I had another attack of 'night terrors', ...


... but this time, instead of being an unpleasant experience;


It was quite pleasant. I started waking, but was paralysed as usual, and was unable to move or speak. My lips felt really heavy this time, and I was trying to speak, but only managing to make weak little sounds. Instead of a scary, unpleasant apparation accompanying this experience however, my girlfriend, was floating above the bed, her hair lit like a halo, and she was smiling at me, and I knew everything was going to be OK.

Now, I'm sure the stimulus for this apparation, was the fact that I'd just watched ROTK, which I got for Xmas, and was superimposing Galadriel into the dream.

Much nicer than waking up screaming, like last time, anyway.
phlogistician said:
So, I had all the hallmarks of an abduction. Some will say 'you had no marks on you when you awoke, there's often sighns of surgery'. Well, I always have a scar somewhere, a fresh bruise or cut I notice after the event. I'm an active person, I get bruises, I'd been canoeing, snorkelling, and surfing that weekend, playing with my dogs, and doing various martial arts kata. I nearly always have some DIY related marks on me. So I often have new marks on me, if I chose to look, I'd perhaps find one.

... .

This is from an earlier post... You state you have always have some DIY marks on you.. Im curious are you referring to self-mutilation?!?

If you are self mutilaing I would recommend you go and see a specialist.. I have a degree in sociology along with varying classes in pyschology etc..
you need to get checked out regardless.

terpinator72 said:
This is from an earlier post... You state you have always have some DIY marks on you.. Im curious are you referring to self-mutilation?!?

If you are self mutilaing I would recommend you go and see a specialist.. I have a degree in sociology along with varying classes in pyschology etc..
you need to get checked out regardless.


No dude, DIY marks, as in, I often have scars and marks on me, from tool related mishaps, as I refurbish my old Victorian house. Only today I sliced a finger with a screwdriver assembling some shelving, for instance.

I'm an ex scientist, in my mid thirties, not some angst ridden teenage goth who makes superficial cuts on themselves whilst writing terrible poetry.

Thanks fot the offer of psychoanalysis, btw, but I'm really not in the market for any.
phlogistician said:
No dude, DIY marks, as in, I often have scars and marks on me, from tool related mishaps, as I refurbish my old Victorian house. Only today I sliced a finger with a screwdriver assembling some shelving, for instance.

I'm an ex scientist, in my mid thirties, not some angst ridden teenage goth who makes superficial cuts on themselves whilst writing terrible poetry.

Thanks fot the offer of psychoanalysis, btw, but I'm really not in the market for any.

Hey im just doign what any human science field related scientist would do!


I heard a good nights sleep is the result of a clear conscious or is that a good nights sleep is in direct proportion to an untroubled conscious.
FieryIce said:
I heard a good nights sleep is the result of a clear conscious or is that a good nights sleep is in direct proportion to an untroubled conscious.

Do you mean conscience ???

It's pretty ironic, you're such a pseud you can't even spell a word containing the word 'science' correctly!
I would use two phrases phlogger, poetic irony and poetic justice.
phlogistician said:
... but this time, instead of being an unpleasant experience;


It was quite pleasant. I started waking, but was paralysed as usual, and was unable to move or speak. My lips felt really heavy this time, and I was trying to speak, but only managing to make weak little sounds. Instead of a scary, unpleasant apparation accompanying this experience however, my girlfriend, was floating above the bed, her hair lit like a halo, and she was smiling at me, and I knew everything was going to be OK.

Now, I'm sure the stimulus for this apparation, was the fact that I'd just watched ROTK, which I got for Xmas, and was superimposing Galadriel into the dream.

Much nicer than waking up screaming, like last time, anyway.

Wow, I didn't realize that night terrors had any link to conciousness. The
information that I read on them in a phsychology class indicated that a
person threashes and screams but does so unconciously.

The event being described in your case sounds like typical sleep paralysis
with hypnogigic hallucination (a frequent combo)... however, it just
scares the crap outta' ya' more often than not.

Anyhow, glad to hear that a good experience came out of this last event.
The brain can throw some really freaky shit at you sometimes.
phlogistician said:
... but this time, instead of being an unpleasant experience;
It was quite pleasant. I started waking, but was paralysed as usual, and was unable to move or speak.

You say you are an x scientist. May I ask why you are no longer in a scientific endeavor?

From what you have described it sounds like you have pre-conceived notions that the old Victorian home that you occupy probably is HAUNTED. The mind is so powerful that it will go where ever you take it.

Sometimes I can go to sleep with a problem and wake with an answer. By stating that you are paralyzed would hint that you are in the REM state of sleep. It is often referred to being paralyzed during this time of sleep and I have also experienced it.

I had a dream that I was driving at night down Hampton Ave in Denver Colorado in a Chevrolet S-10 Blazer that I once owned and as I was driving from Colorado Blvd at about 50 miles per hour heading west my seat reclined all the way back and I could no longer see forward all I could see was the street lights whizzing by and I was also paralyzed I could not sit up I could not apply the breaks all I could do was turn the steering wheel and the worst feeling of hopelessness and despair came over me because I felt that an impact with a solid object was imminent, I was relived to find I was still in bed when I woke.

I would say that our dreams are an powerful exercise of our fears and emotions.
Starman said:
You say you are an x scientist. May I ask why you are no longer in a scientific endeavor?

Money. Science is fun, but I was stuck in a support role, and not earning that much. I left Academia for the private sector, and now earn much more.

From what you have described it sounds like you have pre-conceived notions that the old Victorian home that you occupy probably is HAUNTED.

Except I don't believe in ghosts. I just had a weird dream. End of story. I posted about this to show that weird experiences we have are actually mundane.. not to tell a 'ghost' story.
I have studied this phemoneon for a number of years and have formulated
a response, based on the available data. I believe that it is possible to lay
a trap and capture a UFO based on certain data.
I have thought about this for a long time, and wish that I had the resources
to do it by my self, but I don't. Even so, I still have a backup plan.
I require a leiason to the proper government officials is all.
[Edit] Removed Email address[/Edit]
PS this email is blocked. you will have to ID me and contact me direct.
webmaster: delete this message after a certail timeframe please, thank you.
Last edited by a moderator:
I have studied this phemoneon for a number of years and have formulated
a response, based on the available data. I believe that it is possible to lay
a trap and capture a UFO based on certain data.
I have thought about this for a long time, and wish that I had the resources
to do it by my self, but I don't. Even so, I still have a backup plan.
I require a leiason to the proper government officials is all.
PS this email is blocked. you will have to ID me and contact me direct.
webmaster: delete this message after a certail timeframe please, thank you.

Oh dear, another lame sock puppet.
Last edited by a moderator:
I have studied this phemoneon for a number of years and have formulated
a response, based on the available data. I believe that it is possible to lay
a trap and capture a UFO based on certain data.
I have thought about this for a long time, and wish that I had the resources
to do it by my self, but I don't. Even so, I still have a backup plan.
I require a leiason to the proper government officials is all.
[Edit] Removed Email address[/Edit]
PS this email is blocked. you will have to ID me and contact me direct.
webmaster: delete this message after a certail timeframe please, thank you.

I'm not going to delete the overall post because I believe a few things need to be raised for the posters sake, if not anybody else.

Firstly, you have a Biased opinion that UFO's are actually something that can be "Caught" and an opinion that they are "Alien" in origin. There is absolutely no evidence that UFO's are physical (No "Confirmed" crash wreckage) and nothing to support that any such manifestion has come from outside of the earths atmosphere.

With that in mind you presume to suggest that you have a Theoretical method for "trapping" a UFO, To trap something you must assume it's intelligent and therefore assume that it has a pattern to it's intelligence to get it to come into your trap. However I don't think a house sized block of Wensleydale Cheese placed in a giant "Build a better <strike>mouse</strike> ufo trap" is necessarily going to work (although I'm sure there would be a lot of press taking snapshots at how farout the new super-woowoo is.)

On top of that, asking "any" government supersecret agency (that only woowoo's can see with their Illuminati shades) to communicate with you over the necessary arrangements in regards to the Wensleydale is more than likely going to fall on deaf ears or cause a number of "Supersecret want to be's" to yank your chain.

This is especially true with any indepth, over the top encryption systems, ID marking systems and genetically enhanced carrier pigeons.

Even further on top.... There are more important things in the world that need peoples attendance than catching a faery at the bottom of their garden, perhaps it's sanctions against one country, or their is a superbug epidemic or some mass transit tradegy that could of been averted. These are things that need dealing with more than fantasy.

I apologise if you feel singled out by this, or that my post is sarcastic, but the fact is that certain types of people that generate divergent realities come up with alsorts of fascinating ways to escape reality further, they can become so disattached that they can't cope with reality and the disattachment can go so far they'd suggest their whole reality to be fake by one group or another (be they human or alien).

"Walk away, don't get carried away" - anon
Stryder, check the IP, I have a feeling this is 'lsufos' playing sock puppets. Should resolve to Gorebridge Library, or somewhere in the vicinity if I am correct.

Evidence is bad spelling, failure to start a fresh topic, but hijacking another, picking up a thread I've posted in, and it being one of their first posts, just like 'BADBOB' sockpuppet attempted.