I feel really bad...


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people say people who don't believe in god go to hell.
But there's no christian in my country back then, so everyone of them go to hell. and be burnt forever. That's too harsh. :(
You shouldn't feel bad. There is no evidence to even remotely suggest that 'God' and 'Hell' exist. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that your conciousness ceases when you're dead.
That is what they believe. They don't know anymore than you. Don't believe them. They are just nuts.
I am christian and I don't believe it. Not in hell as most people think. And you will certainly recieve no punishment for not knowing of him. If anything, the christians who do know of him will be blamed if the word isn't spread to you. Just as if your lil bro got in trouble and you knew better and didn't tell him to stay away from what caused him danger, he will have been punished by the accident but you will be punished by the father for not warning or looking out for your lil bro. Sort of like that. Christian life is great and life before wasn't that great to me. I was punished in that way for not believing. But I would never believe in a God that cast judgement on those who knew not of the judge or his rules. If you were God, would you do that to your children? God has more love in Him than us, and I know my God wouldn't do such a thing.
Don't feel bad. Hell exists only on earth, in our minds. There are many people who believe they don't believe in 'god', but 'god' knows that they believe him. Christ said: 'I am the way, life and truth'. So, the one who is honest to himself and others, the one who believes in truth, in himself, believes in 'god'.
Go atheist like me and then you do not have to worry about eternal damnation
jax0509 said:
Go atheist like me and then you do not have to worry about eternal damnation

I don't think that logic follows. Just because you are atheist doesn't mean that God in fact doesn't exist; being an atheist is only a definition for your beliefs.

I'm not sure how much I buy the thread. I think that as a thought experiment this is not very interesting in fact. Only some one who has this, "Heaven is only for me and Hell to the rest" would even find answering that question interesting. From my understanding, God is not such a rigid concept, and there is no true reason to look at the concept of God in that way. The problem is, that some people choose to think that, and convince others that that is the only Christian viewpoint. Only thinking of God so rigidly creates the problems with evil, Hell, and being good.

by saying i am a atheist i refuse to accept that there is anything supernatural in the universe. this means i belive in no god, no hell/heaven or anything 'miraculous' in the bible
Actually, I tried to bring up an interesting conversation regarding this point - but the religious people refused to comment.

The first question you have posed: "what happens to all the people that never knew about jesus - and thus by default surely burn?"

The answer to this is usually that those that never knew jesus get a "free pass" so to speak, and make it to heaven.

My response to this is that it would then have been better for all mankind if jesus never bothered coming. His life, death, speeches etc served no purpose other than to ensure the mass majority of us fry. If he didn't do that we'd all go to heaven.

In saying that, it would stand to reason to have some contempt for jesus for putting us in that predicament in the first place while those that were fortunate enough to be dead by the time he arrived get away with it.
Hey, for all we know, hell is way funner (yes, funner) than heaven. Hell might have an infinite amount of video games and, in the case of some people, drugs, strip clubs, who knows. Either way, I find the prospect of being in one place, heaven, hell or otherwise, for all eternity to be rather...horrifying. I do not embrace the concept of God or afterlife for this reason. Reincarnation of some sort seems to make much more sense.