I have a question..


Registered Member
Okay I know I'm young and everything but I was wondering if this means that I may have opportunities of some sort. K here goes..

Mid last year I started to experience what I'd call extrememe deja vu. I'd get so much of it at once I'd go crazy during class. Heck you could ask my friend. :D I'd crouch down and grab my head or something. Or like freeze for a bit. Yea.. anyways.. I had that for a while.. and another girl I knew was experiencing the same thing. We had both made up our own rpg characters a long time ago and we played them so much we felt like we were them.. Anyways a little later.. the deja vu seemed to slow down and I got premonitions for a short time. Those quickly ended though. Aftre that I had visions. Tons of them. They were things that made no sense at all. Like the person I rpged.. I saw her walking towards a dark lake.. the sky was dark and she seemed to be completely hypnotized. Then the face of her inner demon appeared in the lake and vines flew out and pulled her in.. there was alot of more to it but for some reason I can't remember. I had a lot of strange ones. Like girls running through the forests trying to reach someone they knew, only to have them disappear right in front of them. Would this be counted as a vision? I dunno.. the friend that had deja vu had similiar things. Rather creepy. Later that went away too.. and my friend seemed to be possessed by someone that was trying to reach us. She'd randomly be possessed and start telling me to do stuff. At the same time my mood would suddenly change. I'd become completely careless of of anyone. Alot like a bitch. Yea strange.. that stopped soon too though.. Gah this is getting long. Well now I'm feeling the pressences of spirits or something nearby and I keep seeing things at the corner of my eye. One time during dinner I could of sworn I saw a rather large orangeish cat.. it only disappears if I look over there. I can just sit staring at it from the corner of my eye for a while then if I turn my head its gone..

Yea.. anyways.. is this just all a fluke or is there something actually going on? I'm just wondering. n.n Thanks :D
Meep, Reb. :3

Reb, 'tis I! You're posessed friend of doom. Anyways, I agree with all of the crap you said...

I mean, what's the reason of visions and premonitions? What do they mean? Are they just a figment of our corrupted imagination due to severe depression and parent neglection?

... Ignore that part.

Anyways, either we're some special idiots or we're just mental freaks...

I hate this. ;-;

~ Crys <3

its a long road and its just beginning :)

choose to be happy and not to hurt others!!!

try and cherish love as and where you find it.

and keep eating good quality food.(very important)

keep grooving
pm me for chatting if ya wanna :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
hmm... i like to keep an open mind with most things, but this is just.. weird.. so much stuff..

either you do possess somekinds of psychic powers or you're probably hallusinating.. and if these are hallusinations then i suggest seeing a doctor, cause who knows, it might even be paranoid schitsophrenia...

anyway i hope it's not an illness but a blessing, seeing orange cats and stuff sounds really cool.
did you ever see the matrix?
it means they've changed something!!
beyond that, i agree it is really weird, happens with me and my brother all the time!
Hmm, seems believable and stuff.

BUt answer me this. Did you happen to be high at the time?

Originally posted by susanndrea
or you're probably hallusinating.. and if these are hallusinations then i suggest seeing a doctor, cause who knows, it might even be paranoid schitsophrenia...

See, I'm not the only one who thinks like this :p
heyya Crowie and neko :)

so your in the weirdo happening things and want a decisive answer thing-a-ma-jig... thing.

well what do you think is the most important thing in your life at the moment?
long time no second posts???
neko... give us your version please

groove on :)
I would recommend a CAT Scan and an EEG.

Then wonder about the validity of these "visions".

My Godmother once went after her 7 year old nephew with a knife because she had a "vision". The television told her that her nephew was Satan and must be destroyed.

I am not saying that you are psychotic too.

Be careful, that's all.
funny how things people do not know about are always considered bad and evil!

mental illnes takes many forms!
why do you not call your grandmother psychoticly dangerouse as she proved to be?

its not your fault and it is not contagouse!

but predispositions can be in the genes!
if you are concerned go and get your self checked out!
that will give you the best chance at helping you your grandmother and the rest of your family!

maybe she was allergic to something?
who knows?

groove on all :)
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
why do you not call your grandmother psychoticly dangerouse as she proved to be?

She IS.
That is quite obvious.
I am not denying that.
In fact, just my suggestion that this person get checked out before considering whether or not the "visions" are real, and my admonishment to be careful should be enough for anyone to know that I know she is dangerously psychotic.

GODmother, not GRANDmother, by the way.

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
its not your fault and it is not contagouse!

but predispositions can be in the genes!
if you are concerned go and get your self checked out!
that will give you the best chance at helping you your grandmother and the rest of your family!

No relation.
Why are you saying that it's not my fault.
I know it's not.
It has nothing to do with me.
She is a nutcase.
Has been since as long as my mother has known her (30+ years now).
The psychotic visions were not always there (as far as my Mother knows) but she has always been sick.
She goes in and out of treatments and on and off meds.
I seriously doubt there is any hope of her ever being "normal", even if they DID find the "cause" of her psychoses.
The resultant damage to her mind and emotional state is far to deep and wide to ever really recover from.
sorry for my speed reading error

maybe you carry the emotional knoledge of the guilt (not a good thing to feel) that maybe you interpret in your mothers efforts to get help for her?

just a little thought most likely im wrong...?

my knolledge of normal practice of psychiatric patients with servere psychosis is that due to the extreem poles (difference in one end to the other)
that once a state of normality has been established in the eyes of the patient they stop taking thier medication,
which of coarse leads them down hill very quickly..
that is the biggest complaint i have heard from psychiatric workers about the greatest heart ache for thier profesion.
this renders the patient to a distructive nature toward the society.
and is almost completely caused by lack of governmental
financial help for psychiatric hospitals and out workers and instututes.

i am sorry to hear about the situation!
i can only hope that it gives you a small benifit in some way of education that most never have the oppertunity or skills to deal constructively with.
strength to you and your extended family!

and above all alse...
keep grooving!
