I hate this country


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
10yo girl abducted, raped
By Steve Connolly
August 20, 2002

A 10-year-old central Queensland girl has survived an horrific abduction and rape ordeal.

The girl was receiving medical treatment and counselling today after she was allegedly abducted and sexually assaulted by a middle-aged couple in Gladstone, 500km north of Brisbane.

A 39-year-old man and 42-year-old woman faced court charged with the abduction and assault of the Gladstone child.

The pair were each charged with conspiring to commit murder, torture, attempted sodomy, deprivation of liberty, assault with intent to commit rape, three counts of rape, three counts of attempted rape and five counts of indecent assault.

They were not required to enter a plea in the Gladstone Magistrates Court and remanded in custody to face court again within a fortnight.

The couple were arrested after the girl's parents reported her missing around 9.30pm yesterday, about six hours after she had gone to visit a friend.

She had walked to a friend's place after school but failed to return home.

The girl was found by police shortly after 11pm in a distressed state at a house in Gladstone and taken to hospital.

She was treated and allowed to go home but has received further counselling and medical treatment.



I think I will have to get into politics, take over this damn country, and reshape it entirely.

I hate people. People suck.
Adam, I think you're biased in the stuff you read. The majority of articles you post are news items, and depressing ones too, usually about rape or murder: there are many "uplifting" sites you should visit, and similarly good news items you should read as well, while the world is still a crap place, there is some good stuff going on as well. :)
What do you think is worse? Having to live life after such an ordeal, or being killed & spared the trauma of living life after such an ordeal.

I choose death.
Brother Adam has it right...

Hm...so FINALLY, people are seeing the light...it took you folks that long to find out that humans are born assholes? *tut tut*
i liked it better Adam when you posted NEWS articals with NEWS infront of them- example: NEWS: I hate this country- This way i would'nt be tricked into reading a news artical because of the subject, if i want to read the news i will go to a news web site or buy a newspaper, i come to sciforums for peoples opinions. Only my opinion: start posting news articals with NEWS in the subject line. :) and i have noticed your news articals are nearly always depressing. :(

have you been a victim of any violent crimes (rape or otherwise)?
maybe relatives, someone close to you?

if it is too personal a question, i apologise
details are unnecessary
a yes or no would suffice

Many bad things have happened to many people I know. Many bad things have happened to people I don't know, and that affects me the same as when it happens to those I know. I tend to see the world as very black and white, I always have. I don't accept grey areas at all when it comes to people screwing each other over in the ways we see on the news every day, for example. Accepting any such bad things as necessary grey areas in life is pathetic and weak. Whenever I see people being weak and pathetic, I know they should be better, but I can't expect them to do anything I can't do. So I always reach standards myself that I expect of others. For example, I see people who beat their girlfriends as pathetic weaklings. I don't do it. Since I can live without doing that, I expect other people to live so as well. If they don't, they are pathetic weaklings, for not doing what can obviously be done. Sometimes I post things which upset people. I'm quite happy to upset people, if it shows them how not to behave.
i like that

however what invariably happens to most of us is that we lose our idealism as we get older.
this is not a good thing but it happens for a myriad of different reasons

keep the faith brother
adam may have seen the light but he gonna give himself an ulcer if he keeps this up

"Worry is the greatest drain, as the body is fighting the issues endlessly, with no end. Your body was not designed for this. It was designed for fight or flight, not endless battle. In your primitive past, when presented with challenges, you either fought off the threat or were eaten or destroyed. The matter was over quickly. Modern society presents situations that are neither over quickly nor destroy quickly. Thus the battle stage is drawn out endlessly, and the soldiers grow weary. Put the battle to an end somehow, if only by deciding not to engage. If there is nothing you can do at the moment, and you can have no effect on the outcome, then put your weapons down. Be at peace. Smell the roses."

We never ask stupid people to apologize. They are born with it. You can't help it.
One lighthearted comment leads you to the assumption that this Deena is stupid Joeman?

For me, it normally takes a thoughtless reply like that for you to qualify.
I sincerely doubt that deena was trying to be brutal. it's just a gag. anyway, this is pretty far off topic.

On the subject: at least there's no government-sanctioned genocide taking place here. Althought the U.S. would be better if McDonalds served beer like everywhere else.

A lot of what you've written reflect my own thoughts. I go through life thinking it never hurts to be nice to people. It's not this country you should be angry at, it's a culture or society that purpetuates aggression. I can't help thinking that you would be very good in a job where you can help people. A smile of gratitude can be very rewarding.