I had my first lucid dream

Wrong Robot

Registered Senior Member
A couple weeks ago, I was dreaming, I was in boston going to class, and I stopped to talk to someone, as I stopped, I suddenly realized I was dreaming, upon realizing this, I became immensely excited, and I stopped listening to whatever this person was saying, I started to fly away from that person, while thinking of everything I could do in the dream, but at that moment, I woke up.

Apparently, that's fairly common for a first lucid experience, I hope I have some more in the future.
Thats interesting.I have a list of wishes if i ever realize that i was in a dream ;)

you know...

I have dreams like than about once a month. In fact I have them more than dreams that predict the future correctly.
Yes, that's pretty common for the first one, or even the first couple. The trick is to remain calm. Also, a trick that is supposed to help you stay in-dream when you start to wake up, is to spin around, though sometimes you might end up somewhere else after the spin.
oh, so thats what a lucid dream is, i used to have those all the time
:( but i havent had a dream at all in 3 years

i guess if dreaming puts things in order then being perfectly orderly and logical i have no need to dream
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Hi Wrong Robot, yes, waking on realising you're dreaming is quite common, and pretty much, once you're aware of what's happening, you have limited time. Flying is a pretty good way to spend the time you have though isn't it? I often fly in dreams, although usually I can just do that, I don't need to be lucid (which is rare for me)

One exercise you can try to test if you are dreaming, is to read a sign, notice, billboard or whatever is to hand. Turn away, and try to remember what it said, look back and read it again. It will almost certainly have changed, as your environment in dreams is pretty much created on the fly, (which is why you sometimes end up with some disjointed locations and happenings). If you notice the text has changed, try and control your dream, fly, summon things, whatever.

Second tip, try keeping a 'dream diary' write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. See if there's a common theme before you go lucid. If there is, you may be able to get into the right frame of mind before going to sleep to improve your chances. Most of my lucid experiences start when I'm stood in the street for some reason (billboards to read I guess!)
I realise i'm dreaming all the time, but i always get too excited and wake up. In one dream i fell down forward and was about to smack my face off the ground but instead i just floated there a foot above the ground. I realized i was dreaming and told myself to relax, then i tried to reach down and push myself off the ground, but in the dream, i had no control over my arms. I had completely lost motor control due to getting excited. Then i woke up to find myself pushing myself up off my bed, like i was doing a push-up. lol, lucid dreams are wierd.
I read an article in a psychology class. The article was about glasses that allow you to be lucid in your dreams whenever you want. I remember they were expensive but can you put a price on omnipotence? After all that is what is cool about lucid dreaming. You can do whatever you want. I don't know if they are still available. But, it's something to look into if that appeals to you.
If you're having trouble dreaming, make sure you have good air movement in the room you're sleeping in. I've noticed a huge increase in vivid dreams after opening my windows at night during the summer. No lucid dreams yet, not sure I believe you all yet. ;)
its the middle of winter here, i have a stinky heater right next to my bed and keep the door shut all day te keep it warm, plus my mold farm is about 5m away on the other side of the room.
that pretty much kills all hope of airflow.

the way to know if you are in a dream is if you are somewhere, try to think how you got there, if you draw a blank then go nuts, just be sure ur dreaming coz it would be kinda embarrassing if you thought you were dreaming and did something stupid
My husband is capable of having complete conversations in his sleep. His mother told me about the time he walked into her bedroom in the middle of the night and sat on the foot of the bed. They talked about the movie they had watched on TV that night, then she noticed something wasn't right. So she asked him if he was asleep. He said "Yeah," so she told him to go back to bed. He got up and walked calmly back to his bed. She also told me of the time she was creeped out by his sleepwalking into the kitchen and making himself a peanut butter sandwich, eating it, washing the dishes, and putting them away.

She said it was creepy, but I had no idea of how creepy until he did it to me. Something woke me up at about 2:45 AM. (It's always 2:45 AM when something wakes me up.) I sat up and listened carefully. Then he sat up a little and said "What's up?" (Not slurred, mind you. It was normal conversational clarity.) "I don't know," I said. "I heard something. Might have just been a car door closing." "Check the Camaro," he said. I went to the window and looked toward the driveway. "Everything's cool," I said. "Just the people across the street getting out of their car." When I turned around, he looked like, well, he was looking at me, but he wasn't looking at me, if you get my drift. It was almost a zombie-like stare. "Are you awake?" I asked. "No," he said. "Well, everything's okay, so go back to bed." He said "Okay," and lay back down robotically. No further disturbances all night, but I kept thinking "This is so totally cool..."
My husband is capable of having complete conversations in his sleep.
LOL, I do that all the time. I usually remember them though. I don't sleepwalk and do it though, LOL.
lucid dreams are cool sometimes. sometimes i wish i could sleep forever in lucid dreams.
I remember once a long time ago my mum said to me in the morning "did you dream of anything exciting last night?" i said shrugged and said no. she then told me that she was in the kitchen when i entered looking pretty zombie like and then said "Mum, you have 9 lives left" and then apparently i fell asleep (if you can fall asleep when sleepwalking) on the sofa. i was totally psyked when i found out! because i did that in my dream, i didn't think it was exciting so i didn't mention it.
I've had 1 or 2 lucid dreams, but i woke up pretty soon after i realised, i HAVE to get a pair of those glasses! :cool:
Alpha said:
Ah, I remember reading about those. They're supposed to do something when they detect you're at a certain stage in your sleep where you're likely to be dreaming.
Found a link:
- http://www.lucidity.com/novadreamer.html
I haven't checked your link. But, when they detected your rem sleep began (by the way your eyes move) they started flashing red lights. So, if you ever see flashing red lights you can take a second to remind yourself you are dreaming. (don't just assume because most of the time you will be driving ;) )
I never looked into them. I have lucid dreams all the time. This is really embarrassing and nobody knows this. But, until I was older than most kids - not very far into grade school - I still wet the bed. It wasn't my fault. I am very active in my sleep and often act out what I am dreaming. I even have broke my hand more than once punching a wall when I was fighting in my dreams. I used to dream, all the time, that I was just doing normal kid stuff. In the middle of my dream I would dream I had to go to the bathroom. So, just like was normal for me to do I would go into the bathroom and go. After a minute I realized I was dreaming and woke up to wet sheets. I was very smart for my age and could do the laundry. So even my parents never knew. I also have OCD so it was normal for me to wash all of my clothes in the middle of the night. It was very frustrating because I couldn't help it. I wish I could stop punching walls -and for the last five years my wife- I just act out my dreams while I'm sleeping. (Don't worry because I'm sleeping I am not trying to hit her so I've never connected square and actually hit her full force. And we are carefull not to sleep to close) Then one time I was in the bathroom and I noticed that my parents had changed the wall paper. I had been staying at my cousins and when I came back they had redecorated the bathroom. But, the next day the wall paper was back as it was before. This struck me as odd. Then I realized I was dreaming. So from then on every time I went into the bathroom I look at the wall paper. If it is the "dream paper" I realize I am dreaming and have fun. Obviously, I don't do what I went in there for. Instead I fly out the window or go back in time. Sometimes I am in the mood for a scary movie so I dream about monsters and stuff. I still have "dream paper" dreams. I am glad for them and feel lucky. It is embarrassing how they started. But, now I am glad to have them at that price. And, I haven't ever forgotten to check. (remember the OCD I couldn't forget if I wanted to.
There HAS to be some way of recording dreams using electrodes. We need it! we could post videos of our dreams here!
That would be so cool! But chances are you'd have THE collest dream possible, and then at the end something embarassing happens like a giant Big Bird tries tor ape you, so then you couldn't post your dream. Random thought i know, but knowing my luck that would probably happen