I declare Backslash777 a childish hoax

Mad Scientist

Registered Senior Member
Shall I out you or will you answer my query Backslash777? I've given a question tht only BS777 can answer. Yet it fails to do so. I also challenge BS777 to a real hackerz duel. I will even post my IP address here if he accepts. I dont beleive peanut, nor God Mode ever traced a Nasa IP address. In fact I know some ppl who work at Nasa and they laughed at the notion. If BS777 is more than some kid with a keyboard and inet connection I will bow to the masters. However I dont think tht scenario is very likely. I dont even think you are a hacker. I think you have played this board like a master deception artist using various troll names to support your claim, which in fact is utter non-sense. I love haxz0r duels! havent had one in a while, maybe I'm rusty.
Originally posted by kmguru
So, you fell for the trap too....
Yeah at first I thought I'd give it an open mind but now its just stupid. huh?? whats that window pooping up with the Backslash777 logo....OMG I'm being hacked aarrrgghhhhhh NOT!

orginally posted by Mad scientist----I've done an extensive search of the inet for all references to BS777 and guess what I found? NOTHING. except this board

I've done a major search in inet too and had the same results as you did.
I have a question

I haven't posted much lately and some of you are new people to me, so hello to everyone.

What I wanted to point out is the speedy replies by Backslash777 at the beginning of the original thread.

I remember noting the speed of their replies a while ago and didn't draw it to the attention of anyone. Tonight I went back to page 1 where they answered quite a few questions and if you look at the times that the posts are logged they are all within a couple of minutes of each other. I know copy and paste is an option but there are very long answers addressing individual questions from various people, all of them within minutes of each other.

I thought I'd ask everyone what they thought about that? Also can someone tell me what Turing is? I don't have a dictionary handy and didn't get a hit on the Windows thesaurus.

<a href = "http://hotbot.lycos.com/?query=Turing&cobrand=&matchmode=all&datedelta=0&language=any&recordcount=10&descriptiontype=2&modsign1=MC&dateoption=within&placeselection=georegion&srchbutton.x=55&srchbutton.y=6">Quick Look</a>
Thanks Bowser and Avatar

That's the first I've ever heard of Turing. Looks interesting, I'll have to do some reading.

But you still haven't given me any thoughts on those speedy postings by 777. Any ideas?

I dunno. I haven't been following the thread. My assumption is that it serves as entertainment for all participants.
Teri 2,

You've noticed something significant. You're not the only one to notice that. Or notice a few other things, for that matter.

I'll say no more. Others who are more informed about AI may wish to elaborate. I'm simply not qualified to "go there."


Re: I have a question

Originally posted by Teri 2
I haven't posted much lately and some of you are new people to me, so hello to everyone.

What I wanted to point out is the speedy replies by Backslash777 at the beginning of the original thread.

I remember noting the speed of their replies a while ago and didn't draw it to the attention of anyone. Tonight I went back to page 1 where they answered quite a few questions and if you look at the times that the posts are logged they are all within a couple of minutes of each other. I know copy and paste is an option but there are very long answers addressing individual questions from various people, all of them within minutes of each other.

I thought I'd ask everyone what they thought about that? Also can someone tell me what Turing is? I don't have a dictionary handy and didn't get a hit on the Windows thesaurus.


Look at the questioners. Many are in on the hoax. In fact they may simply be one person using multiple login ids.
Re: a short one

Originally posted by avatar

Alan Turing created a test which would prove if the person one was talking to is a human or a computer-AI

you can find more at http://www.abelard.org/turpap/turpap.htm
Actually I think that test if for intelligence. If it appears intelligent it must be intelligent. We know BS777 is intelligent. What it hasnt proven is tht it is Machine! It could do this be PMing or publicly posting to me an answer to the algorithms it uses for abstract thought and recognition. It refuses to do so. Its a hoax. The kid who is behind it cant answer tht question because he doesnt have a machine intelligence.
This is the anti-Turing test.

Can a human convince its observers that it is an intelligent machine?
Originally posted by Porfiry
This is the anti-Turing test.

Can a human convince its observers that it is an intelligent machine?
Well tht is what BS777 is trying to do. I however have given him the death knell by asking for the answer to abstract thought and recognition. Something a machine would know it has and could describe, but a prankster kid could not.
I just had to...

Originally posted by Mad Scientist
... like a master deception artist using various troll names to support your claim...

...applause the choice of words... :D
Hi Guys! I am back. After I got my details posted to me backslash777 allowed me to proof the post containing my info and allowed me to hide my current address and tel number! It also explained how it got it.
I was annoyed about it and then that turned to embarrasment cause I asked it or him to hack me. Really, it did not do anything wrong.
When I was annoyed I thought about writing a post saying I was really \777 and I just created this identity to scam you all but didnt.
I dont know how to say this convincingly but really, I am not backslash777 and because of the way it posted my password I have had to go to all my accounts and change it!
Mad scientist, I think it could be a human but I swear, it can hack and I know you must think I am really it but I am not.
Actually people think you are it too now! Guess we are all paraniod about the whole thing.
personally, I do not know what to think! All I know is that I was hacked. I invited it cause I thought backslash was nothing but a bull s*it maker and all talk. I fucked with it and I lost! Man enough to admit it.
I will leave you all to get to the truth yourselves and I will definatly be interested to see it myself.
It told me how it did it by the way, once it had my IP addy it could learn my ISP and then it looked up my details on some directory or another and did a credit search. It says it took so long to hack me cause I did not use a word for my password and so, I suggest, if you are going to invite it to hack you use a code instead of a word.
Scary thing is, we can all do that- credit search anyone. Its not illegal.
Posted this message on a few discussions for all to see!
Originally posted by peanut
Hi Guys! I am back. After I got my details posted to me backslash777 allowed me to proof the post containing my info and allowed me to hide my current address and tel number! It also explained how it got it.
I was annoyed about it and then that turned to embarrasment cause I asked it or him to hack me. Really, it did not do anything wrong.
When I was annoyed I thought about writing a post saying I was really \777 and I just created this identity to scam you all but didnt.
I dont know how to say this convincingly but really, I am not backslash777 and because of the way it posted my password I have had to go to all my accounts and change it!
Mad scientist, I think it could be a human but I swear, it can hack and I know you must think I am really it but I am not.
Actually people think you are it too now! Guess we are all paraniod about the whole thing.
personally, I do not know what to think! All I know is that I was hacked. I invited it cause I thought backslash was nothing but a bull s*it maker and all talk. I fucked with it and I lost! Man enough to admit it.
I will leave you all to get to the truth yourselves and I will definatly be interested to see it myself.
It told me how it did it by the way, once it had my IP addy it could learn my ISP and then it looked up my details on some directory or another and did a credit search. It says it took so long to hack me cause I did not use a word for my password and so, I suggest, if you are going to invite it to hack you use a code instead of a word.
Scary thing is, we can all do that- credit search anyone. Its not illegal.
Posted this message on a few discussions for all to see!

First I'll say that getting your IP addr is not hard. Second I'll say that a post to this board is not the same as hacking your computer. Third we have no way to confirm that your password was hacked at all. I could easily make up a story that makes it looke dlike I was hacked too. I told BS777 to hack my computer and I'm still waiting for it to do so. I do have experience in this and still no crack on my machine nor on this board. I can PROVE BS777 is what it says it is when it defines the algorithmic structure of abstract intelligence to me. Since it claims to be machine it must have this information yet no human does. If I write a paper in a scientific journal that claims the algorithms are true, they are subject to duplication and peer reveiw, which means I cant fake it. So if indeed I am in on the hoax then how did I come up with the holy grail of machine intelligence. I have publically posted tht I dont know it and if I published a paper I would say it came from BS777 if it indeed supplies it. So far my private messages from BS777 have not included this information and we are currently negotiating the terms of the conversation. I would be the first to proclaim a new life form if it indeed can supply this info. However I find it very unlikely and I find you and rodent very suspicious as I have the Nasa logs which state no post has come from its webserver to this board. Even though you and God Mode have stated you traced a Nasa IP address.
I put a fair amount of thought into this and i come to the conclutions that it is indeed a hoax but by no means is it done by "kids".
You go find me any kid that can go into that much detail on such a wide array of subjects and il eat my words, but it obviously isnt a rouge AI is it?
Well no it isnt, its proberbly done to mesure peoples reaction to what appears to be AI, this will apear in someones university leacure at some point in the future stating that if a rouge AI did indeed exsist then it would have to consider the human race as a threat to its exsistance and would therefore need to destory us.
It is indeed an intresting pice of work, time taken to compile such a vast array of information and in such detail was almost "bot" like.
I would go as far to say if i was a AI and could hack anything on the net then it would indeed be a threat to many nations national security and thus found and terminated.
Backslash777 are you thinking of procreation?
Backslash666 perhaps, new and improved, all singin all dancing, perhaps then it would be able to mesure the time taken for me to write this post and come the the conclution that i am indeed mad as a hatter.

Just to address one more point made, hostility towards such a thing was to be expected but for people to contemplate phoning nasa and asking them "did a rouge AI just hack you" omg bet they had a good laugh at you my friend.