i have a guy ghost living in my room


Registered Senior Member
ok i have this guy ghost that is living in my room, iam dead serious he only comes at night it freaks me out, he gets wayyy too close, all i see is a white blobby thing i got a pic of it one night when i pretended to sleep too, i asked my friend who is a pagan wiccan what i should do, i tried to banish it from coming into my room but it didn't work, my house was never really blessed either, i really dont know what to do and it's really creeping me out so plz help
This is simple. Get a video HD video camera (which can record 20+ hours at a time) and set it up in your room. If you can catch this ghost on camera, you will have made one of the most important discoveries humans ever had and will be rewarded quite handsomely. Hell, I'll even reimburse you for the camera if you get something definitive on tape (not that you would need it).
And with the money you earn from that tape, you can buy a brand-new house without any evil ghosts to bother you at night.
lol naaa i prob. wont sell it or anything i'm just getting a bit freaked out is all
Siren said:
lol naaa i prob. wont sell it or anything i'm just getting a bit freaked out is all
I am hearing you Siren. coincidentall, we had a strange experience te other night. someone's cloths were pulled and body touched.
This freaked MEout too. it was a mixture of fear, bemusement, intrigue, excitement,
,,,,,and it went thru my mind. getting a psychic person, banishing...te whole works. also, i have to say , being told this put me in a deeper state of consciousness. i was very aware of shodows and feelingswhen i walked about. and i wondered bout being watched

anyhow, nuthin -touch wood-has happened since. but i FEEL yu

can you describe more indetail what's been happening. if noting else it'll give you a chance to share it. dont mind te ridiculers. ...what can ya do...?!
lol man o man uyou must be going througth alot first amazing healing powers that are making you ill.... then the nightmares that like physicaly harm you which adds onto you healing abilitys and their outcome on your ody now a friggen entity in your room hmmm mabye you should like astral project confront this "entitie" and try to like use your healing powers on it! mabye its in your room beacuse it knows you have amazing pwoers and needs some help? if not then its just there to bug you beacuse it knows its freaking you out... negative entitys thrive on our fears so when they know they are scaring you it jsut makes them stronger and makes them want to bug you more.... i no this for a fact ive had some sticky experiance wiht entities in my old house...
lol yeah i'm the wierd one in my family, even in my last house, i could hear ppl calling my name ,i even got it on tape once so i knew i wasn't loosing it lol, well like i would go to sleep at night but wake up feeling like somone is laying down next to me, overall at night i'll wake up from 15-30 times i hate it bc i'm always so tired now, the only time i feel i could go to sleep is during the day bc i realized that he dont come during the day for some reason, so yeah it just freaked me out, especially one night bc i woke up, sat up and it felt like somone was grabbing my wiaste and pulling me to lay back down it was so creepy!!!!!! i'm like not even alone when i think iam anymore lol, but yeah i guess u can say i have alot of things going on, so yeah but i have never had like a guy ghost living in my bedroom and getting a lil bit too close for comfort lolol
lol yeah i'm the wierd one in my family, even in my last house, i could hear ppl calling my name ,i even got it on tape once so i knew i wasn't loosing it lol, well like i would go to sleep at night but wake up feeling like somone is laying down next to me, overall at night i'll wake up from 15-30 times i hate it bc i'm always so tired now, the only time i feel i could go to sleep is during the day bc i realized that he dont come during the day for some reason, so yeah it just freaked me out, especially one night bc i woke up, sat up and it felt like somone was grabbing my wiaste and pulling me to lay back down it was so creepy!!!!!! i'm like not even alone when i think iam anymore lol, but yeah i guess u can say i have alot of things going on, so yeah but i have never had like a guy ghost living in my bedroom and getting a lil bit too close for comfort lolol

Okay, well... I've heard voices calling my name before... so that part isn't really all that strange... but an actual entity manifesting itself before you is a bit strange... especially considering your post about your healing powers. I don't know if it's true or not and I'm in no place whatsoever to tell you that you're lying, so... yeah! Jag kan inte förstår det...
tell you what, put a camera like suggested, and it'll never bother you again ;)
That's always what happens. Ghosts never come out when there's a camera around. lol.
whatever if they dont bother you who gives a shit
whatever it is ghosts i dunno
but theres things like that playing games with me all the time
but whatever i just play games back
as long as it doesnt seriously fuck me around i dont really give a shit
yes get a camera, maybe it'll stay away, maybe notbut if you do catch it on tape show it to the priest at your church if you go, it should be enough to convince him

i hear my name being yelled out at night to and see faces when i try to sleep, which is partly the reason i stay up at night on the weekends.
Salanti said:
yes get a camera, maybe it'll stay away, maybe notbut if you do catch it on tape show it to the priest at your church if you go, it should be enough to convince him

i hear my name being yelled out at night to and see faces when i try to sleep, which is partly the reason i stay up at night on the weekends.
Don't eat so much cheese before you go to bed!