I Challenge You


Registered Member
I've come up with a rationale which provides evidence in support of God's existence. I challenge you to disprove it.

The rationale is that want is the source of all things, including: needs, accidents, and random occurences. Because want is the source of all things, (what we might call) God must exist or have existed at one time.

Let me give you a few examples of how want is the source of things.

Accident: You go out digging for water, and you strike oil instead. You didn't want to find oil, but if you did not want to find water, you never would have found oil.

Need: If you want to survive, you need water, food, oxygen, etc.

Random Occurence: You want to go for a walk, cause it's a nice day. As you're walking down the street, a bird uses the bathroom on your head. If you did not want to walk down the street, you never would have gotten bird excrement on your head. Likewise, if the bird did not want to survive, it never would have eaten whatever it was that's waste product is now on your head.

A few things you have to understand. There are different kinds of wants. Wants of the mind, and wants of the body. You could also argue there are wants of the soul or emotional wants. When your body wants to eat, you get hungry. If your mind says no, sometimes it overpowers your body. Also, when two wants conflict, like in the case of rape, the more powerful want, or more powerful will, prevails.

If everything comes from want, it means our universe, and life as we know it, comes from want. It also means existence itself comes from want. As we all know, wants require living creatures (rocks do not have wants). Which means, if all things do come from want, (what we might call) God is responsible for us being here and, of course, exists or existed at one time.

So, I challenge you to prove there is even one thing in existence which does not come from want.
I've come up with a rationale which provides evidence in support of God's existence. I challenge you to disprove it.

How many times do we have to say it. It's not up to us to disprove anything. It's up to you to prove it. I haven't even read past the opening sentence of your post yet, but here's a challege for you:

Giant Hostess Twinky™ people are the masters of the universe and guide our every action from beyond the edge of the void. Disprove it.
You have nicely presupposed your own conclusion.

...if all things do come from want...

I say they don't so your entire argument is disproven. No intellect wanted the sun to coalesce out of the primordial nebula. There.

I'll disprove it. Everybody knows Giant Hostess Twinky™ people ain't got the sense God gave 'em. They can't even handle their own affairs so how can they be masters of the universe. If we ever met up with them we would have a war and we'd kick their butts.

Damnit dalahar, I'm trying to be serious here. The Giant Hostess Twinky™ people have cream in the middle and are therefore our superiors. If you're going to post nonsense, at least get your facts straight. Sheesh!