I Have Preminitions....feedback?


Registered Member
Hi my name is david. i have being having preminitions for the last few years. as i have gotten older i have become more in control of when to have them but still can randomly occur. they started when i was 11 or 12 and now im almost 21. they are always about me and what i will do in the future. i just had one today and happened exactly as i saw them. i only realise the situation that i saw in my dreams moments b4 they happen. the dream i had about today happened months ago and only occured now. are our paths laid out for us? i believe they are and there are points along each path wer we can make a choice. im a perfectly healthy person...i had a normal upbringing...loved my childhood. however these preminitions started when my parents wer going through a tough time always arguing and fighting...many sleepless nights for me and tears cried. cud this wer it started for me? have i reached some 'higher level' of brain power or self believe? i have great friends a good job so i consider to be 'normal' (as social standards are concerned i guess). we are all different in different ways so what do you think? i would really appreciate some feedback

thank you
It's not a higher level of brain power. It's just coincidences and subjective validation. Premonitions do not exist.

Take a look at your premonitions and try to see them objectively. How accurate are they really? If you do this, you will find that they are only accurate because of subjective validation - you want to believe that you can see the future, thus you believe that your premonitions are true.

Or they could just be simple coincidence. Let's say I have a dream where I lose my keys. Then the next day I lose my keys in real life. Premonition? No. Coincidence? Yes. Try to think about how many visualization or premonitions don't come true. You only remember the ones that are significant to you somhow (back to the subjective validation bit).

At the very least, you can subconsciously calculate the odds of a particular even playing out a certain way. You do it all the time without realizing it, but whenever one of these calculations turns out to seem important to you, you think it is a premonition.

To put this in simple terms, you don't have premonitions. You haven't reached a 'higher level' of brain power. You can't see the future because it hasn't happened yet.
but what if our future has been laid out for us? wudnt that mean the future will happen and so can possibly see wat may come?
Hi David,

The human mind is far too complicated an arena in my opinion to not warrant a little more exploration of your accounts a little further. You say this happened at a time when your parents were going through a difficult patch. No doubt for you, your future at that time never did seem more misty and you probably wished you could see into the future to a time when the problems would be resolved and your security restored.

Rubiks Master's challenge to you was a good one. How accurate are they? If they are totally accurate then it would be good to explore further. Maybe we will find an internal sense switched on at that time of great stress. A low degree of accuracy might very well indicate coincidence especially if the events you foretell are fairly everyday generic ones such as losing your keys or whatever.

I would love to think that you had switched on some ancient sense through your trauma but we must be objective.


my dreams wer 100% accurate i wore wat i was suppose to wear and everything was the way i saw it. its strange how something that hadnt happened had already happened in my mind,no? there is alot more to this i think but i dnt really explore this. its something i really only thing about when a situation warrants it. wen i have these dreams i dnt think twice on them. i have had dreams before about death eg. plane crash, attacked by tiger,being attacked.for as im concerned is that they were more warnings then actual preminitions. warning me with signs that i must be careful or be more mindful of wat is going on. those days were very stressful for me but everyone has their shit so y do i have these dreams?
Not trying to state the obvious here Dubliner, and may I say, what a marvellously civilised city your named after, but everyone dreams to some extent of their future.

It's not precognition, its called anticipation.

I'm not explaining away your experience in the slightest, I'm just assuring you to some extent everyone exhibits some degree of what your describing - they just don't necessarily hang so much significance on what they experience.

Your writing because you've seen something which has scared you witless, and you've seen it more than once so why not describe to us what it is you've seen and perhaps we can help settle you're mind a little bit.

You sound a trifle put out, why?
scared?no no no my dear chap.iv have nothing to be scared as it has not happened i dont let things like that scare me i dont let things like that run my life.i run it as i see fit.the fact of death in some of the dreams and the fact they have never occured or have not occured yet,some more far fetched than others believe you me are result of stress levels but i would like to focus on the ones that actaully do happen and to every little detail they happen as i see in my dreams.is it my sub-conscience mind telling my brain this is what will happen today because i have dreamed it before hand?is my life laid out for me with choices for me along this path in my brain?or could it just be pure coincidence?
Mmmmm, well....

It rather depends upon how differently from the ordinary, or expected, the dream is and how closely what subsequently follows matches the dream or what you remember of it.

You'd need to give a specific example of an instance of what you're experiencing for anyone to be able to get a bead on what it is going on here.
Well i'll repeat what i just said in another thread, everyones perception of when something becomes more than a coincidence and becomes something else varies alot. For some people everything in life is coincidence; there are sometimes extreme coincidences but these should never be confused with premonitions.
Although you could throw it up in the air and say there are no coincidences, and that this is just an abstract flawed human concept. It could also be that there are coincidences and that there are also premonitions that exist side by side and the two are offen very difficult to tell apart.
Ultimately though no-one has the inside view of your experiences, so what ever you do make up your own mind whats going on, because youre actually in the best position to do that. :p
i think preminitions happen becuz everything is laid out for us already and for choices that we have to make in life and there may be a lapse in time where we get a glimpse into the future that it may be something that we can change if its what god wants us to change idk
I have had what i call echoes of the future rather than literal interpretations, and my "premonitions" occur on falling asleep or waking up.

Sometimes when i am falling asleep i hear voices, some are mumbling others are demonic in voice tone, the demon voices sometimes say "wake up" "die fucker"
or some other abuse,
very occasionaly i hear in those voices things people are saying and i'll recognise some of it in the day, i do not see anything, just noises and voices.
Echoes of the future in a sense.

Before you think i'm cracked look up HYPNOGOGIA.

Coincedence, i guess, but it can be weird when i get out of bed hearing people in the house, but no one is in and suddenly the voices stop, then suddenly i get a sort of deja vu later on because somehow the voices apply to the now or later, i recognise something in it.

The brain can do some crazy stuff, like one time i was concentrating on this problem really badly and i went to bed but found myself half-awake fidling with a pen and paper in the living room, suddenly i woke up and wondered what the fuck i was doing with a pen and paper in my hand. Essentially that is a form of sleep walking, but i knew i was doing it, i just didnt know why LOL.

You have to marvel at the way the brain can fool you so much that it can make a sane person appear mad when you report these things to others.