obvious contradiction.

The photons coming from the sun make the paint to peel off in other words to alter faster into a less dense? Apparently this is a proven fact? I´m sure that the sunny side of my house peels off faster!

If my house would move towards the sun with the speed of light, the time of our houses substance / energy would not have definitely paused and I am also very sure of that!

According to the theory of www.onesimpleprinciple.com the house would have altered into a light (=photons) and during that transform the time of the house would have begin to advance faster and faster.

Yeah, well, good luck with that! It's quite CLEAR that you have NO understanding of Relativity in the least.

I strongly suggest that you go back to baking cookies - or whatever it is that you're good at - and leave science/physics to those that actually know something about the topic.
Yeah, well, good luck with that! It's quite CLEAR that you have NO understanding of Relativity in the least.

I strongly suggest that you go back to baking cookies - or whatever it is that you're good at - and leave science/physics to those that actually know something about the topic.

Good criticism Read-Only. Not many people take the time to actually think about what it is that is wrong or could be improved with someone's idea. I like how you isolated just the parts that went awry. This shows a keen eye and mastery of the subject! Bravo Read-Only, Bravo!
I invalidate the theory of relativity.

According to the theory of relativity the time pauses when it reaches the speed of light.

The time bases on entropy in other words that the energy alters its density and the substance alters with time.

How could the time pause when a spaceship meets photons that come towards with a speed of light?

No way!

On the contrary, the entropy accelerates the more the spaceship meets photons coming towards.

The sun light makes the paint to peel off in other words it alters to a less dense substance.

How about when the ship meets photons while itself moves with a speed of light?

The time of the substance / the energy on the surface of a ship that moves with the speed of light has not been paused and that’s a fact!

It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that the time pauses when moving with the speed of light!

The faster the photon moves in realation to that object that it hits, the bigger the kinetc energy is.

If we think that the time of the ship slows down, then the photons comimg towards would hit the ship even with faster speed.
In relation to the time of the ship and therefore the computational kinetic energy of the photons would be even stronger ect.

This makes an obvious contradiction.

The photons coming from the sun make the paint to peel off in other words to alter faster into a less dense? Apparently this is a proven fact? I´m sure that the sunny side of my house peels off faster!

If my house would move towards the sun with the speed of light, the time of our houses substance / energy would not have definitely paused and I am also very sure of that!

According to the theory of www.onesimpleprinciple.com the house would have altered into a light (=photons) and during that transform the time of the house would have begin to advance faster and faster.

Entropy is the only way we can measure what direction that time moves in. It always moves towards chaos.

Not only would time stop when you reach the speed of light, space would also shrink to a singularity. Since time would have stopped there would be no time to cause chaos.

As you approches the speed of light with your spaceship, the time to cause chaos would slow down. In fact; any events whatsoever would slow down , you wouldn't notice it though as your perception would slow down exactly at the rate of the spaceship. To you it would seem like all events in the universe was happening at a faster rate, but it's really your rate that has slowed down.
I invalidate the theory of relativity.

According to the theory of relativity the time pauses when it reaches the speed of light.
It would seem obvious to any rational person with more than half a brain cell that to say "According to relativity...." you should first know what relativity says. You clearly have no clue what relativity says and thus you demonstrate you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

You obviously don't know much about thermodynamics either given what you say about entropy.

It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that the time pauses when moving with the speed of light!
Yes what you've said is ridiculous. Shame relativity doesn't say it.
I remember you from another forum, JukriS.

This thread belongs in the Pseudoscience forum.

I invalidate the theory of relativity.

According to the theory of relativity the time pauses when it reaches the speed of light.
This is not what the Theory of Relativity states.

The time bases on entropy in other words that the energy alters its density and the substance alters with time.
This is not what the Theory of Relativity states.

How could the time pause when a spaceship meets photons that come towards with a speed of light?
Relativity does not say this happens.

On the contrary, the entropy accelerates the more the spaceship meets photons coming towards.

The sun light makes the paint to peel off in other words it alters to a less dense substance.
LOL ok, that was funny, thanks;)

How about when the ship meets photons while itself moves with a speed of light?
Light always moves at c relative to any observer.

The time of the substance / the energy on the surface of a ship that moves with the speed of light has not been paused and that’s a fact!
But that is not what Relativity predicts.

It is absolutely ridiculous to claim that the time pauses when moving with the speed of light!
Agreed. So stop doing it.

The faster the photon moves in realation to that object that it hits, the bigger the kinetc energy is.
The photon will always move at c.

If we think that the time of the ship slows down, then the photons comimg towards would hit the ship even with faster speed.
Light always moves at c relative to the observer.

In relation to the time of the ship and therefore the computational kinetic energy of the photons would be even stronger ect.
This is based on all your misunderstandings and is irrelevant.

This makes an obvious contradiction.
Obviously. See above.

The photons coming from the sun make the paint to peel off in other words to alter faster into a less dense? Apparently this is a proven fact?
I´m sure that the sunny side of my house peels off faster!
Relativity has nothing to do with pealing paint.

If my house would move towards the sun with the speed of light, the time of our houses substance / energy would not have definitely paused and I am also very sure of that!

Thanks for the entertainment.
I remember you from another forum, JukriS.
This thread belongs in the Pseudoscience forum.
That's where all his other threads end up.

@ State of mind: your dismissal of Read-Only's post is ill-warranted. Jukris has posted here many times and it has been explained to him where and how he's wrong - he simply refuses to take any notice.
Your condemnation of R-O's reply is exactly what you accused him of - you failed to understand or, apparently, look at at anything other than the immediate situation.
If Jukris posted more often I suspect he'd be banned, but as it is he just pops up now and again with his specious nonsense. R-O's post merely slapped him down (deservedly) and serves notice to anyone reading the thread that it isn't worth reading.
That's where all his other threads end up.

@ State of mind: your dismissal of Read-Only's post is ill-warranted. Jukris has posted here many times and it has been explained to him where and how he's wrong - he simply refuses to take any notice.
Your condemnation of R-O's reply is exactly what you accused him of - you failed to understand or, apparently, look at at anything other than the immediate situation.
If Jukris posted more often I suspect he'd be banned, but as it is he just pops up now and again with his specious nonsense. R-O's post merely slapped him down (deservedly) and serves notice to anyone reading the thread that it isn't worth reading.

Thank you. :)

And yes - as you, I, and several others know, this Jukris guy is about as nutty an un-scientific as they get.;)

Here's a fine example of how he doesn't even understand some of the most simple, common things.

He wrote:

"How can freezing water expand, even bursting
metal pipes, with no energy input to explain it?

A: According to today's science, this is impossible. Every
output of energy requires a balancing energy input in order
to remain within our laws of physics. A balloon left in the sun
will expand and burst, in the process doing work against the
surrounding atmosphere and its elastic skin, which is balanced
by the energy input from the sun, so it is no mystery. However,
freezing water has no energy input -- in fact, just the opposite.
Energy continually drains from the water as it cools toward
freezing. So, how does the water suddenly expand with such
force from within that it easily bursts metal pipes? No solid
answers to this mystery can be found from today's scientists --
only confused hand-waving diversionary responses that still
do not answer this clear energy balance violation."
That's where all his other threads end up.

@ State of mind: your dismissal of Read-Only's post is ill-warranted. Jukris has posted here many times and it has been explained to him where and how he's wrong - he simply refuses to take any notice.
Your condemnation of R-O's reply is exactly what you accused him of - you failed to understand or, apparently, look at at anything other than the immediate situation.
If Jukris posted more often I suspect he'd be banned, but as it is he just pops up now and again with his specious nonsense. R-O's post merely slapped him down (deservedly) and serves notice to anyone reading the thread that it isn't worth reading.

No, my condemnation isn't anything like Read-Only's post. I think what I posted was a constructive criticism of Read-Only's criticism. Your post, on the other hand, dywyd, is more valid because you at least bring up that he has a history of this (whether you're right that he's ill informed or not) - it at least informs the people reading this thread of something rather than completely wasting their time.
He wrote:

"How can freezing water expand, even bursting
metal pipes, with no energy input to explain it?

A: According to today's science, this is impossible. Every
output of energy requires a balancing energy input in order
to remain within our laws of physics. A balloon left in the sun
will expand and burst, in the process doing work against the
surrounding atmosphere and its elastic skin, which is balanced
by the energy input from the sun, so it is no mystery. However,
freezing water has no energy input -- in fact, just the opposite.
Energy continually drains from the water as it cools toward
freezing. So, how does the water suddenly expand with such
force from within that it easily bursts metal pipes? No solid
answers to this mystery can be found from today's scientists --
only confused hand-waving diversionary responses that still
do not answer this clear energy balance violation."

I admit I don't know the technical reason why water expands when it's frozen. That said, I think that what Jukris said in this quote is an interesting observation whether his theory is right or wrong. It at least shows that he has a sincere interest in the workings of nature.
I admit I don't know the technical reason why water expands when it's frozen. That said, I think that what Jukris said in this quote is an interesting observation whether his theory is right or wrong. It at least shows that he has a sincere interest in the workings of nature.

It's an extremely simple mechanism - and contrary to his STUPID assertion, science has known for a very long time exactly how it works. It's very dumb statements - like him saying that science doesn't understand it it all - that trips my woo-woo meter.

Briefly put, as water freezes, it forms a crystalline structure - and that crystal lattice that's formed occupies more space than the water did in the liquid state. And that's really all there is to the whole story.

So before you make an a$$ of yourself by criticizing people who easily know more than you do, I'd suggest you do a bit of research on your own. AND while going about it, check out that poster also. Take 5 minutes - click on his name, look on his profile for the posts he made and then make an INFORMED opinion of this nut case!!!

That is, unless you take some perverted pleasure in just spouting off random nonsense of your own! :D:D
Briefly put, as water freezes, it forms a crystalline structure - and that crystal lattice that's formed occupies more space than the water did in the liquid state. And that's really all there is to the whole story.

I actually knew that already. Do you know why it forms a crystalline structure?
Entropy is the only way we can measure what direction that time moves in. It always moves towards chaos.
It tends to move in that direction, but does not do so monotonically. The Second Law allows for local reversals of entropy. According to some models, that's how our Hubble Volume (imprecisely referred to as "the Universe") came into existence. If the space-time continuum is truly infinite, then the Big Bang was quite a spectacular local reversal of entropy. But if it is truly infinite, then anything that is possible can very easily happen, perhaps more than once. Perhaps there have been/are/will be other Big Bangs, separated by googols of millennia and googols of light-years, so the inhabitants of the resulting Hubble Volumes can never know of each other's existence.
I actually knew that already. Do you know why it forms a crystalline structure?

I sure do. :) But instead of me spoon-feeding you information, why don't you attempt to find out for yourself? It's much, much more rewarding that way - plus you will undoubtedly learn more things along the way.

And since you've not commented on him, have you bothered to check out that poster as I suggested??
Here we go again

The time and the speed of light

When you experience an episode, it demands a certain amount of vibrations of the atom cores.
The duration of the episode can be measured with an atom clock.

Experiecing the same event again in exactly the same way demands excactly the same amount of vibrations of the atom cores in other words the same time passes by measuring the time with an atom clock.

What if the expanding of the substance accelerates and the distance between the atom cores increases?

Now the energywaves coming from the atomcores need more time to move towards the atomcore nextby, where it makes the atomcore to vibrate ect.

The event takes more time although by measuring it with the atom clock it takes the same time in other words the atoms of an atom clock vibrate the same amount during the same event?

I claim that the entropy of a ship that approaches with the speed of light accelerates, the time slows down and finally the ship turns into a light ((=photons) and then it´s energy indeed moves with the speed of light.

Because of the entropy all the substance turns finally into photons (=light), but if the ship begins to accelerate its speed, it meets the approaching energy faster and faster. Now the energy approaching makes the energy of the ship to alter faster than normally into a less dense form and this way the entropy speeds up. The ship expands and meets energy approaching from an wider area. The accelerating of the speed makes the entropy to speed up faster than before ect.

The photons approaching continue to expand in former rhythm. The ship expands faster than normally when the speed accelerates. The ship that expands faster than normally gets more hits by photons that are now in relation to the expanding ship denser and this way from in front of the ship is experienced a harder force that objects the movement. To accelerate the speed even a little bit the ship needs all the time more and more substance / energy that alters faster than normally into a less dense form.

The photons reaching the ship from behind achieve the ship slower and this way force pulling from behind weakens in the same relation as the speed accelerates?

In the speed of light even a small accelerating of the speed weakens essentially the effect of the energy coming from behind!

Why do the quarks expand all the time?
Where do they get the energy to expand?

Towards the substance / energy of the visible universe there comes energy that has changed smoothly into a less dense energy because of the entropy. This energy makes the quarks to expand continuously in same relation.

It controls the expanding of the qvarks abd absorbs more energy towards the quarks all the time.

With an scientific experience the quarks can be forced to expand in explosives faster than normally.
Or in an atom bomb.

When the atom bomb explodes, the quarks turn into a less dense energy faster than normally.
Now they are less dense than the other quarks. That’s why they don´t absorb as much energy from that energy that moves against the substance / energy of the visible universe. Then the situation balances, these qvarks begin to absorb the energy to themselves again in the same relations as the other quarks do ect.

Please inform me if you are familiar with some scientific test that is made with a space that expands all the time.Maybe there is somewhere a test that makes the space to expand faster than normally?

The expanding space is God of the science religions, and it can not be examined scientifically. The expanding space is can not be proven scientifically no more than other religions Gods can be proven!



I sure do. :) But instead of me spoon-feeding you information, why don't you attempt to find out for yourself? It's much, much more rewarding that way - plus you will undoubtedly learn more things along the way.

In other words... you don't know. ;)
E=MC^2. I rather not go into the technicalities of Einsteinian Physics, but I rather describe it by conceptual comprehension.

Imagine a bomb (m) and wait until it explodes (c^2). The way I see it, is that energy in the mass is converted into the energy in the explosion. In this case, the conservation of energy is observed. In short, Mass and the speed of light are the same with respect to energy.

Pls. correct me if I am wrong or confused in my understanding.
Imagine a bomb (m) and wait until it explodes (c^2).
Do you mean a bomb with mass m? And how does $$c^{2}$$ mean 'explodes'?

The way I see it, is that energy in the mass is converted into the energy in the explosion. In this case, the conservation of energy is observed.
Its too difficult to experimentally measure the change in mass when a nuclear weapon is detonated, too much contamination from other material and the apparatus tends to vaporise.