I hate the queers... for Jesus


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
Three of five trustees on the board of the Westminster School District in Orange County said they oppose the rules because they are Christians.

"I might take a lot of heat for it today, but the rewards are going to be great in heaven," said Judy Ahrens, one of the three.

The three opposing board members say the law allows young children and staff to immorally redefine their sexual identity.

Immorally redefine their gender? I'm sure this is just the sort of thing people do for fun, the whole being a transsexual thing, right? What with the social ostracizeation and savage beatings and murders and what not. Yep, no real need for these people to try to "redefine their sexual identity" they are just making this *CHOICE* to piss off good Christians like the folks on this school board. </Sarcasm>

Why do people with Christian morals continuously try to hide their heads in the sand in matters of sex? Gays are evil, transsexuals are evil, abstinence education only, even though its proven that abstinence education does not work. Does the school board have the right to tell little Billy that he is a boy?
Haha, remember, when you don't particularly understand some person or their lifestyle, the correct course of action is not to try to be understanding and learn about them to try and get along with them; Instead it is to do your damndest to convince yourself that God wants you to hate them, and will reward you in heaven with 72 virgins if you act like a complete and utter ass at every opportunity.
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I think its stupid for christians to descriminate a person because of their sin. Its so hypocritical, what makes the transexual's sin any worse than the so-called "chrisian's". Instead of trying to help each other out they ban them for having a different sin from them. And of all places, Orange County, CA. Where people are the most arrogant in all the U.S. I don't think the Big Man will be happy when they're going to walking up those stairs.
Yes, will, it would also be interesting if there was actualy any basis for calling transexuality a sin. I don't remember god ever talking about that. But I'm sure if you read the bible its implyed *eyeroll*

Now here are some explicit passages about something to hate, but do I see any christians paying undue attention to THAT? Hmm, picky picky.
Hey wow Shrimp and homosexuality are condemned in the very same passage! I guess that means they've got to go out and start protesting against red lobsters and long john silvers restaurants!

Hmm It doesn't say which is the bigger abomination, sea food or man laying with man as with woman. . . I wonder if we should infer that they're both just as bad. I knew this nation was in a moral deficit but I think things just got worse!
Gays aren't evil, just horny... heh heh (kidding, kinda)... how about we strip off all our clothes, dance thrice around a goated-pentacle before burning it and ourselves? We can't all be put in hell!
rainbow__princess_4 said:
We can't all be put in hell!

You fool! Havn't you been watching the movie trailers on TV? What happens when there is no more room in hell? Hint: Zombies.
Yes, and I fully support any law that restricts people from having anal sex with the baby jesus.
Not all Christians are against Gay marriage... I am a Christian and find nothing wrong with it. Do you really think Jesus would hate gay people? He walked the earth teaching tollerance and forgiveness. I think people misinturpret stuff... like the part in the bible against gays had to deal with the horribly shrinking population of the area where the event happened, and had to do with actually spawning more people to build the population up. It had nothing to do with hate against people who are different. Frankly, if someone followed all the teachings of Jesus he would be veeerrryyy liberal. The only reason this stuff gets out against Christians is because the only media coverage of Christianity is of the super conservative fundamentalist Christians.
ddovala said:
Not all Christians are against Gay marriage... I am a Christian and find nothing wrong with it.

You're exactly right about that, and though this isn't my thread, I do end up posting quite a lot of material like this, and feel obligated to mention that I do keep this in mind.

It's a shame that "Christianity" in general should take such a beating in these sorts of arguments, as there are certainly those of you who seem to have understood the teachings of Jesus and hold that spirit as your highest theological and moral imperative, which is commendable. It's really just a demented fanatical fringe faction that gives you a bad rap.

For your own sake, also try to remember that as so much mud is slung about those right wing Christians, that it is this particular fanatic and venomous element being addressed. If you're with the program, then there's not much need to address you unless we want you to come to a rally or something, so you get less face time, which is unfortunate. It's a bit like the teacher paying the most attention to the students who misbehave the most, it's not really fair to the rest of the well behaved class, is it?

ddovala said:
Frankly, if someone followed all the teachings of Jesus he would be veeerrryyy liberal.

I find this to be rather Ironic, as well. It's remarkable how many conservative Christians forget that their roots lie with a liberal Jew.