I can't believe students are going to be punished for this


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N.Y. Students Pull Birth-Control Prank

SELDEN, N.Y. (AP) - Parents opened their mailboxes to find an official-looking letter offering birth control - and motel rooms - for the upcoming senior prom.

Disciplinary action will be taken against the individual or individuals involved, said Ross. The hoax also ``would involve police action'' since mail fraud was committed, he said.

This was a genuinely, well thought out and well executed prank. No one was hurt and nothing was damaged, with the possible exception of the egos of a few humorless parerents.

this should be held up as an example as how to pull a prank! I just cannot believe "police action" is going to be involved. Every year thousands of highschool and university students pull dangerous and destructive pranks and the majority just get laughed off with a shake of the head and the obligitory, "oh, those silly kids!". Meanwhile some poor geek is tied upside down and nude to a stop sign in the middle of town.

Now, a truly clever (and harmless) joke is played on the parents and they call the cops, no wonder teens are so bitchy these days.
"In order to pull off a prank like this, we believe it had to be an individual that's bright and who is familiar with the mailing system,'' the principal said. "

Police involvement is a little harsh I think. If someone was smart enough, and had enough time to do this, it is probably because they were board with school and wanted to have some fun. I probably would do something like that. It'd be hilarious!
What the fuck! Seriously, what the fuck!

Do people not have a sense of humour nowadays? And is it that extreme that it's illegal to have a sense of humour?!
I know, I find the more I think about it the more pissed off I am. This is the biggest over reaction since janet jackson's "nipplegate".

- yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre... not funny.
- pulling out a fake machine gun at a school... not funny
- Dropping rocks off of overpass onto moving cars... not funny

- this prank, however, is funny. AND NO ONE WAS HURT OR HUMILIATED! That's so rare these kids should be given some kind of award.

Hey parents! way to suck that joy and creativity out of your kids, we should have a nice crop of drones this year.
Sometimes I don´t understand people. Don´t they know that there are things in life that you can laugh about?
Our parents aren't use to our kind of pranks. I find that most are still stuck in the 1970's ... which could explain the over-reaction of the (as buffys puts it) "nipplegate" incident.

It won't be another 15 to 20 years before the next generation of parents show some kind of sense of humor. The parents of today wouldn't know a good laugh even if it smacked them in the face. I know ... there are some parents who does have that kind of sense of humor (like the majority of my friend's parents) but I know too many of them who, for example, thought the over-reaction of the "nipplegate" incident (I like that term :p ) was rightfully justified.
That "Nippelgate" I don´t understand anyway. My grandparent wouldn´t have been shocked about that. I suppose they would have laughed about it.
You see naked women all the time in advertisements and such things. Why should anyone care about one nipple?
don't get me started about janet jackson's nipple, I could rant for hours about the rediculous reaction to that.
Advertisements that I've seen don't portray naked women as such. They may show their legs and their bare backs but I don't actually recall seeing an ad where a woman's brest was exposed. At least here I don't see those kinds of ads and I have cable. But I wouldn't care what they show on TV or not and that whole nipple incident didn't even grab much of my attention anyways.
No? Than you should look at German advertisements :D
Nothing against a bare-breasted woman, 4x4 meters big displayed at
the outer wall of a shopping centre.

And all those damn TV ads for sex-hotlines.... just naked....

They only refrain from showing the genitals, for displaying a cunt or an erection is forbidden. :p
I think it's mainly the European countries whom are less strict on what's displayed on television ... I may be wrong about that. I know that North American television wouldn't dare show a nipple in an advertisement becasue the public would be all over it portraying the ad as a hinderence on the development of America's youth ... saying something along the lines of "is this what our kids should be watching" and "American television poisoning the minds of today's youth".

All that I register from the media is blah blah blah blah nipple blah blah. :p
Does that mean there are no soft-porns broadcasted after 10:00 pm?
Or some other erotic shows? That´s just too bad. :D
The only erotic shows that ever play on television are on pay-per-view. Or in other words ... scramble television.
Hehe, we get it for free. And plenty of it. I think 6 or 7 stations broadcast some soft-porn every day.

And my parents think that prank described up there funny :D

I think Americans are very restricted by their morals, aren´t they?
It's the whole "in God we trust thing." It's funny that not many of them seem to though.
Enigma'07 said:
It's funny that not many of them seem to though.

Sorry, but what do you want to say with this?
Do you want to say: It´s funny that not many of them seem to think?
As I said earlier ... many of them are still stuck in the mid to late 20th century where morals could have had it's own law book. It's just that so much has change in society over the past 50 years that many can't cope with the changes and I don't blame them.

The computer era introduced much more in 20 years then books did in 500 years. Some parents can cope with the changes but to most ... the morals they learned when they were young are hard-wired into their life. It's because of this "stuck in time" phase that many parents can't see any of our pranks funny or see anything beyond their own morals.
Is it possible that it is a "local" occurence? I know many parents or adults in general who have the same humor (more or less) that I have. They also talk the way I do. (Whereas I have to exclude me and my friends from the rap and hip hop society and their slang)

And most also think like the younger persons.

Could it be a kind of cultural trait?
It´s funny that not many of them seem to think?

Not what I ment, but it's true. I guess I ment that they want people to see them as a religious country, when realy, they don't care for anything religious!
Ah, thanks for explaining. That might be true. But perhaps they are religious, not like a classic christian or muslim or whoever. They may have some twisted kind of new religion. Or at least the frame of a religion.