I found Hitler: VJ Day


Valued Senior Member

The guy on the far right with the mustache.


- Hitler

What do you think? Anyone have "far right" up close?
The guy in the white shirt looks like Hitler. On the far right of the picture.


See him there, peeking over the guys shoulder?

He seems to have walked away from the photographer in between exhibit C, and exhibit A in the photo sequence.
The guy in the white shirt looks like Hitler. On the far right of the picture.


See him there, peeking over the guys shoulder?

He seems to have walked away from the photographer in between exhibit C, and exhibit A in the photo sequence.

There is no guy in a white shirt on the far right of the picture.
There is a guy under the word BOND in what appears to be a white shirt but he's so far away any details of his face are obscured. He doesn't look like Hitler- he doesn't look like anyone. The most that image displays is a high probability that that individual is male.
There is no guy in a white shirt on the far right of the picture.
There is a guy under the word BOND in what appears to be a white shirt but he's so far away any details of his face are obscured. He doesn't look like Hitler- he doesn't look like anyone. The most that image displays is a high probability that that individual is male.

Why let a few details stand in the way of a good story?:p
Look at the close up in color of the same man peeking over the guy in the suits shoulder. We can verify the top of their heads match.

They look nothing alike for one, two- how would you know the color of his shirt? It's totally hidden. The brow ridges are all wrong, the hair is too full- and the lil' curl? That looks as much like Hitler as it does George Clooney.
This is called pareidolia - I hope you're not taking all this too seriously...
Look at the close up in color of the same man peeking over the guy in the suits shoulder. We can verify the top of their heads match.

Heres Tupac

-New Orleans, 2009


I don't see anyone looking like Hitler. As far as Tupac is concerned, yes the guy in the picture looks remarkably like Tupac, and probably gets a lot of girls as a result, but they don't look exactly the same. I can tell the difference on close inspection.

Doppelgängers are more common than on may realize. We are familiar with such a small percentages of faces that it is only when we see a doppelganger that resembles one of the very few we know that we notice them. There is a kid that works at a theme park near my home that is a very spooky spitting image for my own son who currently lives in Georgia with his father. I even showed a picture of my son to a worker at the park, in an area where the kid works, and while pointing at the picture, asked,"do you know this kid?" They replied, "oh yeah, that's [so n so] he works over there. He is around somewhere." while pointing in the general direction of the ride that the kid normally operates. They had no idea that I was showing them a picture of a totally different person. My son and this other kid are even close in age and have similar hairstyles. Its just freakin creepy.
That's Hitler kissing the girl, isn't it? You can't see the moustache because of the kiss, but it's definitely him. You can just tell.
A simple "we can't quit tell, and but he does have similar facial feature looking from a far," would be just fine, and we can all do with out the sarcasm. If anyone has a different angle on this famous photo I'd love to have a look.
The girl getting kissed is Eva Braun, boy was Hitler pissed at that sailor.
A simple "we can't quit tell, and but he does have similar facial feature looking from a far," would be just fine, and we can all do with out the sarcasm. If anyone has a different angle on this famous photo I'd love to have a look.

It looks as much like Hitler as the top of Bill Murreys head.

Surely you could have produced a better example than this.