I have a question


Registered Member
Just a little Question
I have never signed onto any site like this and I only do so because as of late I have been increasingly curious if my abilities are psychic.

I am able to feel what people are like. To walk by a person I have never met and feel chills up my spine and sudden deep fear for that person. I have also experienced a pain in my stomach when a particular person walked into a room, later that person was taken to the hospital with a pain in their stomach. I also have had dreams about things that have happened or do happen. I had a dream once that I was attending a funeral and there were two caskets. One was an old woman and the other was an old man. The next day I learned that both my Uncles Father and my Aunts Grandmother had died that night.

I am curious to know what you all think. I don't usually tell people about these things but I feel a need to know.

Research "mirror neurones". It is early days in the study of these things, but the conjecture at the moment is that these particular types of neurones pick up the electrical activity of other brains, and interpret it to give us subconscious ideas of what other creatures/people are thinking or intending. This would apply for prey suddenly becoming scared of predators, communication within a species, and more. We have spent hundreds of millennia developing these mental faculties for communication. Of course, so far it is still a new field. But early evidence regading mirror neurones does support the idea.
But does that explain

I understand the theory behind the mirror neurones as a way of perceiving and imitating the world around us but there are so many things that I experience that aren't imitated because no one else is around. When my Family was up North for the weekend I felt dread and fear for them. I just thought it was worry. I went to sleep that night and dreamed about my family being hurt. I woke up scared that something had happened to them. I was even more frightened when I wasn't able to reach them on the phone. It turns out the same time I had woken up from my dream my family had been in a serious accident that nearly cost their lives. The same happened with my brother a few weeks ago. I was terrified of him being out on the road and an hour after that sudden feeling he smashed his car into a tree. There was no one around me for me to imitated their emotions or behaviors.

I was just wondering if there might be another explaination or imformation on how I can strengthen this sense.

I have absolutely no evidence to support this, but my own pet theory is that:
  • Mirror neurones have quite a long range of perception.
  • Since our brains do change and develop continually thoughout our lives, our mirror neurones change over time to be most responsive to those we most often communicate with (ie. family, spouse, et cetera).
  • Because of the very strong connection, some of us, sometimes, can use this sense (for mirror neurones are are sense) to percieve the electrical emissions from the brains of such close people, even over long distances.

Yes, I believe all our stories and myths and crazy ideas about telepathy and mind reading are all based on the reality of mirror neurones, and that some few over the millennia have had exceptionally well developed senses of such.
[color=857a75]It's not all neurological,speaking from experience,if you focus on these types of occurences long enough,you'll start to realize this.It's difficult to prove by standard methods,but through intrapersonal knowledge it can crystallize into part of your world veiw.[/color]
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It sounds to me that you have some paranormal strength. Every person is paranormal, and able to learn different paranormal "powers". The truthness of you being psychic u have to realize by yourself. There are many ppl who will tell you this and that, and most ppl don't have any paranormal experiences to refer to so they can't understand that it can exist.
Originally posted by MissyJ
Just a little Question
I have never signed onto any site like this and I only do so because as of late I have been increasingly curious if my abilities are psychic.

I am able to feel what people are like. To walk by a person I have never met and feel chills up my spine and sudden deep fear for that person. I have also experienced a pain in my stomach when a particular person walked into a room, later that person was taken to the hospital with a pain in their stomach. I also have had dreams about things that have happened or do happen. I had a dream once that I was attending a funeral and there were two caskets. One was an old woman and the other was an old man. The next day I learned that both my Uncles Father and my Aunts Grandmother had died that night.

I am curious to know what you all think. I don't usually tell people about these things but I feel a need to know.
come on adam54321, if your going to make a statement provide some evidence, for example, why, like you claim, does this person HAVE no life?:D
When I was laying down in bed the other night I felt that someone walked into my room. I didn't hear anything but I felt a presence. It felt like this person, or thing, rushed to the side of my bed and touched my arm. I felt the woosh of air as if someone was walking fast and I felt something touch my arm but when I looked up there was nothing there. I felt that presence for several minutes after that. I knew exactly were it was but I couldn't see it. Then it just went away. It was wierd because I felt as if the presence was lost and was looking to me for direction.

This has also happened more than once in this house. I had a similar experience in another house but it was more frightening and I was scared. This time I wasn't scared I was concernded.
Originally posted by MissyJ
When I was laying down in bed the other night I felt that someone walked into my room. I didn't hear anything but I felt a presence. It felt like this person, or thing, rushed to the side of my bed and touched my arm. I felt the woosh of air as if someone was walking fast and I felt something touch my arm but when I looked up there was nothing there. I felt that presence for several minutes after that. I knew exactly were it was but I couldn't see it. Then it just went away. It was wierd because I felt as if the presence was lost and was looking to me for direction.

This has also happened more than once in this house. I had a similar experience in another house but it was more frightening and I was scared. This time I wasn't scared I was concernded.

What are you on missy...if you hyp yourself enough you will see all sorts of things......try sitting in a cemetry by yourself at the dead of night.......see what you see then...:cool:
Originally posted by IXL777
What are you on missy...if you hyp yourself enough you will see all sorts of things......try sitting in a cemetry by yourself at the dead of night.......see what you see then...:cool:

..want to make her complete the cycle..

i have had similar experiences and it has led me on a journey that may one day benefit people such as yourself in need of accepted explanations or answers. you're not gonna find much of that here because msot people who come to this place are scientists and very closed to the idea of psychic abilities.

i, however, am not. and i'd be happy to share what i know about them with you.

what you are experiencing sounds like what is commonly known as psychic empathy. you would be what some people call a 'feeler' or an 'empath'. i don't know if you are interested in astrology, but your natal chart may indicate something about the ability to understand others' feelings deeply. it may also show your level of intuition.

how to harness the ability: practice meditation and relaxation techniques. pay attention to your feelings in the solar plexus region of your body (where you feel 'butterflies' when you're nervous or 'in love'). what i've learned is that the feelings you get there are due to the plethora of nerve endings in that region picking up signals. that would be called the 'psychic feeling reception area'. your intuition reception area is located on the top of the skull.

you're getting into something highly irrational to scientists and i suggest you seek guidance for developing your abilities. i can help, but am not a teacher of sorts. although, you are free to contact me via email anytime at zechaeriah@catacombs-channel.net
