I hope this doesn't offend anyone.


Satan is a Nerd
Registered Senior Member
:confused: Has anyone ever thought that maybe Christians are wrong, and that the Greeks were right, or for that matter anybody? I have, but yet if that was so that would screw up a lot of ppl. Yet still, it is possible, right? I have pondered this for a while, so I asked my mom and got yelled at, so I figured I would ask you guys. :confused:

I'm sorry to hear of the negative response you got from your mother.

I think you should stick around here more, to get a better scope of the issue.

But, in short: To decide who is ultimately right and who is ultimately wrong -- this is something only God can do. It is beyond us to answer such questions.
It is ours to live our lives as good as we can, always being true to ourselves in everything we do.
I think it would be fun to worship a pantheon of gods, that way, you could chose a personal deity that would suit you, rather than adapting to the one standardized God.
I am assuming your mom is a Christian of some sort. Did she claim that you were an atheist for you transcendentalism? Well I am sorry that she said that, your are just trying to find your correct spiritual path in life. I am not a Christian and I think Greek mythology is pretty cool and interesting.
Have you ever heard the stories of the greek gods?! No logical person would ever consider them to be true.
Yeah I have read them and I agree they are not that believable, but very cool to read. That makes me think though I don’t think that mosses parting the sea is very believable either. I am sure anything can happen it just matters if you believe in it or not.
Who cares if they are true? I would prefer a religion that knows it's a myth, then you couldn't take it too seriously.
I agree taking your self or what you believe in to seriously is not good. One should be loose and free.
but what's the point of taking something seriously if you know for certain it can't be true?
kornrulz: Has anyone ever thought that maybe Christians are wrong, and that the Greeks were right, or for that matter anybody?
M*W: First, this is a very good question, kornrulz, and that is the opinion of 75% of the world's population, so they all can't be wrong!
kornrulz: I have, but yet if that was so that would screw up a lot of ppl.
M*W: Yes, it has screwed up a lot of people, 25% of the world's population, to be exact. But when you look at these data, the worldwide percentage of mentally ill people is also 1:4. Christians live in a delusional world; therefore, it wouldn't surprise me if that same 25% Christian population was also the same percentage of the world's mentally ill!
kornrulz: Yet still, it is possible, right? I have pondered this for a while, so I asked my mom and got yelled at, so I figured I would ask you guys. :confused:
M*W: Sure, it's not only possible but very probable. Don't fret about getting yelled at for asking sincere questions. You, my friend, have come to the right place!
kornrulz said:
:confused: Has anyone ever thought that maybe Christians are wrong, and that the Greeks were right, or for that matter anybody? I have, but yet if that was so that would screw up a lot of ppl. Yet still, it is possible, right? I have pondered this for a while, so I asked my mom and got yelled at, so I figured I would ask you guys. :confused:
If you want the questioned answered in terms of yourself read "The Jesus Mysteries, was the Original Jesus a Pagan God?" And therein you will find the links from Paganism (a mystery religion) to Gnosticism. (Even the Gnostic-link to Paul's un-forged epistles) and the links from Gnosticism (another mystery religion) to Literalist Christianity, and how the Literalist attempted to burn the truth out of existence.
spidergoat said:
I think it would be fun to worship a pantheon of gods, that way, you could chose a personal deity that would suit you, rather than adapting to the one standardized God.

Interesting -- how the problem of personal religiousness is solved.

A: Have a pantheon of gods and choose one for yourself, as a type. A version of religion where your god is your role-model or idol.

B: Have one "standardized" God, but develop a personal relationship to that god.
Enigma'07 said:
but what's the point of taking something seriously if you know for certain it can't be true?
Seriousness isn't fun. Religion should be fun. Even the Christian god is a symbol, since Christians readily admit they can't fathom the nature of god, and furthermore, he said not to make any graven images, which I interpret to mean written representations or conceptual models. So, the Greek gods were symbols, too, of things we all know about in our lives, war, wine, knowledge, etc... I doubt the Greeks believed there were actual gods living on a mountain somewhere.

Has anyone ever thought that maybe Christians are wrong, and that the Greeks were right, or for that matter anybody?

No one has yet shown that any religion has any scrap of truth. Note that God is only an imaginary concept; no one has yet to show otherwise.

I have, but yet if that was so that would screw up a lot of ppl.

They are already screwed up – they are walking around believing something is true with absolutely no evidence that it is true or could ever be true or is even possible.

Yet still, it is possible, right?

Why? There is no precedent or evidence for anything supernatural so it is not meaningful to claim that such things as gods are possible.

I have pondered this for a while, so I asked my mom and got yelled at, so I figured I would ask you guys.

Good move – but when you find the courage ask her for proof.
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water said:

I'm sorry to hear of the negative response you got from your mother.

I think you should stick around here more, to get a better scope of the issue.

But, in short: To decide who is ultimately right and who is ultimately wrong -- this is something only God can do. It is beyond us to answer such questions.
It is ours to live our lives as good as we can, always being true to ourselves in everything we do.


How are neurons and their electrical charges "right" or "wrong"?
Cris said:
Good move – but when you find the courage ask her for proof.

Do you have children?

* * *

§outh§tar said:

How are neurons and their electrical charges "right" or "wrong"?

Poopy, how come, why, etc. -- that you can talk, that you can say and type "prithee"? That you have a name, that you have feelings (which you, bah, hate), that you get out of bed in the morning?

"Neurons and their electrical charges" are right or wrong when it comes to their application to living a life.
water said:
"Neurons and their electrical charges" are right or wrong when it comes to their application to living a life.
Too advanced a concept for SouthStar, methinks.
kornrulz said:
:confused: Has anyone ever thought that maybe Christians are wrong, and that the Greeks were right, or for that matter anybody? I have, but yet if that was so that would screw up a lot of ppl. Yet still, it is possible, right? I have pondered this for a while, so I asked my mom and got yelled at, so I figured I would ask you guys. :confused:

I am wondering, do you mean the Olympian gods, Zeus...etc etc?

That is what i tem patriarchal paganism. It is of the same strain as Christianity as in the belief in the transcendence of gods (Greek context) and 'God' , in the christian context

what happenes with the Olmpian gods is the LOSe their tails. they lose their connection with Earth, and Direct spirituality. They become 'ghosts', comic book heros that are distant, and aloof on the ascending mount Olympus. Then the believers in that become the 'god's playthings'...THAt is what they believe so the belief is felt to be real, understand?

So contrast that with Christianity. Here again we get the idea of 'God' coming 'down' (ie., from a transcendent place) to be 'man', and having to be 'sacrificed' so as for his believers to be forgiven of their 'original sin'. Then he 'ascends' and becomes transcendent. yet again distant.

so, what then do i mean by CLOSE?.......
I am understanding we have lost a close direct spirituality, which was previously--before its suppression by patriarchal ideology--ac communal sharing of hallucinogenic sacraments, and/or drumming, chanting. An ecstatic ecstasy everyone shared.

Sure, i am not stupid, i am aware people take them. But there is no accepted cultural context for the respect for this deeper aspect of spirituality.
Seriousness isn't fun. Religion should be fun. Even the Christian god is a symbol, since Christians readily admit they can't fathom the nature of god, and furthermore, he said not to make any graven images, which I interpret to mean written representations or conceptual models. So, the Greek gods were symbols, too, of things we all know about in our lives, war, wine, knowledge, etc... I doubt the Greeks believed there were actual gods living on a mountain somewhere.

But a supposed matter of eternal life or death, shouldn't that be taken seriously?
Why would they spend years building temples and monuments to gods that were just a joke?