i don't hate god but he can be a real dick sometime


Registered Member
god can be a real dick sometimes because he had my dad die at the age of 50, my grandpa have alsheimers, and my grandma suffer with fluid in her leg, and give me a fucked up childhood. i am a catholic but i often find myself questioning god because if people say he almighty and holy and good and stuff than why do we have people getting killed everyday, why did we have 9-11, why do we have homeless people. often i fell that god is laughing at me up in heaven a making my life a joke. in third grade i had no friends and the i friends i thought i had stabbed me right in the back, same with 7th grade. god just gets me so pissed off i vow that when i die, i'll go to heaven, break the gates of heaven open, and give god the ass beatin of a lifetime, and then go to pergitory. and when i get out of pergitory i'll beat gods ass again and stick the holy cross up his ass and then stick my size 13 foot down his throat. I don't care if he brings his angels, i'll take all the mother fuckers on. when i fight god, i'll be fightin' for all the people who've been given a bad break in life, that never had a true friend, that has felt cheated by their creator, i'll fight for those people and i'll beat gods ass!!!!!
The reason why we have all of that is because God gave us all free will. Don't go balming it on him, 'cause he had nothing to do with 9/11. And my mom died when I was eight years old.
Sorry to hear about your dad mate...

About the homeless ... maybe we have too many because not enough people are dying and giving up their homes? ok that was a bit of a silly comment, but God made the world in a few days - but he's not an architect.

Respect to the great unwashed.

God gave us all free will. Don't go balming it on him, 'cause he had nothing to do with 9/11.

This doesn't make any sense. If God gave us free will then he is to blame for 9/11. That is if you believe in an all-knowing God and therefore must know all our decisions before hand.

Bad things happen. Do you know one person who has not a single bad thing happen to them in their lives?
I had a fucked up childhood as well, and while I'm upset that my father seems to have no idea that i exist, I'm grateful that i at least have my mother. I know this sounds corny, but focus on the positive. You're what, 16? Believe it or not, life gets better. Hating an omniscient deity isn't going to bring your father back, or teach the nasty kids a lesson. Quite frankly, nothing will.
So, you have some choices. You can hate god and focus your entire life on preparing for some battle with him when you die. Or you can realise that shit happens, a lot of it bad, but quite a bit good and live with it. Fit god in where you like.
There are a lot of people that are probably far worse off than you that are grateful for what little they may have.
bunch of bullshit

as i see it nightpoet, my life is not gonna get any better than it is gonna be, every fucking day im home, bored to death while everyone else in town is having the fucking time of thier life. and when i wanna go somewhere or do something i have to have an aunt or uncle drive me because its like pulling teeth to have my mom do the smallest things for me. sure she makes me food, cleans my clothes, and gives me my own room to sleep in, but she doesn't really show me any real compassion. and let me ask you a question night poet, have you ever been laughed at by everyone in school, talked behind your back, get stabbed in the back by a friend, made fun of everyday, been called a failure by your own family, no i don't think so, so don't tell me that life will get better when you haven't had to deal with the shit i've had to deal with
fight back against ur odds in this world itself.. none can be sure that they can fight god in heaven..!
Shit happens, we as humans want to pin negative happenings on others, and take credit for positive happenings. But man im sorry but reality sucks and the best you can do is to try to combat the bad situation that was put upon you. Accept the fact that there is no supreme entity to blame and this is just the way it is. Life is one big cosmic joke that would be funny as hell if it wasnt so damn tragic.

You got this one shot and make it the best you can.
life is the biggest exam. and if we pass it with some patience and worshipping alah we will enter paradise. alah didnt creat all people rich, not all poor. didnt creat all people healthy not all diseased. not all people good and some r good?
and everyone will be judged as what he did in his life and how his life was.
i mean who had been created blind will not be dealed as who have good vision. who had been created poor will not be dealed as rich.
Bobert42487 i feel bad for what has happened to you but you can't blame God for what has undertaken in your life....first of all there is no proof he exists so you are basically blaming a popular held belief. Even if he/she does exist it still doesn't it make it right to blame him/her....what it says in the bible was written by man in assumption of what god might be...and in that it may be completely false of what God might be. He/she might just be a higher dimensional being who helped create us but then moved on to other things (i.e you throw away unwanted food and ants start using it up - in sense you have secured a source of food for them but you leave not insuring that that food supply will remain for the rest of their lives). Also God might just be human as us with a big responsibility on his/her shoulder so cut him/her slack....although i whole heartedly agree with you on why you get slack and others don't; i guess luck and happiness are random, unless you go out looking for them.
and let me ask you a question night poet, have you ever been laughed at by everyone in school

talked behind your back

get stabbed in the back by a friend
Who hasn't?

made fun of everyday
hell yes

been called a failure by your own family
Almost every day of my life till I was 16 and decided to stop feeling sorry for myself all hte goddamn time.

I hate to break it to you sunshine, but pretty much anyone who goes to school with other people will deal with the shit you have to deal with. Its a part of growing up. If you keep focussing on that stuff, you're gonna get trapped by it,and its just gonna keep happening. Blamin your problems on and omniscient deity doesn't solve anything. Maybe he is responsible for it. Then show him by fighting back. Keep living your life. DOn't care what others think of you. Once you get out of high school into the real world, people will generally accept you as you are until you piss them off.
In my experience, townies hang out in front of buildings all day, or in a wal-mart, if you happen to have one. You're proably not missing ot on all that much.

But then again, what do I know?
my life is not gonna get any better than it is gonna be, every fucking day im home, bored to death while everyone else in town is having the fucking time of thier life.

Go down to the children's wing of your local hospital and take a look around. Some people are having the time of their life trying to stay alive. They are lonelier than you are. They are scared to death and of death.

Sounds to me like you're having your own pity party. You can sit around feeling sorry for yourself or you can show the world (and God) that you are delighted to have a chance to make someone else feel loved and important. There is a Beatle's song that says the love that you get is equal to the love you give. Think about.

You sound very much like myself at your age. My life was no less challenging than yours, I have seen the power of positive thinking and prayer, most of my dreams have been realized and I'm no longer bitter over losing my parents and a host of other challenges life has thrown my way.
Re: bunch of bullshit

Originally posted by bobert42487
as i see it nightpoet, my life is not gonna get any better than it is gonna be, every fucking day im home, bored to death while everyone else in town is having the fucking time of thier life. and when i wanna go somewhere or do something i have to have an aunt or uncle drive me because its like pulling teeth to have my mom do the smallest things for me. sure she makes me food, cleans my clothes, and gives me my own room to sleep in, but she doesn't really show me any real compassion. and let me ask you a question night poet, have you ever been laughed at by everyone in school, talked behind your back, get stabbed in the back by a friend, made fun of everyday, been called a failure by your own family, no i don't think so, so don't tell me that life will get better when you haven't had to deal with the shit i've had to deal with
I believe that your life is what YOU make it.
God doesn't exist,so don't expect him to help you,or do anything for you.
(omnipotent,all knowing,all good god=contradiction in itself)
see; www.geocities.com/inquisitive79/
shit happens b/c the stronger people control the weak,
guess you have to get tough,bro!
and if you need a helping hand you will find one at the end of your arm ;)